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Waterloo County Chronicle, 16 Mar 1893, p. 3

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HIS SINS (ll? OMISSEON W. Jr. sauuff%ovraws_s THE CHARACTER OF JAY GOULD. The Duty of Millionaires to The" Genera- llIm-mwunt Demo: Will "o " " Sts Not ootre-0%o I’m-501ml Habits of the, Deccan ed Ma1tFtnutonalre. But, after all, it is not so much by the dir ect abuse of power which money gives thatthemillionaire of to-day will be weighed in the balance and found want- ing. It is not so much the sins of com mission as those of omission which lie piled at his door, The wealth of such Y n ta s, _ ”m-.-" .J “Amt... tgnaw as Jay Gould is a sceptre oi power'. The failure to exert that power in the promotion of the great causes which mark the progress of humanity is an offence which cannot be atoned for by any amount of tithing of mint, wise and cumin. Private beneliceratse, even on the most lavish scale and conducted in the most secret way, can no more compensate for the failure to exert the authority and iniNenee that a million- aire possesses in stemming the tide of vice, ignorance and savager3, and in promoting the advent of a higher and nobler life. The regular attendance at a. parish church does not justify a mon- arch in allowing his frontier to lie open to the incursions of the foe. Of the millionaire, more than of other men,ms.y it be said, in "getting and spending, we lay waste our powers ;” but in the case of the millionaire it should be "getting and hoarding weslay waste our powers” It was computed that around the bier of Jay Gould were gathered some dozen men whose combined fortunes amount- ed to one hundred millions sterling. No unnecessary work can long be left neglected, andiflmillionaires will not clis, tribute their wealth and use their great position with great souls and hearts, they will find that they will come to be regarded by the hungry and thirsty Demos much as compensation reservoirs are regarded by the inhabitants of the cities who have constructed them to re- plenisli the,sirrearu which their thirst would otherwise drink dry. These great fortunes of 70 millions and 100 and 300 millions of dollars will come to be regarded as the storage service upon which mankind draw in season of bear'e- ity and drought. That is the use which society will make of its millionaires if millionaires do not anticipate the iuevit- able by utilizing their millions, Some people imagine chat the progressot dem- oeratie socialism will tend to discourage the accumulation of these hugefortunes; it is more likely that Demos wall regard his millionaires as the cottager regards his bees. Times: useful insects spend the Iivelong summer day in collecting and hoarding up in their combs the golden plunder cd a thousand flowers, but when the autumn comes the bee wishes to) take its rest and to enjoy the fruits of its summer toil.' But the result does not altogether correspond with the ex- pectation of the bee. A few more Jay Goulds and the autumn of millionaires will be near at hand. He was more or' less an invalid all his life. It has been said that he scarcely knew what it was to be with- out an ache. Certainly he was afflietrt,d with dyspepsia and neuralgia for many years. He was of a very nervous tem- perament. His face had a faded yel- low hue, looking at times waxy, yet few men took better care of theurslves than Mr. Gould. It has sometmes been said that he occasionally overate, but this probably arises from the fact that the slightest 1ntempeva-cce in eair ing affected him more than other men. He was seldom out of bed later than eleven o'eloek at night, except on those evenings when he would take his child- ren and grandchildren to the theater or circus. He abstained absolutely from spirit' nous liquors and never used tobacco- His doctor told him a number of years ago that it wouldn't do him any harm to smoke a. little, because it might di- vert his mind from the cares of bmi. ness. He laid in a great supply of the most expensive Turkish cigarettrs and assayed the feat. But it Was a dismal failure and the office boys in the West- ern Union building reveled in the Turk- ish cigarettes which M r, Gould threw away. A modest cup of claret was all he ever took at'dinner and he cared no- thing especially abuot the brand or quality-Typ the “Character Sketch of Jay Gould." by W. T. Stead, l?ebru- ary Review of Reviews. A Disturbance isn't what yon want, if your stomach and bowls are irregular. That's about all you get, though with the ordinary pill. It may relieve you for a moment but you’re usually in a worse state af- terward than before. This is just where Dr. Pierce’s Plea- sent Pellets do most good. They act in an easy and natural way, very dif. ferent from the huge, old-fashioned pills. They've not only pleasanter, but there’s no reaction afterward, and their help lasts. One little sugar-coat- ed pellet for a gentle laxative or cor. rective--three for a cathartic. Consti. pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Dizziness, Sick