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Waterloo County Chronicle, 16 Mar 1893, p. 1

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_ Money to loan on Mortgages at lowest rates. FREDI'RICK COLQUHOUN. A. B. MCBRIDE Unn Aruu, Ttf. u.“ J Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Solicitor tor the Canadian Bank of Commerce and Coumv Solicitor" Money to loan on Mortgages. Oifiee - Germania. Block (upstairs), Queen rest. Berlin G mu. AL. nu LVLLAUVA<. . . I Barrister. Sohchor Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc, (Money to loan.) otf1ee hours. 9.30 an). to 5 pun. offices over Geo. frasea1tlwg's store. Waterloo. DR. ARMITAGE _ » PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR. ottice-D1 the rooms formerly occupied by W. Wells, L. D. s., over Mr. Fish’s store (Bell- inger’s). Night calls answered at oiiieiy. Tele; phone communication. b BARRISTERS AT LAW, Solicitors in all the courts, Notaries and Conveyancers. Money to lend on Mortgages lowest rates. offitre--Cirupt, Rouse, Berlin. W. H. BOWLBY, M.A.. LL.B., Q. c., County Crown Attorney And Clerk of the Peace. CCE. P. CLEMENT. "S't'G7G'iil' o'itiU," Elimim. P' Thursday afternoon. Offitee. store. vvnv a; up.“ 9. WATERLOO AND Emma. oftlue--New Insurance Buildings (ttp-stairs,) King‘street. Waterloo. . At branch ottiee, Elmira. every Monday and ’I‘hnrsdav afternoon. ihtice. at Dr, Walrnsler's G E0. II. mpeHrSON IX -- -. BN11 D . A. F. BAUMAN _PHYS[OIAN, SURGEON AND Accouommn. Office and ayysidenee--Two doors north of resi- dence fornueN.r occupied by the late Dr. Walden on Albert stream W'aterlou, ' t7rriiveyaneer, etc. Otmre-- Upstairs in Economical block,53 King Street West, Berlin. L. Ottice at new residence, corner of Queen and John Scrgets, Berlin, Ont. Nitrous 9xide Gas administered for the pain less extraction ot teeth. Also, Vienna Mixture both of which are nerfectlv safe. Livery, Sale and Exchange Stables. Mrstdass rigs and good reliablehorses. Two and three seated carriages always 111 readiness. All calls promptly attended tq and char as moderate. Office and Livery m rear ot Ema Zimmerm&n House. Entrance on King street, next; to Irisol1or's butcher Show. btaaises, U "'aiCktit'ifi"srvT;,iir,"ifi"auTtiiruTcs tla, 601. lege of Physicians, Surgeons and Accouoheure of Ontario. DISEASES or EYE AND EAR TREATED. oimus--'aGsw residence, Albert street, Water. loo. a short distance, north of the late Dr. Walden’s residence. The new remedy tor the ppmless extraction of teeth. This remedy is simple, ezfectire and perfectly harmless. Will visit Baden the 4drst Thursday and third Thursday of oaeh month. The preservation of the natural Teeth a specialty. OFFICE: YOST’S BLOCK ELMIRA. Elmira-The second Thursday and Friday and fourth Thursday and Friday of each month Will call at St. Jaeéhs in going to Elmira. Waterloo Oftioe open verv day. L ) GEO. Steam, Proprietor. All Mads ot conveyances qnnstamly on hand. Charges moderate. Stables m rear ot the Com- mercml Hotel. U"... m iirihi'iiErNTs,-s'rhEEdss, ETC. Dr. D. S. Bowlby, Coroner for the County, Dr, G, H. Bowlby “vats diseases of the new: throat and ear. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DEPOSITS OF $LOO AND UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED, INTEREST ADDED To THE PRiNciPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND Nitrogex} monoxide gas and local anaesthet- cs for paialrss extmcmon of teeth. NOVEMBER IN EACH YEAR. Special AtttmNtytt trlvon to the 6httlttgtiott of Commercial Paper, and Farmers’ Rama Navies. .. Special atdatiofpaid to Catarrh, Dyspepsia, kin Diseases, and to all forms of Chronic i H. WEBB M. D., . Coroner County of Waterloo, Oitiee-At his residence on Erb street, Telephone communication. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, 8w. Telephone communication Tale hone communication. omx KING, Q; cr? CAPITAL REST IOLQUHO UN & MCBRIDE, , Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and OWLBY tt CLE,MENT, Conveyancers. D. D. B. Philadelphia. L. D. s. Toronto. max. MILLAB, i2ac,. JW. D. g. 