--,The grand opening of dress goods and mantles at Eoehmer's on Thursday evening last, as was advertised in the CHRONICLE, was a magnificent success. This firm knows how to advertise to Teach the people of this county. Cir- culation counts. See their advt. in another column of this issue. -"Clean up" should now be" the watchword of every citizen, who has his own, his family's or his neighbor's health and comfort at heart," Those who will not do so must in the general ’interest, be compelled to remove hlth and rubbish. -In cities, towns and incorporated villages when the schools close on Thurs- day, they will not be reopened until the 10th of April, the statutes provid- ing for holidays during the week following Easter Sunday. In rural sections there are but two holidays, Good Friday and Easter Monday. The CHRONICLE is no back gnu-tuber but brimful of all the V atest local news. If you are mot on our list you should sub-. scribe for it and get all the news --eays a sensible contemporary: "Never send away for anything you can get just as cheap at home. Help your neighbors. The man who comes to a. town for the sole purpose of mtsk- ing money out of its inhabitants and spends his money some place else, is a mean, little-souled ingrate. Spend your money with the people of the town. --,The High school entrance exami- nations in Ontario will this year com- mence on June 28th. Examinations for primary and junior leaving teaelr org' certificates and for University Puss Matriculation, will begin on J ulv 4th, while the senior leaving and hon, OI' matriculation examinations will com- mence on July 13th. __Smythe Bros. of Berlin are one of the busiest dry goods firms of Wa- terloo county. They buy their goods in the very best markets of the world for cash. This is one of the secrets why people flock to Smythe Bros.’ store to purchase the finest goods at remark- ably low prices. Read their new advt. asthey have always something of real interest for you. -Mr. Andrew Weidenhnmmer was made the recipient of an elegant Student/s Easy Chair Inst wpek by the members of the Young Peoplra's Choir in connectien with Sr. John’s Lutheran Chureh. -The Ladies' Aid in ' connection with the Waterloo Presbyterian Church purpose holding a parlor concert; and sale of useful and fancy articles this (Thursday) evening at the residence of Mr. Geo. Davidson. MISSING 1?APEms.--The mails are very uncertain, and many papers which are started to subscribers never reach them. If you miss a number don't censure the publisher and don't remain . eut, but report the loss to him and set-herwill be mailed. Persons who V' 0 Without the papers they paid for, and complain of the publisher, do in- justice to all concerned. -Tl1e Galt horse show is to be held on Thursday, April 13th, the day following the Agricultural Society's Show at Ayr, and the day before Guelph Spring Show. ---Mr. J. H. Lanclreth of the white Drug Store, Berlin, has contracted for the left hand corner of the eighth page of the \T’ATERLOO COUNTY CHRONICLE. Mr. Landreth is a most enterprising druggist and will commence to speak to the readers of this paper in next, week's issue. He will thus speak to every one in the county, even to those living in the farthest parts of the townships and it will paw them all to read and act on what is found in Land, ireth's corner. -Prosperous advertising, means rc- gular, continuous advertising. The news paper is the natural medium of advertising and the only one which is absolutely necessary to business publi- city. -1L1ber"s, Berlin is the best place wlxave your photographic work done. He kueps himself posted in all the latest points of the photographic arty. His studio will be open on Easter Monday. u-Good Friday and Easter Monday, 3rd April, will be Bank holidays, of which all interested will take notice and govern theursclves accordingly. --D. S. Huber of Waterloo will have his photo gallery open on Good Friday and Easter Monday. Call nnd inspect his work even if you should not leave an order. Notice of changes must be left at this office not Inter than Saturday noon. The nopyjior changes must. be left not lube thquuesrhy noon. Casual Advertise- ments accepted up to noon Wednesday of eachjweek. -Mr. Huber of Berlin makes :1 specialty Ppliotographing wedding groups. --Mrs. Henry Allemang of Foundry st. Berlin, sold her property, formerly occupied by Mr. J. M. Barber, to Mr. E. Herties, blacksmith, for $1000. LOCAL NEWS. TO ADVERTISERS EDucATrosrrsrs' CoNvENTIoN.-The 32nd annual convention of the Ontario Educational Association will be held in Toronto next Tuesday and Wednesday. The Association of Public and High School Trustees has wisely concluded to meet at the same time and place, and the combined programme published gives promise _.'of a gathering which should be intensely interesting and really profitable to both teachers and trustees. All teachers who can should attend and every truseee hoard should have a representative present. A SUCCESSFUL W'ILMo'r Bor.