and Bilious Headaches, are promptly relieved and cured. They'ro the smallest, the easiest to alre-and the cheapest pill you can , for they're guaranteed to give 'sfaction, or your money ls returned, 11 pay only for the good you get. A Myutery About Arte mu Ward. l Among the mysteries of his life (and they are many). none was greater than that involving the total disappear- ance of his property at. the time of his dersth. Mr. Maxtield, his administra- tor, who knew much of his "airs, says that while he did nothave as much money as was generally supposed, yet, being in bis room In Waterford one day, just before hisdepareure for Eng. land, and while he Was arranging his business anlrs "so that," as Charles said, "if anything should happen moth- er will be all right," he saw a pile of notes on the nablo amounting to $12.- 000, which he thought Was all the money Charleshad. He had a. vulu- able gold watch Mid chain. The chain was of solid gold, 21 present from the California miners, very heavy, though plainly wrought, and worth alone sew eral hundred dollars, He has also a a diamond pin of considerable value, and two diamond rings. Besides, his lust season in London was very success- lul. For some six weeks he netted $300 a night. He was also liberally paid for his contributions to Punch. But of all this his mother never receiv- ed a cent, and not so mach as a single relic. Previous to his death he had cleared the old homestead of debt, and had willed his mother a small property st Yonkers, New York. What became of the rest l.-.Serihtoer. The inventions or Our Age. Those of us not yet M) years of age l have probably lived in the most impor- ( tant and progressive period of human history. Within thishalf century the "following inventiom and discoveries have new among, the naiuberr.-Ocean st,esvroships, street; railways, elevated railways, telegraph lines, ocean cables, telephones, phonogmph, photography and a store of new methods of picture- making, aniline colours, kerosene oil, electric li'ghm. steam iie engines, clue mi: :sl 31's e, ring-JV ("We anesthetics and mielmx N- uer'v, C"?! cotton, nitro- glyr l a he, f rntusoite, ;iant powder, al- moinum, matuvxeoiur , emu other new _ metals, elritro-platinri, spent. um ana- l lysis and epech'Oavope. avdipllone, pneu- mouic wins, electric motor, electric rail- way, elect, 1e bells, iypewriter, cheap pastel LYS‘LELD' srceacn-levv'cing, steam hydraulic elevators, vestibule, cars, cat-tilever bridges. Thme {we only a out. All positive knoulml':e of the physical constitution of plenetarv and stellar worlds has been attained within this period.----'") Review. ABeoetrv1He Young Man Takes ms own "re-oe-tde-. Brockville, Ont., March 8,-Last night, between 11 and 12 o,eloelr, Mr. William Cheetham and wife with their daughter, on returning home from a social held at St. John's church here, were horrified on finding their: son sit- ing upright in a chair with a revolver in his hand and a bullet hole through his head and one through his left side, having shot himself in their absence. Deceased has been very despondent for the last year or so. He was a carriage trimmer by trade, but has not worked for over a year. coronerhraux being notified, decided that it was not necessary to hold an inquest. It is said that a fair calculation of the time occupied in seeing the World's Fair places it at a month. A project is on foot to have electrical carriers supplied to the building and grounds. Those who cannot afford the time nec- essary to see the show in an ordinary way, may get into a receptacle and be whisked through the building at the rate of a hundred and twenty miles an hour. It is calculated in this Way that visitors getting into the city in the morning may leave at night if they escape the thugs and sandbaggers. Peach Bloom consume nothing that can injure the skin. It is clear as water, and leaves no trace of the application one min, lite after the application. Peach Bloom (infers-from any known preparation, in that it cleanses the pores of i ' . t . . :,,,A _-..-.i'.'-., 1... preymumuu, Lu unchu AV new“-.. my rm.“ v. the skin from injurious ueeumulations, im, parts health to the inner as well as to the outer cuticle, dissolving and removing Pimples, Blackheads, Liver Spots and Blem- ishes, and gradually brings about thattraus- parent. state of the skin that makes a per- fect complexion. Peach Bloom is in demand ahead of all cheap preparations, because it has merit, Enid because it produces the results we claim or it. Sold by Druggists, price $1.00, or sent on -,_Itftitot of price by Eddressing. lli lll III ill Ill A DESPERANi', SUICIDE. all wEsidreiikiiicad co., 186 1Ugaide St., West, Toronto. SOLD BY S, SNYDER, Mggisl, Waterloo @Exchâ€"{KW [is her complezicu. Chy,1trava1'i'cs?'yh; Freckles spots a: any blemish whey Peach Bloom Shit Food will remove them amend 13mm ii; Skin transpar- ont, soft and beau- lmul? I no Scored one. An excellent story ie told of a. cer tain well known railway manager, who A equally renowned