'c2 G. H. BoyrLBY, R. c. T.‘1\'_QECKER. MEDAJ‘JLIST” fyl' Tfl' VAN_QAMP,_ DENTIST w. A. KUMPF, VETERINARY SURGEON, ER! AND ExgngGE STABLEs, ELLS. L. D. s., ' W C. W WELLS, D. D. s., DENTISTS, memoo. R. WILKINSON, D.D.S.L.D.S. HETT. 'PT= , 'tm _ ' " rr " “a.“ is; all" I " E ' - BE “ d?, k r i VF 2-,. . 4.52 .2. & 2 an ig" ' F" “F J". ' . " ‘3: -. ll "2" .. . , p, 23:253.». ' " ' tW? fum, gt " Mir. - a 'lt Ul * »., 32 IN :1 . ' M8h I. " MB, JWt 'we" 23 a, " = it' ik “F ' Bt, 2» r m. 4lti 2St ** " FE ' " ca ct, " © '* Bit' E'g Ei " "as; El i - £53; tl “it Ittt ilill, Eil F '% Rh . P, F [i) iiiiWf igi Wk 'it,t , Ei TIFF sth'" sgfih / "e . " Mr, , a: BF " " " ' v" " " Eat Bita' 'ttl I?” " " s ME Mg tlgltl BMt , . '? , at Rik, BNI mg Ite, FF“ FF " ap, . q MR ai. Ilh1 - - Mi J: a w: iEt 3.. gr, MI 1.12 w. " tim m Mi 8Btt h"', I” BEW m ""‘ MM ws F” w" ma FF we w, F " " '1‘- " - MI " Blk " MI). Ye: M '" .- M © m " " $5 RI, E trg ' i , ' 'iiN) ‘F A?" tNt,' ‘5‘ 7" FF“ “1 F 92m " lae a... - " .2- 'te girl - was RBh hi:- 'tt3 - Alf mm MR "tit IN? ttu. kr, . _ ' .. td T " (ir') ,1. Ef Am ,4 .n, W: X) K, RN sa N " r ‘ " Rao - lh' ya. MM l "'1: .2. - h' _ 2. iS " w L' ., 'tr, Il > Bl » . iM Mb c _", Ci LAt ' 2» . . " -» I " " CW ' g4, .2 _ TT Nh i: Mi - (itiiilb 3% - " " & " " Re' 'Qiiti9 Q8 Qt (9%? F3? QF 'sit h“ JEFF ttees' ‘ h'. e, My 'kt'iss, is . gr , Ci'", 'Q?) We, Tr, Et, ' ' - Mr dW' V r. - ttttFt =Nirt VOL. XXXIX.---NO. 1 L 109 King street east, Berlin, Offitae and Itesidrmee-John street OD0NTUNDER, MEDICAL; LIVERIES ESTABLISHED I881 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. (PAID UP) SIX MrLLWN DOLLARS DEY LEGAL. (NTAL gal-mite r. Notary Public, SAViNG's'o BANK DEPARZMENT B. E. WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER, WATERLOO BRANCH THE HERBERT J. BOWMAN, PROVINCIAL Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman, Graduate of the Ontario School of Practical Science, and late assistant to the York T’ESEngineer on the construction of Pub- lie War , and the sub-division of lands in the subgrbs ot Tomato. - fl BUCKBERROUGH & BECHTEL, Fire and Acmdexgt Insurance Agents. Waterloo, Ont" representing the best; Stock and Mutual Companies doing business in this Pro- vince. Money to loan at lowest. current rates. d LICENSED AUCTIDNEER. Sales gromptly attended to. Satisfaction guar- antee . Orders left at the Heidelberg mill of. dee or Steiss's Hotel will receive prompt attew tion. German and English spoken PETER STAUFFER, Licensed Auctioneer, . BERLIN. . oymmo. Farm sales and sales of live stock will pe- ceive prompt attention attUlded td PETER SARARAS,. Mannheim P. o Mr OFFICHAT THE ZIMIHEBMAN HOU SE TEACHER of Instrumental Music. Organ and Piano, Terms moderate (yllmlhlmlfl AND BUILDER, WATERLOO. WATERLOEB MEATMARKET. The undersigned begs to tender his thanks to his numerous cus- tomers for their liberal patronage during the past year, and trusts bp close attention to business and moderate prices to merit a cot1tin.. utgpeept_ths same. Fresh Beef, Pork and Lamb as well as all kinds of Sausages kept constantly on hand. JOHN FISCHER, 1hrsr.kree1oo. March 2nd. 1891. Henry J. Roekel, a IMON SNYDER, ISINGLASS,, CAUSTEC SODA DEWTT"S CITY ' -- Opposite the Market square. An easy shave, a stylish haircut. a good sea- cam, an exhilimting shampoo" always given. dies' and children's hair tastilv cut, Licensed Auctioneer for Waterloo County D. BUCKBERROUGH. '" - - W - tEur 0 Marriage Licenses. 0ft1tae--At his Drug Store, Waterloo. tfiifaLJt'jaFrlroiise, Berlin. [OHN L. WIDEMAN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 0tflee-Post Ottice, St. Jacobs, Oat. 5-toddrlty," -eifaHrds" /ia'cGii;, ”brag; "Ir; ail will receive prompt attention. 3-5Y ofdsrg Jett at this office will be promptly Sales conducted in English and German, Licensed Auctioneer FOR TIRE COUNTY OF NFhTErtLoo. 