Page 10, News, Tuesday, May 1, 1990 These smiling faces are the grade five and six students from Holy Angels School. They recently performed a smoking survey on family, friends, and relatives. The survey, for Health class, was the suggestion of teacher Ms. Holland (back row on left). Photo by Angie Saunders OFFICIAL OPENING | THE McCAUSLAND HOSPITAL °' aeiareccic AMBULANCE GARAGE The News The Grade 5 & 6 students of Holy Angels School performed a smoking survey for their health The Board of Governors of The McCausland Hospital wishes to Smoking Survey Twenty eight students, taught by Ms. M. Holland, asked family members, relatives, and friends various questions about smoking in an effort to show people the dangers of the habit. ' Some of the questions and answers contained in the survey were: Why do you smoke? -habit, - peer pressure, -to rebel against parents. Why did you begin? -to look older, -to look "cool", -a way to socialize, -to calm nerves. - When did you begin? 6, 16, 2511.24, 10,17, 14, 13. Why do you smoke if you know it's bad for you? -addic- tion, -no will power, -"I don't think it will hurt me", -"I'm trying to quit". What was your parent's reaction when they found out you smoked? -anger, -punished, - lectured, -wasn't allowed to smoke in front of parents. If you were a pregnant girl, would you quit? 58% yes If you continued to smoke who would you blame for an unhealthy baby? 66% blame themselves. Do you feel mature when you smoke? 100% said no, -"I feel stupid", -"It's a dirty habit", - "Being mature has nothing to do with smoking". When do you find you smoke the most? -"When I drink alcohol at a party, -at work, -after I eat, - when worried or frustrated, -at bingo. Do you find smoking is affecting your health now?how? 62% said yes, -short- ness of breath, -makes me ner- vous and dizzy, -tire easy when exercising. If you had/have children,what would you do if you caught them smoking? - ground them, -"beat the tar out of them", -Kick their behind, -if over 16, nothing. What would you do if I (the student) lit up a cigarette? -die of shock, -lecture you, -I would want it, -"I would be disappoint- ed, as I know the affect of it. One .. student, Brendan Mulligan helped convince his father and grandfather to quit smoking. There was a $200.00 wager made that whoever lit up a cigarette first lost his money. Ms. Holland mentioned that some people, like herself, are allergic to smoke. When she is exposed to cigarette smoke she said, "I'm sometimes awake half of the night and am short of breath." ss The Grade 5 & 6 students of Holy Angels School in Schreiber that participated in asking the sur- vey all vowed that,"We're not going to start smoking." announce the Official Opening of clogs, the new Ambulance Garage HELP WANTED Facilities on: Shirl . ; irpriey Ss Saturday May 12, 1990 Cleaning at I p.m. | Service EVERYONE WELCOME: Calls S25-9013 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY AA See PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay proposes to pass a by-law at a meeting to be held on the 7th day of May, 1990, at 7 p.m., in the Council Chambers in the Township of Terrace Bay, to stop up, close and sell a portion of the road allowance of Selkirk Avenue as shown on the plan below. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council will, at the time and place above men- tioned, hear any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Additional information may be obtained by contacting the undersigned at the Terrace Bay Municipal Office, 12 Simcoe Plaza. DATED at the Township of Terrace Bay this 5th day of April, 1990. 5s BERR a fois Led bm f= 3 BLOLK AY sIMCOL PLAZA Youre A. The Lake Superior High Goed Man, School Music Department haflie is proud to present the musical, "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" Friday May 4 - at 8 pgm. Terrace Bay Campus Saturday May 5 - Dinner at 6 p.m. - Performance at 8 p.m. - Terrace Bay Campus Sunday May 6 - at 2 p.m. Schreiber Campus Tickets: Friday & Sunday $5 Saturday - Dinner & Performance $12 Tickets available at either High School Campus Office from 8:30 a.m. to 4p.m. Phone 825-3271 or 824-2555 Visiting Thunder Bay? Shopping? Skiing? Find comfort at Paradise Motel * Very clean rooms at Budget rates * Close to all major attractions * Variety of family restaurants within one block * Reservations - phone ahead (807) 475-8628 Dianne Koivumaa (mgr) 221 W. Arthur Street . (Highway 11-17B) Thunder Bay. Ontario : P7E 5P7 - "NEW Telephonesinrooms.. veiw s