to make nr Luke u Joke. An employe, whose home is in the country, applied to him for a pass to visit his family. “You are in the employ of the com- pany l" inquired the gentleman allud- ed to. "Yes." “You receive your pay regularly l" "Yes." "Well, now, supposing you were working for a. farmer, instead of the company, would you expeet your em- ployer to take. out his horses every Sat- urday ngght, and carry you home? This seemed n poser' but it; Wasn't. Al_. (I? “m mm .. rw _ "No," said the man, promptly, "I would not expect that; but if the far- met' had his horses out, and was going my wny, I should call him a. very mean fellow ii,he would not leave me ride." “7...," WW Pri-e-e ___ The employe came out three minutes after with a. pass available for twelve months. Ripans Tabules are of great value. Williams' Royal Crown Remedy 13 said to be the greatest cure on earth. Guaran- teed to cure general nervous debility, rheu. matism, neuralgia, paralysis etc. Enlhusium. _ It has been asserted that enthusiasm is fanaticism. If it be true, it is equal- ly true that the world needs more fan. Mics. The man who throws himself, body and srul, into the world's work Is far preferable to his visa versa, the indifftuy em. man. Of all the flaws which a character may poswess, that of indifference is the worst. Show us aboy enthusiastic in his work and we can show you one who will make his way in the world; show us one who is indifferent and it easy to pick one who in after life will never be heard from. All this is aimed at the he -ds of our boys to show them the blackness of I dou't-careness. Boys, be enthusiastic. Move. Let every effort counc. If yois undertake a thing, stick at it- succeed in it. If you undertake to learn a trade show enthusiasm enough in it to master it in every detail. If you enter college and a. profes- sional lite, be crank enough to stand at the head of your class and your chosen profession. Remember nothing sueeeedy like success and the I don'tresre never ac- hieves it.--Wis, Tunes, Rebecca Willciasou,of Bcowns1ralhsy, lnd says: "I had been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone. I had been doc- toring constantly with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Nervine, which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctorUsg I ever did in my life. I would. advise every weakly person to use this valuable and lovely remrdy. A trial bottle will convince you. Warrsuted by E. M. Devite, Druqgise, Waterloo. Ripans Tabules cure jauotiuw's If you want to buy or sell a Farm ad' vertise in the Toronto 'Weekly Ma il" That paper reaches 100,000 farmers' homes every week and your advertise ment should meet t' e eye of some one who wants to purch: se. Advertisements of this alas are inserted in the Toronto 'Weekly Mail' for Five cents a word for each insertion or Twenty Cents a word for: live insertions. Address ‘The [Mail- l Toronto, Canada. I The editor of a weekly recently re- ceived a number of letters from his subscribers urging him to publish his his paper bi-weekly. He did so, but when they found this meant only once every two weeks, they looked in there dictionaries and decided that a semi- weekly was what they wanted, It is an interesting fact that while"bi-wttelr- ly" means once in two weeks, "tri- weekly" means three times a. week. Barkwell’s sure corn cure will care any corn, wart, bunion or mole. Ripans Tab ules have oome to stay. the third page of the Torontr , “ _ Mail' is noted for " Want" adverttstueuss. If you want a situation, a mechanic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto ‘Daily Mail' and read the ad- vertisementa on the third page of that paper. lhe charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word tor six insertions. A ddress ‘The Mail Toronto, Manda. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the sys. tern effectually, yet gently, when costiva or bilious, or when the blood is impure or slug. gish, to permanently cure habitual consti- ' .. --1 _____.0T.'-, b “an VV ,~._.”_____J _ 'iiiiili', to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating nr awakening them, use Syrup of Figs. A Ripans TabuIes are always ready. Mans Relative Height and Weight. Five ft. one in. should be 120 lbs. Five ft. two in. should be 126 lbs. Five ft. three in. should be 133 lbs. Five ft. four in. should be 136 lbs. Five ft. five in. should be 142 lbs. Five ft, six in. should be 145 lbs. Five ft. seven in. should be 148 lbs. Five ft. eight in. should be 155 lbs. Five ft. nine in. should be 162 lbs. Five ft. ten in. should be 169 lbs, Five ft. eleven in. should be 1741bs. A man 6ft. high should weigh 1781bs, Tabules are of great value Our llueer Language. To Dispel folds. Waterloo County Chronicle. Sims ! Stoves ! 