'OSEPH MICKUSJ HEIDELDERG AQES [condg‘gted in all_parts of, Waterloo TERMS MO r0EHLMAN'S BARBER SHOP, CHAS. H. FRCEHLICH, Apply at residence, MISS ANNIE R. BEAN, FOR CLARIFYING SOAP-M, MISCELLANEOUS. H. J, GRASETT, MANAGER, WATERLOO DRUG -FOR-- ALBERT STREET, AKING $6,000,000. 00,900. WATERLOO. ONT B. E. BECHTEL. STORE, jIE,CESSIT5 _i'i,'i,i"),"iii'ii"s'iiii';' USE _ Forces to rush AT ONCE the entire clearing out of our stock damaged by fire, smoke and water. For this purpose we shall for some days make even yet greater sacrifi- ces on prices. Our sales have been enormous---the goods have gone out ----not simply in parcels-but liter- ally in loads. And yet after weeks of unprecedented selling there are still stacks of goods-such is the immensity of the stock we carry, Now we are determined to stand by our first announcement, "to make a clearance of the entire stock before commencing renova- tions." But the spring season is forcing itself upon us. We propose making such extensive alterations and enlargement as to make our store one of the DRY GOODS PALACES of Ontario, eclipsing anything in Guelph. To this we must turn at once. Besides this in spite of our stre- nuous efforts to keep back the vol- ume of our new spring importations new goods are crowding in upon us. We "have already opened during the lastweek and this 36 cases of New Goods. We have invoices from Manchester, advices from London, goods on the way from Paris and Berlin. With the arrival of all these goods and the change in premises it simply means a deluge. Now we must have elbow room. and we are nut afraid of anything ---and this we will and must have, ifwe have figuratively speaking, to shovel out the present stock. We refer to the Bargains we have given as an earnest of our inten- tions. Ilyou are open for anything at all in Mantles, Furs, Millintpy, Dress Goods, Cotton, Linen and Woolen Staples, Cloths, Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Fancy Dry Goods, Carpets, Lace Curtains, etc ---now is the chance ofyour life to buy cheap. THREE valuable building lots in the Town of Berlin. Lot on Frederick street 53lx130 feet, 2 Lots on Gordon Avenue adjoining Mrs. Hattield's residence each 66x132 feet. For fur- ther particulars apply to the owner John For- syth No, 1 Potsglam Terrace or to A. o. Each. no: & Co. 87 king St. East. E, ll, BQLLEBT & (lit, Go down to the yard and see the stock on hand. You will note that they are evener in color. freer from Limestone, and about one- twelfbh largeg‘. thanjghe tydiryy.T, aritritr,t; Makes his announcement in this space next week. 'd1t/1"ptii'rfi-', "'ir1TYirdifiJfTviffleadsies you top_tote, these advaptznggs and Ty'ot,iut Is; st,lysey, C Baehtel's Brick and Tile Bifl'jrrt'tt/ff'tRIct C, J, AMEN FOR SALE, CHEAP. 'f'iirb'ifir1ri"irriiirf1iCs,Fif [j'diirt" ii1iiii"s/ith 18AM} BEEHTEL & SBN. Building and Draining, FIRE I SMUKE l. C WATER! GUMPTION 25 & 27 Wyndham street, WILL LEAD YOU TO USE the Jeweller. IN THE MATTER OF JUST A LITTLE GUELPH ONT. A BUDGET FROM CORRES- PONDENTS AND OTHER SiOURCES. All the News of the (“Minty and Blair!” cured-Ill) ornutttttit and put lulu mlrucllvc shape. Ask your neighbor to try THE CHRONICLE for one year. Only one dollar, cash in advance. Arthur Flanigan was fined $30 with- out costs for selling cancerous beef on the London Market. Corunna J. Muir, a highly respected citizen of Ayr, died at his residence, Sunday, March 5th, aged 83 years, 7 mouths, and 13 days. The business part of the village of Bemnsville was destroyed by tire last Wednesday night. Mr. Philip Zeller, jr., Breslau has an egg which weighs ll oz measures 81 inches one way and 6% the other. Robert Revell, for many years a well-known lawyer of Woodstock died Tuesday trom an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Allen Bock, wife, of the editor of the Elam Express died on Sunday a week, The deeeased was a prominent member of Daughters of Rebecca in Elora. Bogus