Wednesday, September 6, 1989 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Page 5 Minnova general lack of available informa- tion about an industry that employs many men and women alike, all across Canada. Minnova Inc. is committed to our employees as well as to the communitics in which we make our homes and I sincerely hope that the tours underground, as well as the tours through our sur- face facilities have helped to shed some new light on an industry, as well as a company that intends to be an active part of this commu- nity for many years to come. Your truly, Minnova Inc. John R. Smrke Superintendent - Employee Relations Terrace Bay recreation news Programs We have an exciting Fall and Winter Program lined up for you. Drop down to the Terrace Bay Arena on Sunday, September 10 from 12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m. The Recreation Staff will be there to provide you with infor- mation on the many programs and workshops available. For our newcomers to the area - it's a great way to mect new people, have some'fun and acquire new skills. Fall Fair The largest Fall Fair on the North Shore is scheduled for this Sunday, September 10. Doors open at 12:00 noon. We have sev- eral past exhibitors, as well as some new and exciting ones from the area. It promises to be a great afternoon with entcrtainment, food booths and lots of Christmas gift giving ideas! Bring your family, call your friends and come down to the Terrace Bay Arena - Sunday, September 10 from 12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m. Winter Sports Several organizations will be represented at the Fall Fair. Registrations will take place at the various booths. For more Schreiber rec news Aerobics The dates for the F.O.L.P. Instructors Course have been finalized. The course will be held in Marathon on September 29, 30 October 1 and October 14 and 15. This course is designed to help fitness instructors acquire the basic knowledge and skills to lead safe and enjoyable fitness classes. Anyone interested in leading the aerobics class or sim- ply for your own benefit can obtain more information and reg- istration forms from the recre- ation office. Deadline for regis- tration is September 15. Server Intervention Program Workshops The datesfor the S.I.P. Workshops have not yet been confirmed with the instructor. We are, however, accepting registra- tions and will contact everyone who calls the office asking to be placed on the registration list. There will be three separate four hour workshops offered; one in the morning, afternoon and evening. Registration is limited so call now. . All organizations are reminded 'that only persons having attended a S.I.P. Workshop will be allowed to work behind the bar at munici- pal facilities. Please make arrangements now to get your volunteers trained. 1989-90 Ice Time All organizations, groups or individuals requesting regular ice time are reminded they must have acomplcted ice time request form into the recrcation office by 4:00 p-m. September 20. All special event requests are also required by this date. An ice time meeting has been scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 26 in Meeting Room #1. Fall & Winter Special Events Calendar All groups are asked to submit to the recreation office all neces- sary information required for inclusion in the calendar before 5:00 p.m. September 15. We hope to have the brochure out by the first week of October. Brownies & Guides The Schreiber Brownies & Guides would like to advise any new girls wishing to join us this year to pre-register with Rosann Pellegrino at 824-2823. There is a limited number of spots available, so call now. All former Brownies & Guides are asked to register at the arcna on Sept. 13 at 6:30 p.m. There will also be a uniform exchange at this time. We are seeking new leaders this year as we are desper- ately short! Travellers should know... By Joe Mykietyn Even in travel there are cer- tain rules of etiquette that every traveller should obey. - After all, when travelling abroad each and every person acts, in a way, like a good will ambassador for. his-or her coun- In all my travels there have been very few instances where I have had or heard negative feedback about Canadians, and I think I can contribute, at least on my behalf, the following rules, or as they say in the trav- el business, "The Travellers Ten Commandments" to mak- ing my vacation a successful and enjoyable time. After all, there is more to travel than just going to a coun- try to say you have been there...the people, the food, lan- guage, customs, currency and scenery all account for making a trip successful and enjoyable. So the next time you travel out of Canada, think about the following travellers rules and if you can even remember once or two of them you are well on your way to a great holiday, excellent time, and also mect- ing interesting and exciling people. The Travellers Ten Commandments 1. Thou shalt not expect to find things as they are at home, for thou hast left home to find things different. 2. Thou shalt not take things too seriously, for a carefree mind is the beginning of a care free holiday. 3. Thou shalt not let other tourists get on thy nerves as we are all hcre for the same reason and thou art paying good money to enjoy thy self. 4. Thou must know at all times where thy passport lies, for a man without a passport is a man without a country. 5. Thou shalt not worry, for he that worricth hath no plea- sure. Few things are fatal. 6. Remember that thou art a guest in other lands and he that treateth his host with respect shall in turn be respected. To learn to speaketh "please" and "thank you" in thy host's tongue will make thee thy hosts friend. 7. Thou shalt not judge the entire people of a country by One person who has a poor host. 8. Thou shalt remember, to err is human and to forgive is divine. 9. When in Rome, thou shalt be -_prepared to do as the Romans do. 10. Thou shouldst remem- ber, that if thou was expectcd to stay in one place, thou would have been created with roots. Anon. N.B. Travel brochures for winter '89 - '90 should start arriving in about 4 to 6 wecks for all destinations south. Remember to book carly. information on the sports organi- zations in our community - drop down to the Fall Fair and visit with the representatives from these clubs. Weight Room We have just recently received a new leg-press for our Weight Room. Interested in working out? We have a great facility just wailt- ing for you! Open 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday and from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday. Squash & Racquetball Ladders Have you signed up for the "Challenge of '89"? For more information on the Squash and Racquetball Ladders, drop into the office or call us at 825-3542. Tourist Information Centre The Tourist Information Centre officially closed on Friday, 'September 1. A special thanks to Kim Borsa, Cathy Cornfield and Cheryl Madore for welcoming the many visitors to our community. Recreation Memberships Has your membership expired? As of July 1, 1989 the Payroll Deduction System at Kimberly-Clark was eliminated. You memberships were due at that time. Your membership enti- tles you to the use of our many facilities and programs. For more information, plcase call the Recreation Office at 825-3542. Recreation Centre Winter Hours Monday to Saturday - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday - 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. -- Major Appliance Repairs Servicing done in your own home to ranges, washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, electric hot water tanks and electric heating units. Parts on hand for most makes and models. BILL CAMPBELL ELECTRIC 824-2743 or 824-2574 Servicing Jackfish, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Piat Enjoy the charming atmosphere = a 100 year old Railroad Inn. Comfortable overnight accomodations. "ROSSPORT INN EST. 1884 Steaks, Seafood & Fresh Local Fish Licensed Dining FOR RESERVATIONS WRITE OR CALL: Ned & Shelagh Basher 824-3213 Rossport, Ontario 824-3418 , TRAVEL 4 ? =e: Call your only in town 4 AOR ¢ Travel Consultant Bs ec ~ Joe Mykietyn (Agent) Centre: Date: Time: Place: French 1100 YTB Sociology 2205 YTB Religious Studies 2803 YTB Psychology 3081 YTB ES ae E Lakehead. University a A Northern Vision REGISTRATION MEETING FOR 1989/90 FALL/WINTER COURSES Terrace Bay Tuesday, September 12 4:00 p.m. St. Martin's School Subject to minimum enrollment and availability of instructors, the following courses will be offered: Intermediate Oral French Race and Ethnic Relations World Religions: An Introduction The Exceptional Child FREE TUITION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS AGE 60 OR OVER enrolling in credit courses For further information and counselling appointments, please contact our Off-Campus Representative in your area: MRS. BARBARA SPADONI 824-2761 (Home) 825-3255 (School)