150 fa Intend Buying a Stove ? $lh " I ii, & , ll , h t a»; r , ' p, 9 Philip flies & 00., Saw Lugs Wanted. The undersigned are paying the highest market price for all kinds of saw logs delivered at their factory. We trust that our old customers who wish to have their logs sawn will again give us a call as we do good work at the lowest prices. Wegenast & Co. Ranges, Cook Stoves, And Heaters Waterloo, Nov., 15th,1892 Delmunieo Block, - fl Has on hand a. new stock of Confectionery, Bread, Cakes, Oysters, Light Drinks, Bot Tea and Coffee. No other brand of Tobacco has ever en" joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Cut Tobacco manu/aow tunrs in Canada. (Nd) Gihliflhl Cheap Harness (CUT PLUG.) have the best assortment in the County, and at prices that will _ surpnse you. IS NOW COMPLETE. CANADIAN BLOCK. BERLIN. Cut Plug, loc. l tty Plug, 10e. * th Plug, 20c. _ . STREBEL'S, Hello There I le DANDENO, OUR STOCK OF EBB STREET VVATERLOO. Now is the time for (PLUGJ (kll ssr--'i" " , alarms :57 MONTREAL. Berlin, FR" 'tlf a Fi4 g a : .. m' iM 5 Ni my"! ' I ii i , _ *5: #tl tht , , it r= M, , i ll E {5 , i [ , .2 , I a? " , If “L. JI a ' I A BROTHERS Shaw Cash . Store, 3000 yds. of Satin and Silk Rib. bons worth 5, 8 and IOC. per yard, will be sold this week for 2%c per yard. The Balance of a Wholesale Stock of Grey Wool Debeiges worth 25 and 30c. per yard will be sold this week at 12%c. yer yard. This is the greatest bargain we have ever offered in dress goods. A Special line of DOUBLE FOLD Dress goods in Diagonals, plain colours, allthe NEW SiHADEs-will be sold this week for 25 c. per yard. We are opening daily shipments of New Dress goods, our Special imports in Whip Cords,Bens,ralines, Ottoman Armours and Spotted Esterwane9, lovely goods, all Wool which we will sell this week at 40 So and 60c. per yd ; the very latest Novelties of the Season. PRINTS & SHIRTINGS. New prmts fast Colors Warrant- ed ; Sc. 7c. 80. and IOC. per yard. A Special shipment this week of Crums, 32 inch prints delaine pat- terns worth I5c. will be sold for 12%c. A large shipment of spring Shirt- ings, New patterns, are selling fast at 6 7 8 and IOC. per yd. The best Shirtings this week will be sold at III/go per yd. SPRING MANTLES AND JACKETS. New Stylish Spring Mantles for $2.50. Better goods sell 'at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00. SMYTH BROS'. Slammer hiai; Terms (hh d; One hit Bressman & Hallman BERLIN Kindly invite everybody to call on them when in Berlin, and examine their stock of General Dry Goods, Men’s and Boys' Ready Made Suits and Overcoats, Hats and Caps, Eta Call here for your Wall Paper, Books and HATS AND GAPS. Good workmanship and fit guaranteed. _ - Next door to Bowman's Drug Store. Berlin. Cheap Ca sh Store. KING St,, BERLIN DRESS GOODS. Formerly carried on by Bl. S. Hall]: The City Tailor. RIBBON-S. SHIRTINGS. KING STREET, -.- SIPPEL, East of Market, BERLIN. Stationery, BOOT AND SHOE MERE. Fall stock in the latest New York. English and Canadiah styles arriving daily. We have everything in the line of footwear. Headquarters fop Trunks and Valises. New Williams Sewing Machines. TEE COLD SNAP has been phenomenal, and yet not so very, compared with the snaps we are now offering in Men’s,Youths' and Boys' Suits, Over-Coats, Hats and Caps. We are determined on clearing out the balance of our winter stock at very close cut prices, to make. room for our Mammoth spring purchase which we are expecting to arrive Daily. Below we quote a few special lines, and there are many others too numerous to mention. “w ayhvlcu “ms, Cblhu1 mm» my mu“, K.f64db-ds.P VN.fN= FAT....'.-.'-.-.- .._ mm. Honey Comb towelling tii) fcts per yard, Shaker Flannell @99th per yard Home-made Flannell Ca) 20cts per yard, Table oil cloth @25ctspgr yard, Heavy all wool socks, two pair for 25cts, Four spools best thread for Iocts. This is the place to buy your Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Handker- chiefs, Hosiery, &c. . We will present to each purchaser of Men's, Youths', or Boys', suits Over%ats, Hats or Caps to the amount of one Dollar or over, a pair of all wool socks or child's under Shirt or Drawers, or a pair of good sus- penders for each dollar's worth bought, until further notice. store. On Saturday last the 3Ist December we commenced our big Stock- taking Sale, which we will continue for one month to the 3Ist of Jan- uary, 1893. Goods in all departments for this sale will be marned down to the lowest notch. Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcots at cost. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Over Shoes down to lowest possible prices. Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, etc., all down to cost during our big Stocktaking Sale. Come early and secure best bargains. Better Assortment than ever. Make no mistake in the place'," the Montreal Bankrupt Clothing "j5ifi'j5i? "f) t?jif--' Ag/Age, 2ttt? ii"ll-2)ilii7l f _' 'Ces4/ efgk' Remember ready made clothing a specialty, SIG-N RED, WHITE AND BLUE The Bankrupt Store Barlin. S, WEBER it (WT, J. S. RODS, --SNhP NUMBER ONE, A pleasure to show Goods. We! Big Stocktaking Sale at KING STREET, BERLIN. DIE da ERNST- CALL AND SEE. PEDDIE & ERNST. Of The Mt Few Days Popular Boot & Shoe Store. FLAG

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