coins of thelO and 25 cent de- nominations are very numerous all over Toronto. They are excellent imita- tions, their' point of, weakness being their light weight. The cost of the nmv court home of Oxford county is $109,949 77 Mr. A, J. Brown, contractor, of, Toronto, has put in a bill $16,368 for: extras, over which there is a dispute. A curious alimony suit was heard at Osgoode Hall recently. Mrs/ Eliza- beth Grosz of.Elmira is mking the court fpr an order for the sale of her husband's land. She claims this is the only way she can claim any sum by alimony. North Oxford license commissioners some time ago passed a bylaw closing hotel bars at 10 p. m. Theliquor men appealed to the courts, and decision has hem, given sustaining the by-law. It is the intention of the commissioners to enforce the law. Mrs. John Smith of Renfrew, 90 years of 'age, is cutting a new set of teeth. They are already five in num- ber and sound and beautihilly white. She had neyer lost her own teeth, though they are now brown with age, but are (hopping out to give place to the new. LOST AN EitR.-Misss Piggot, of the, 9th. com, East, Zorra, had the misfor, tune to lose an ear on Saturday last. She and her sister were driving home fromWoodstock, and while passing a load of wood thew cutter upset in the deep snow and she was thrown against the load of wood with ‘the above result. Had the ear been kept the doe.. tor said it could have been put on again, but it could not be found. The grave news hasjust been reeeiv, ed from Honan that Rev. Jonathan Goforth, missionary therefor some time is meeting with strong and dangerous opposition from the native authorities, and the result is uncertain. Rev. Mr. Goforth was born and brought up in East Nissouri. There is trouble in the management of the Ontario Wool Boot Company, a large concern at Hanover, Ont. Messrs. Poehnan, Cressman and Knech- tel, three of the directors, aver that Henry Aletter, president, and Hugo Kranz, Secretary, hold $6000 worth of stock which they received for: certain patents, but that the latter have not been transferred to the company, John Camphell, son of Dr. Camp- bell, Seaforth, and a. nephew of Mr. J. A. Laird,_meve of New Hamburg died in Philadelphia of typhoid fever after a short illness. His medical studies would have been completed next spring. He was a great favorite in Seaforth and his death has called forth much sympathy, A party of over two hundred people from the country north of Guelph and Stratford left Tuesday a week by the Grand Trunk and C. P. R. for Mani- tdba, where they will settle, Twenty» seven cars of stock were sent out in connection with the party. The exodus from Ontario to M anitoba's great wheat lands the coming eeason, promises to be unusually large. Mrs, Muma, o? St. George, who has issued a writ against her husband for alimony, was married two years ago. She was a Mrs. CEeney, of Brantford, Soon after the wedding, it is said, the Mama homestead was the scene of much domestic infelicity. Mrs. Muma has taken her belongings and is now living with friends. PERSONALS-Miss Ella L. Boomer and Miss Barbara Pollock, who have been attending the millinery openings in Toronto have returned home.--Mps, Jennie Secord who has been visiting friends in Otterville for a week or so has returned home.--Mr. and Mrs Hugh Rannie of Millhank, spent Sun- day with his parents heve.-Miss Addie Boomer of Berlin, who has been spendinga couple of weeks with her parents, returned home on Wednesday. -Mr. I W. Bundy spent a recent Sunday with friends in' Port Dover.- Mr. John Schnurr and son were out last week to Flesherton and other places on a prospecting tour. Mr. Will Geddes, Veterinary, who has been supplying for Mr. Geo. G. Manser who is completing his studies at the Ontario Veterinary College, intends locating at Berlin. Mr. Cred- des is a young man of high character and of exceptional ability in his pro- fession. During his three months' practice here he has had some extreme cases to deal with, but has been successful everitime. Will, evidently understands his business and we therefore predict for him a large and successful practice at Berlin. Mr. Thos. Geddes, Will's brother, will supply here until Mr. Mauser returns. supply here until Mr. Mauser returns. PosrPorvED.