Waterloo Public Library Digital Collections

Ernest Haedke Biography

Little, Ellis, Author
Media Type
Item Type
This is a handwritten biography of Ernest Haedke from the Ellis Little Papers. This biography has been transcribed exactly as written. Ellis Little was a local historian, who was the principal of Elizabeth Ziegler Public School. On his retirement, he invested much of his time in researching and writing about Waterloo's history. The Ellis Little Papers consist of extensive notes, papers and historical works.
To see the original document please visit the Ellis Little Local History Room at the Main Branch of the Waterloo Public Library
Date Of Event
Personal Name(s)
Haedke, Ernest ; Schmidt, Dorothy
Corporate Name(s)
Kuntz Brewery ; Bank of Toronto
Local identifier
ELP 51.76
Ellis Little Papers: Men and Women of Our Past
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Location of Ernest Haedke's house:
    Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 43.4601965170885 Longitude: -80.5229560476685
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Location of Original
Ellis Little Papers
Waterloo Public Library
Agency street/mail address:

35 Albert Street, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 5E2

Full Text

Born: 1859, Died: 1925
Married: Dorothy Schmidt

Ernst Haedke was born September 21, 1859 in Germany and came as quite a young man, first to New York, and then in 1881, to Waterloo. He first was employed in the Bank of Toronto but in 1886 was hired by Kuntz Brewery. He spent 38 years with the company having worked his way up to the position of office manager. In 1896 he built a large white brick home on the corner of Park and William St W. The home was just across the street from the Brewery. Haedke was very interested in music and was a member and President of the Orpheus Singing Society when the 1902 Saengerfest was held in Waterloo. He was also a member of the early Waterloo Horticultural Society. He was one of the earliest members of IOOF Germania Lodge in Waterloo and was also a member of the Waterloo AF and AM. As well, he was also one of the early members of the Waterloo Club.

WHS, 1938
Saengerfest 1902
July 30, 1896 Hause
Obituary January 23, 1925

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