---). Adam Appel and wife of Portland, Ore- gon, are at present on a visit to friends and relatives in Berlin and vicinity. Mr. Appel is in the employ of the Oliver Chilled Plough Company of South Bend, Indiana. He is an old Wilmot boy having spent his boyhood days in Wilmot Centre, a few miles south of Baden. He is at present fill- ing a very responsible and lucrative position in the above company in whose employ he has been for. the past fifteen years. When the company decided to exhibit at theWorld's Fair at Chicago, Mr. Appel was selected out of their great army of agents as best frteed to represent them and to arrange their display. The exhibit to be made by this company will be something superb, consisting of 100 gold and silver plated models as well as 100 of their regular ploughs, all of them nickel-plated. Mr. Appel will remain here for about three weeks before going to .Chicago for his six months' stay there. Any visitors to the World's Fair from Waterloo county will receive special attention by calling at his headquarters at Chicago during the Fair. MILLINERY (hHgsrNG.--Ths gemi.arr. nual Millinery and Mantle opening of Messrs Groff and Hymen of Berlin took place yesterday and continues to- day and following days. They extend a cordial invitation to the lady readers of the CHRONICLE and hope to be favored with their presence. There has been an extra amount of activity and business life in the different de- partments of this extensive Dry Goods Firm during the last few days. Great preparations were made in the millin- ery and mantle departments and the re- sultmust indeed bevery gratifyingto the members of this enterprising firm. The store is beautifully festooned with various colored silks and flowers and the show room is a vast picture - of of tastefully trimmed hats arranged in a most ClIEImil‘lg and pleasing manner. The opening is a pronounced success. Hundreds of ladies of Berlin and Waterloo have been constantly going in and out and expressed their admir. ation of the fine display of millinery and the splendid range of German man- tles and Capes. In passing through their large establishment one will notice an extensive stock of fine dress goods, On enquiry M r. Grotf stated that in this line their house is second to none and that they have imported a larger and finer stock than ever before. --Mr. George Acheson of Goderich, a men of cl',"),?,?)', wealth, has purchased the dry D eds stock of Mr. J. O. Hymmen of Berlin at a certain rate on the dollar. The business will be carried on in the same premises occupied by Mr. Hynnnen and will be pushed forward with great vigor. The store will be closed about the first of next month for. a short time in order to go over the stock, to marl; down the goods, and to add ' very large new stock. There will be no trash or cheap stock in this store and when the store is reopened under the new manage- ment, there will be presented to the public one of the largest and finest stocks in Berlin. Mr. Acheson is tale ing with him in the business Mr. E. H. Chart, formerly with Groff & Hymmen who is well and favorably known here. FOOT BALL.--Thrs semi annual meet- ing of the Ranger Football Club was held last, Monday evening at the “Val new Housn, Berlin. The following oth. cers were elected for the Pnsuing year Hon. President, H. J, Hall ;President, A. bl ueller , Vice-President, Thos. Pearce ; Second Vice-President, w. C. J. Klng; Secretary, Thos. Turnbull , Treasurer, David Forsyth ;Captnin, E. O. Boehmer; Curator, D. Brown, Wm Noble, of Guelph, has been making a cant‘ass of Berlin and Waterloo in the inter- est of the Canadian Mutual Loan and Invest- ment Co. and has met with encouraging BUC- cess. 1t. --The negro, John Smith, who was arrested last week at Galt for stealing a Brndstreets’ Rate Book addressed to the Economical Fire Insurance Co., Berlin, from the freight shed, was found guilty before J udge Lacourse and sentenced on Thursday last to seven years at hard labor in the King- tun Penitentiary. Amongst other damaging evidence, Chad of Public Randall, of Guelph, stated that the prisoner's right name was Frank Green and that he is one of the worst sneak thieves in America and that he has given tho police of Guelph lots to do. He was taken to Kingston last Monday morning in custody of high constable Klippert and turnkey Tracy. , -A number of the teachers of Waterloo and others attended Mr. J. Hagey’s public school examination at Lexington on Saturday last. Mrs. Malloy and Miss Haller of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Geo. Lang. . Miss Callaghan left to-day for her home at Meadowville, where she will spend her Easter holidays. Messrs. R. E. Payne and George E. Burrows, both of Buffalo, N. Y. spent Sunday at Mr. S. B. Bvieker's Principal Cork will leave for Toron, to on Monday next. He will attend the opening of the Provincial Parliament and the session of the Provincial Teachers' Association. circulars. &th.... F..VV_r.t...V. .. am can“. photos, deeds, policies, Ke. “hams, parcel Post----. 