--C)wingr to the heavy rain last Saturday, and the consequent impassable state of the roads, the extensive auction sale of Mr. Michael Farrell had to be postponed until Frr. day the 17th inst. at one, o’clock p. m. Mr. Joseph Mickus wields the hammer. FARM SOLD.~M rs. J {Lines Farrell has sold her 50 acre farm to Mr. J. W. Bundy. Priera, 551800. JhrsrNEss.-Ourrverchants are laying in their: spring stocks, and from the amount we see coming in from day to day they evidently expect to do a. very large trade this spring. Mr. J. W. Bundy has laid in half a earload of granulated sugar. Trade is not dis- turbed here as in some other: localities by farmers' combines, usually called "Patrons of Husbandry." When will farmers learn that business belongs to business people, and quit dabbling in things outside of their occupation. THE Maccabees have opened a lodge here. We have a good many bees here, but perhaps Bundy and Boomer, our local apiarians will not be jealous of an additional hive. DEATH OF Miss 1s'hnut.-The body of Miss Fannie Kerr, sister of our local implement agent here and who died at Denver, Colorado, on Wednesday last, was brought home to her sister's at Mount Forest on Monday and removed here on Tuesday and interred at Rush's Cemetery, Crvvsshill,, on Wechsesday. Miss Kerr being afflicted with lung trouble resulting from at attack of la grippe was last fall induced to try the milder climate of Colorado for the Winter, in the hope that it might re store her to her wontcd health. But even this last resort coupled as it was with the tender cure of an affectionate sister who accompanied her proved unavailing and death put an end to her sufferings on Wednesday last: Mr. Kerr has the sympathy of his friends in this sad bereavement. A despatch from Chrysler. on Friday morning last bore the intelligence of the death'of Mr. William McRaelroth- er to our' townsman, A. B. McRae. The deceased was well known here- having formerly resided in the village. From here he moved to Baden where, he conducted a saddlery business until ill health forced him to abandon it for shop across the street and now occu- pies the room that formerly was J. G. Hunsberger 8 offhee, The date of the “Necktie. Soeial" has been changed frcm Good Friday even- ing to the evening preceding, Thursday, 30th inst, to avoid a conflict with other attractions. New Dundee. The "CmurNIcLE" in its new dress is exceedingly attractive and no doubt will add many to its large circle of acl- mirirw: friends. Twolrads of our young people at- tended the spring examination held at the Hallman school on Saturday last. They report having had a full house, full stomachs and a day full of interest and amusement. It is gratifying to observe the increasing interest taken in these annual gatherings. Children and teachers now interchange visits with their neighbnrs and return to their labors with renewed vigor and increased interest in their work. Mr, D. K. Erb, Stratford, formerly principal of the village school, and Mr. Allan Clemens, Brown City, Mich, spent several days in the village last week, The (Liberal) U. ing on Sunday was sidering the state Geo. Backus P. E, Mr. J . U. Clemens has disposed of his famous Arabian stallion, "Cyprus," to Mr. J 110. Howling. The horse will remain here as intended previously. Mr. w. Goebel moved his barber late of the roads. Rev. P. E. oEieiated. Elemens has disPosed of B. quarterly meet well attended can out of door employment. He then en- gaged in the livery luminess until last fall when he removed to a farm at Crysler, Stnrmont County. He leaves a widow and a son to mourn his loss. Quarterly meetings