Page 8, News, Tuesday, April 10, 1990 MEMORIAM BAXTER - In memory of my dear wife, Betty Baxter who passed away April 10, 1988. In my heart, Your memory lingers, G& President Margaret Gander chaired the March meeting of the McCausland Hospital Auxiliary, welcoming 12 members and lead- ing in the Auxiliary prayer. Minutes by Sheila Cassie and financial statement by Elaine Mannisto were given full approval. Corresponding Secretary Heather DeCal, read some further news items concerning volunteer- ing events. She further read a notice of the Regional Spring Conference of Ontario Hospital Auxiliary Association to be held a Sweet, tender, -- Fond and true. = There's not a day é Dear Betty, That I don't think of you. } Forever loved and remembered by her hus- band Russ. r supply Officer $13.06 - $13.65 per hour (under review) Bring your experience to this opportunity with the Ministry of Natural Resources. You will: maintain warehouse stock; control equipment and district vehicle pool; undertake purchasing; ensure general upkeep and cleanliness of warehouse and grounds. This is a recurring position- for up to 11 months per year. Location: Terrace Bay. Qualifications: Demonstrated ability to maintain a warehouse operation; ability to communi- cate effectively and tactfully; organization and analytical skills; familiarity with vehicle schedul- - ing, maintenance, repair and recordkeeping; initiative; good judgment; diplomacy; physical abili- ty to carry out all duties associated with a warehouse operation; valid Ontario driver;s licence; ability to enter and retrieve data on a computer system asset. Please return application/resume, with a separate letter Indicating how your skills, knowledge and experience relate to this position, by May 1, 1990. Quoting file NR-629/90, send to: District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, P.O. Box 280, Terrace Bay, Ontario, POT 2W0. VY Ontario Public Service Dedicated to Employment Equity Ne --/ Friday, April 6th in the Valhalla, Thunder Bay. Four members agreed to attend in addition to Regional Chairman, Elaine Mannisto. A motion was passed to cover costs of registration, travel and meals. Heather also announced details of the Spring Institute for Hospital Auxiliaries to held May 9th and 10th in the O.H.A. Centre, Don Mills. Bootee report by Norma Crockford stated 5 babies had been born since the last meeting. Norma was pleased to receive additional baby wool for this pro- ject and Rosemary Rankin-Fraser will design enclosure cards to be presented with these bootees. Sheila Cassie, reporting as the Hospital Board representative, announced the new Ambulance Garage would be officially opened on May 12th with and open house following the ceremo- ny. Lifeline report by Gertrude Cotton indicated 21 units were in homes now and the financial _ statement had been sent in as required to the Department of Northern Development and Mines. Margaret Gander gave the Gift Shop report and she was thanked for the St. Patrick's Day favors for Easter. The selection of a gift for Sarah Marie Glad, the first baby of the new year born in McCausland Hospital, as well as the first baby of this new decade, was described. Members were reminded the Auxiliary has Love Rock, Ontario. For further information call: Mr. |. Bakk, Principal Telephone: 1-807-886-2201 Fax: 1-807-886-2316 THE NIPIGON RED ROCK BOARD OF EDUCATION Invites Applications from Qualified Persons for SECONDARY SCHOOL VICE PRINCIPAL A Vice-Principal is required at the Nipigon-Red Rock District High School, Red This a composite secondary school with an enrolment of 369 students with 29.5 professional staff. The administrative complement of the school is comprised of 1 principal and 1-vice principal with teaching responsibilities. baby seats which are loaned when needed for a new baby's trip home from the hospital. A motion was passed to have a bookshelf put up in the Pastoral Care room. Ambulance Attendant Lori McMaster had been successfully monitored as she instructed a full day Heart Monitoring course to four members of the Aux. Irene Kettle, Vickie Bougie, and Elaine Mannisto had passed the course. Nominating Chairman Elaine McCausland Hospital Auxiliary Mannisto reminded members there would be an election of offi- cers at the April meeting which falls on Easter Monday. Letters of appreciation were to be sent to Paul Marshand for his assistance with Lifeline and to Estelle Wallwin for instructions and materials. Lunch was served by Margaret Gander at the conclusion of the meeting. G. Cotton -- Public Relations Disability Action Group Vice President Pat Auger chaired the first meeting of the year of the Disability Action Group, Thursday, March 15th in the McCausland Hospital Lounge, welcoming members back after the winter solstice. Correspondence included a let- ter from Donna Mikeluk from Independent Living in Thunder Bay. Donna will be the speaker at the April 19th D.A.G. meeting, outlining the services of Independent Living. Committee reporting included a Lifetime update by Gertrude Cotton, Sick and Visiting by Peggy Thompson, Public Relations by Mary Middaugh and Irene Kettle. Alma Hart request- ed suggestions for social activi- continued on page 11 Ws Le au SCHREIBER PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Is now accepting applications for the - following summer positions: SWIM STAFF SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAM MINOR SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR SCHREIBER GREEN PROGRAM BALL PARK CONCESSIONS Applications are available at the Municipal Office and the Schreiber Recreation Office. Applications will be accepted at the Recreation Office until 4 p.m. Friday May 4, 1990. General- The Nipigon-Red Rock Board of Education with offices situated in Red Rock, Ontario operates 1 secondary school and 4 elementary schools with a total enrolment of 950 students and a staff of about 100. : The Board promotes community involvement and is noted for an organizational climate characterized by openness and trust. Applicants must hold the qualification of Vice Principal as required by the Ministry of Education. Please include all of the following with your resume: A copy of your O.T.Q.R.C., evidence of successful teaching and administrative experience, a written description of your philosophy of education as it pertains to a small secondary school in Northwestern Ontario and two professional references. Applications will be received by the undersigned until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 4, 1990. Joseph S. Virdiramo Director of Education The Nipigon-Red Rock Board of Education P.O. Box 448, Red Rock, Ontario POT 2P0 A.E. Jones J.S. Virdiramo i Chairman Director of Education] | Red Cross Homemaker Service Requires a 3 Relief Homemaker Supervisor Your primary duties will include scheduling, arranging services and rou- tine administration of the service. Post Secondary education in a health, human resource or social service discijline area would be an asset. Also excellent organizational skills and super: visory experience. A valid driver's licence is required. We offer a competitive salary. Please send your resume before April 20, 1990, to: Supervisor, Red Cross Homemakers, Box 447, Terrace Bay, Ontario, PoT 2Wo.