5th class, merchandise ._..._.._ F....'. Amount of postage on above.,..... Registered letters included in above Free letters,..-..-.....,.. Miss Ziegler will spent her Easter holidays in Toronto. Miss Annie Ward of Berlin has left for Toronto to live there. Mr. and Mrs. F. Schlote and Mr. and Mrs. Engelhardb spent Sunday last in New Hamburg. Mrs. Casper Hett returned from Philadelphia where she has been visit, ing her son for some time. I)r.Geo.Kumpf arrived home on Monday last from Philadelphia where he is conducting a successful dental business. The Rev. F. Maier left on Monday last to attend the funeral of Mr. An- drew Otto of Rainham Centre, father of the late Mrs. Maier. Captain Herbert J. Bowman left last Saturday morning for London to attend the infantry school. Mrs. Bowman is visiting in Toronto. Mr. M. A. Whiting returned home from his North West business trip last week. He had been away since January 3rd and reports a successful trip. Miss Anthes left to-day (Thursday) for Toronto where she will spend her Easter holidays and attend the Pro- vincial Teachers' Association which meets in the city/', PLATE GLASS FRoNvs.--We, under, stand that Messrs. Dewitt & Co. will put in a large plate glass front in their store facing King street, A part of the wall facing Erl) street will be when out and plate glass substituted. This will much improve the appearance of this excellent business corner.---) Killer estate also purposes putting in new plate glass fronts in the stores occupied by Messrs. J. w. Fear dr Co. and Mr, Adolph Kern. Ennmornlinn return for the week ending 18:]: Hutch. 1893. On one week every year every post office in Canada keeps an accurate rec- ord of all mail matter that is posth at the respective oifiees, and on this record, considered on an average, is based the returns as to the number of letters, ere, posted in Canada during the year, Canadian letters posted--,-. 0tlusrrrstters,..l....-.., Canadian post cardir........-..,... f?tluTpositeds---.-,-,--,- 3rd class_matttrs, newspapers. books, Mr. R. Brough left for Guelph to day. Mr. R. Beger, New Hamburg, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Cyrus Bricker left to-day to visit friends in Strafurd. Mr. George Killer returned to Winnipeg on Monday last. Mrs. Mary Paetz left on Tuesday last for Boissewain, Manitoba. Mr). J. Wesley Hoffman, druggist, Detriot, is home for Easter holidays. Mrs. and Miss Minnie Ernst of New Hamburg were the guests of Mrs. A. Ernst a few days last week. Mr. Henry last week in trouble with Hanover. Messrs. Hedly Hilborn, Willie Kranz and Oliver blautz, of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. are home for their Easter holidays. Mr. Albert Sane of New York, Mr. Adolph Sane, Rochester, Mrs. Fred Durst of Breslau and Mrs. Wm. Hague of Box Grove, were amongst the near relatives who attended the funeral of the late Christian Salle on Sabbath last. TROUT Fp3mhra--Trout, fishing does not commence until Monday, the lst of May, this year. Last year owing to the Dominion Order in Council, the fishing opened on the lst of April, but residents of Ontario are undoubtfully governed by the Ontario Statutes of 1892. The fine for violating the Act is $10 tofr30 and game wardens are known to be extremely vigilant. NEW (Nu-Mr. Adolph Kern has engaged a. first-class cutter from Toronto, one who comes well recom- mended and does not fear competition. Good (itatitog clothes at sensible prices. No fie, no pay, our constant motto. Mr. Kern's aim is to have the best. in town-Always It. --Take H. C. C. for coughs, coidss,'roup, Waterloo Post 013306. Personal Ment1orr Aletter was in Berlin connection with some the Felt Boot Co., of $133éf .m109 Waterloo County Chronicks. 392s 722 134 .,19 ,14 365 722 The services at the St. Peter’s Luth- eran Church last Sabbath were con- ducted by Ber. R. von Pirch and Rev. \Vurster , fifty-two young persons were received into the church by rite of Confirmation. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the Evangelists, held their farewell meet ing last Tuesday evening at the Me- tropolitan, Toronto. They will open in Trinity Methodist Church, Berlin, next Sunday morning. The quarterly union meeting of the Christian Endeavor. societies of Water- loo will be held on Tuesday evening, April 4th, 1893, in the Evangelical church, when the Rev, Dr. Moffat of Toronto, will lecture on "The No. 1 power of Christ." The lecture will he practical and along the line of Christ- ian Endeavor work. A collection will he taken up at the close of the lecture. It is hoped that many not connected with the societies will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear Dr. Moffat. Rev. E. W. Hughes, of Wingham, gave his congregation a few words of advice the other Sunday, anent lower.. ing the stipend of his successor. The Rev gentleman said it would be a great mistake to do so, especially in the face of the fact, which he said none could gainsay, that the congregation was a rich one, the aggregate wealth, from a careful estimate, being $2,500,- 000. In St, John’s Lutheran church, Waterloo, there will be preparatory services on Tyur_sdly afuyrnoon at 2 p. m. 011 Good Friday there will Be service at half past ten in the morning and at seven o'clock in the evening. On Saturday at 2 o'clock another. pre- paratory service will be held followed by communion services 011 Sunday at 10. 30 o'clock a. In. and another ser- vice in the evening as 7 o'elock.--Last Sunday twenty-one young people were oonfivmed. Mrs. b'tuernagel had afine display of millinery at her opening yesterday. The leading shades are the light and dark heliotrope and light and dark green. Jets are to be very much worn made up in bows. The square hat is a new shape just out. The one we specially noticed was composed of black net and quilled tulle, with a wreath of violets. A very elaborate hat was one composed of black net made up very fluffy, trimmed with silk velvet, feathers. buckles, pins, and buttercup and crimson roses. Alto, gether the display was a very elegant one. Rev. J. F. Parke, of the Christ Church, Listowel, has been presented with a purse of over $60, to purchase n. new horse, his present animal having reached the good old age which should entitle her to superannuation. The purse originated with and was mainly contributed by the farmers of the congregations of Listowel and Shipley. The Millinery Opening at Bricker & Diehels’ yesterday was very largely attended. The rooms were tastefully festooned with various colored silks and flowers, The favorite hats seem to be the Parody, a black green chip, trimmed with green shot ribbon and sprays of rose leaves, and the Clevo. land, composed of black and rose straw trimmed with ribbon and flowers to match. Another very beautiful hat, was made of crimpled fawn lace, trim- med with shaded pink tips and flowers of the same shade. Miss Cathcart who is in charge of this department has succeeded in making a very fine display which is much admired by the ladies of the town. The Rev. J. G. Litt will preach in the Evangelical Church Berlin on Good Friday at 10.45 a. m. The church will be beautifully decorated for Easter services and on Sabbath evening the choir will give a rich "Song 8erviee." In the British house of commons Mr. Balfour's motion to censure the Irish executive was rejected by u vote of 319 to 272, a majority of 47 for the government. The Baptist Church, Berlin, will have services on Good Friday at 10a. m. and on Easter Sunday the pastor, the Rev. Mr. Fetzer, will preach appru- printed Sermons for the occasion both morning and evening. The Rev. J. W. Dinius, who has filled the pulpit of the Uni ted Bretren Church, Berlin, for the last two years so ably and well, preached his farewell sermon mi Sabbath morning last to a crowded house. He made many warm friends while here and left on Monday last for the State of Ohio. The Rev. F. Maier will hold servic- es on Good Friday in the Evangelical Church, Waterloo, at 10.30 a. m. and at Bridgeport at 2.30 p. m. The Rev. J, W. Bell, M. A., of Newmarket will conduct the services at St. Andrews Church, Berlin, next Sabbath. The Rev. James Cameron of To- ronto will preach in the Waterloo Presbyterian Church next Sabbath Ripans Tabules '. for liver troubles. Millinery Openings MRS. b'TEUERNAGEL, 131110an k DumEL Church Items A very pleasant gathering it was, which found itself "At Home" at "Balsam Grove" the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sander, sr. near Zion church, Waterloo Tp. on Tuesday, March 2tleh. The occasion was the 50th anniversary of their wedding day. The guests were the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Pomeroy, Rev. Mr. Caswell, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sander, and the children and tgrand-children of the old couple, with the wives and husbands of the former. The following were present : Mr. and Mrs. John Sander, who own the homestead farm with six of their children, the other two being: in Mani- tuba ; Mr. and Mrs. T. Hilliard of Waterloo with their children ; Mr. and Mrs. Menno Devitt of Waterloo with their children ; Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Sander and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sander, Jr. and children, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Sauder of Berlin and, children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and child, and Miss Tillie Sander. One' son, Samuel, is in Chicago and could not attend. There were 48 present in all, and after an excellent dinner had been served, and the happy couple had been duly congratulated by everybody and had been presented with beautiful. easy chairs by their sons, and withl gold rimmed spectacles and life-like) portraits of themselves in oil, hand- somely framed, by their daughters, theJ rest of the day was spent in a delight- ful family reunion, with much merrei-l ment on the part of the little ones, andl more quiet, but hardly less enjoyablefl‘ friendly intercourse on the part of the) older generation. The old people are! just past 71 years of age, are still quitel hearty and have the comfort of looking; upon a healthy family of five sons and, four daughters, all of whom are filling; respectable stations in life. There aref 34 grand-children, ot whom 27 were present at the gathering on Tuesday. The old gentleman has always voted with the Reform party, and so far none of his sons or tsons-in-law have failed to', follow his example in this respect. Thel old people have from their youth been steady members of the Evangelical Association church, and their children and grand-children are all either: mem- bers or adherents of the Methodist Church. For Tailoring, Shoemakmg and manufacturing of all kinds they are murhout9rivals. WaterlooNuv. 28, 'P?, was conferred upon Nathaniel Wheel- er the President of the Company. A copy of the GRAND PRIZE can be seen at the store of G. A. VVANLESS, here, who finds pleasure in showing the machines. EasterEgg hes All honor to these old pioneers, whose hardjabor, self-denying economy, .‘ quiet industry, God-fearing character,; and noble example have made Canada one of the happiest communities on the face of the earth. May their de-, scendamts emulate their example, hon- or them while they enjoy a green old age, and revere their. memory when they shall have passed hence. C THREE Thoroughbred Durham BuI Calves deep redcolor. Apply at residence, two miles west of Waterloo. Come and bring the children to see our grand display of EASTER EGGS. The official list of awards at the Exposition Universelle, The World’s Fair, held in Paris in 1889 proves that the for sewing machines was awarded to the Wheeler & Wilson Wf'g. Co., and the We can sell you 4 light colors 4 dark " 3 light tt 3 dark ik 2 light " 2 dark " 1 light " 1 dark " 4 light " 4 dark IL also a. full stock of mend Dyes for silk, Bevitt’s my hog Store entirely without Authority concerning sewing machines appear inslthe news- papers. Obviously, it is not in the interests of a. successful competi- tion to urge a. deceptive position towards the public. But no harm can come of any statements which vindicate truth. Here, then, is scope for a few general and widely known facts.-. HIGHEST POSSIBLE PREMIUM, THE ONLY GRAND PRIZE Some Sensational Statements Cross of the Legion of Hanan Golden Wedding. FOR SALE. colors for LEVI STAUFFER, 10 it 10 u Turkish and Dia- wool and cotton at ivVteifdonii1t 5 cents which, comprises a great variety of novelties in And all the fashionable fads and fancies of the season. when you are figuring onaour Spring wear for we are prepared to please you; either in Count us in Wall Paper 1’ Wall Paper! W. R, Becker & Co's We invite comparison of our goods and prices with those of competing firms. Our stock this year is very complete, consisting of all the newest designs we show the Ingrains, Gilts, Varnishables, eta, etc. If you want to save money, call on us. If you want to get the latest, call on us. If you want to see the largest Assortment, call on us. COMMERCIAL BLOCK, '.Ci1idClliR,S- And hope by fair and square dealing to receive a liberal share of the Public Patronage. h and am? the lst of Marsh IN KILLER'S BLOCK if? Everything nice. fresh and clean with Close, Keen Prices No old Stock. Not forgetting to thank for past favors. To The Ladies! Waterloo, February 27th, 1893. BIG MOVE! Our Line of March Goods, all about the line of See the beautiful Sets of LADIES' UN DERWEAR, home-made and of the best material. Also a very choice line of new prints, muslins and embroideries and a general stock of Fancy Goods, Berlin Wools, etc., etc., at Formerly Doering Bros. Stand SPRING STYLES. A.nDCDt/EPET The line of march we refer to is Variety, quality or Price. J. UFFLEMAN, Berlin Book Store. FALL IN King St " WATERLOO, I will occupy the store MARCH ‘1 The Cheapest and best at THE PROFIT SPL WATERLOO. ITTER