were held here a week ago last Sunday in the Evan- gelical church. Mr. Joseph1uickus, our auctioneer, has had many sales and many brought, double the amount the proprietors expected. This speaks well for Joe. Lent services are being held in the Lutheran church every Wednesday evening at 7. p. m. _Mr. E. W. Kljeutziger is laid up with quinsy. He has been on the‘sick list now for about two weeks. Mr. H. N. Huehn is always increas- ing his stock of general hardware. He has now a very nice line of goods. Mr.,Wilrrar"n Metz and family left for the North West this week. We wish them success in their new home. The K. o. f. M. Tent No. 90 of this place have appointed Mr. J. W. Hueh, nergard as their: representative to the Provincial and great camp convention, to be held in Toronto, April the 10, 11, a11d12th. Wellesley. The CHRONICLE, in its enlarged form, is a welcome friend with everybody. I am satisfied it will be much appreciated. Last Sunday the children attending the confirmation school in one of our Lutheran Churches were examined. The examination will be continued on the 25th inst. when eonfirmation will take place. In the other Lutheran Church the examination and eonfirma- tion will take place next Sunday. We understand that Messrs. Louis Koehler from Wellesley and M r. Truss- ler have organized a tent of the Maeea- bees at Linwood with a membership of 23. Road's are in a dreadful state at present. Mr. John Hahn and family went to Norwich to visit his wife's sister. On Sunday the children will be ex- amined in the Lutheran church and eolfjcmtfl ip iweek from Sunday, - Winmrbourno. MOCK TRIAL-he "Mock Trial" given in the lecture room on the even- ing of the 6th inst under the auspices of the Y. P. C. A. was a decided we Cass at least as far as the attendance was concerned. For some years past the majority of the young people of this no v,hhorhood, have taken very little interest in the work of the society going as a reason that the programmes were dry and uninteresting. The mock trial was prepved with the view of enticing these backsliders into the fold again. As it was something new in Winterbourne it was hoped that it would prove a drawing card but the members of the society were totally unprepared for. the crowd that greeted them when they arrived at the Lecture Room to start their programme. The old hall was packed from end to and in fact it was with the utmost difheulty that a place could be found for the judge and the jury. This oseasioraed some delay but at last everything' was ready and the trial started, It is but just to observe that those taking part were heavily handicapped in their ef- forts owing to the fact that they had found little time to piamice and make the necessary arrangements and that it was something new to all of them and also to the confusion arising from the crowded state of the house. The audience seemed‘pleased with the at- tempt, however, and weiejgood natured enough not to criticize very harshly the runny blunders made by the performers, Quito a number of the gpod people of Elmira, also a load frdm Pilkington were to be found among the audience. We hope they enjoyed the programme well enough to induce them to visit rTiuterbourne again. At the next meeting of the society 20 inst. a farce will be given entitled "Woman's Rights." This is something new for Winterbourue and is said to be very good. In audition to this there will be anumher of instrumental selections, readings, reeieaiions, vocal music etc. Admisson, 5 cents. ' _ Presiding Eider Menno Bowman preached in the Mennonite church on Sunday morning. Conestoga Miss Angeline Klemmer, of Berlin, is visiting at Mr, Schipbein’s Mr. J. Schweitzer, saddler, is doing a rushing business just now, He has three men in his employ and all are busy making harness to send to Mani. PERsoNAvs.---Mr. R. 3ltrpt:no,e is rather worse again.-? ' Fanny Douglas of Southampton is, visiting relatives here-Ur, Bert Elsley has game to Fargo for a. day or Trwo.-- Mr. W. Stork is on the sick list at present-Miss Maud Stork is slowly Improving. lloldel bert trdva, He also hus an extenuive home r 'de. Mc. Bikini“ Shoemaker who for the last three yeeirs has been working in M r. G. Schinbsm's shoe shop has secur- ed a situmiun with Mr. tihierholr, Elmira. A Itehhr business has been started in Colmslngf). M r. E. P. Bowman has opened up an inmlnuwnc house. He alsu keepson hand a fall stock of re- pairs 14.“th Mr. Bowman is tb good .meuhunic Jere is no doubt. he Will do a. tlmving hummus. F,sriners will do well to glvP him ll call, A sleigh load of boys drove to El- mira. almut two weeks ago to attend a concert. On the way home they found the roads to tilled with snow that in- stead of the slroic,h conwying them through the drifts, they tsad" tomconve); the sleigh. Mnand MG. A, K. Ferguson of Kirkcon WET? visiting Mrs. 1?erguson's sister, Mrs, D. w. Houston. M cs. M tlbrunt fen the oaii. day and fractured her leg. Rev. Torrance', Methodist Minister of Goderich, preached an excellent ser- mon hero on Sunday. District Orange'meeting was held here on March the seventh. Agreat number: amended the meeting. James, Nlchol Grieves u spending a few days at home. Mlllhank. J. E. Baker has backed out of taking Wm. Reid's farm. Mr. Charles Sergison has secured a first class blacksmith. The funerul of Mrs. M. Reid took place on Thursday, her remains having been brought. from Trowbridge. -yliss' R. Stewérc is home from Detroit. His many friends will be pleased to learn that our genial merchant, D. K. Weber, who has for some time past been selling offat cost is on account of being disappointed in a purchaser for his stock, is going, to remain on at the old stand. D. K. left for the city on Monday morning to purchase a full line of the latest styles. We are pleased f?) harm that Wilie son of M c. Louis K. Weber, is in a fair way of recovery. Early Monday morning fire was dis. eovered issuing from the roof of Mrs. Ferrier's barn. An alarm was given and was promptly answered by a num- bee of villagers. but thev were unable to save it. In contained an old ped- lar’s wagon and several cords of wood which were totally destroyed. How the tire originated is a mystery. Loss covered by Insurance in the Hopewell Creek Insurance Cu. The members of the Epworth League spent a pleasant evening at tre pastor's, Rev. Grundy, at Linwood last week. The price of' the "Cmtomcrm" will continue to be 81.00 If paid in advance otherwise $1.50 will he charged. We will extend the time for payment of subscriptions for the current year at the 31 rate until April 1st. Examine your label and if your subscription is not paid remit at once and save 50 cents. Address, On Tuesday evening a few invited friends spent a sociable evening'ab the residence of Dr. Ullyot. T The fair on Monday was as usual well attended. Business was brisk, Continued on Sth. Page. Last Friday evening, as Mrs previ- ously advertised, the Directors of the Meelrauics' Institute sold the various papers and magazines left over from last yearns also those for the coming year'. The prices realized were fair and the receipts will be expended towards furnishing new reading-matter. It was decided to keep the different weeklies on file for the coming year. This may be a benefit, to the newspap- er men. The ice on the Grand River is to be- ginning to break up near the bridge, no doubt there will be a flood before the ice is all gone. The new bridge is finished. Ratz Bros. are pulling down their old coopershop, thus increasing their wood yard space. Owing partly to a scarcity of wood, the Elmira branch of the W. M. To. have decided to burn coal along with their supply of wood. They received their first can-10nd of coallast week: It is rumored that the brewery will be started again DAVID BEAN, Examine Your Label. Bridaeport. am EHttivMle. Elmira. Waterloo, Ont. is

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