Page 7, News, Wednesday, April 20, 1988 Terrace Bay recreation centre news Fun Run The Terrace bay Recreation Department invites all old and new residents to participate in the Annual North Shore Recreation Directors Fun Run Challenge. Each year the recreation direc- tors try to encourage the residents of their communities to come out and participate in the Fun Run. A designated route in the town of approximately one mile can be travelled either by walking, run- ning, hopping, crawling or biking. this route is covered any time dur- ing a two hour period. Participants are asked to register in front of the Recreation Centre on May 24 between 7.00 pm and 9.00 pm travel the designated route and return to the centre where they will be given a participation button. the winning community will be awarded a banner which is dis- played in their town. Communities taking part in the Fun Run Challenge will be Geraldton, Longlac, Manitowadge, Marathon, Red Rock, Nakina, Nipigon, Dorion, Schreiber and Terrace Bay. Ron.. the challenge is on, will attack next week. Programs Aerobics There will be another session of evening Aerobics to be held at St. Martin School from May 2 to June 23 Times: Monday 6.30--7.45 pm Thursday 6.30--7.45 pm Non-impact aerobics St. Martin School Starting Date: May 2 to June 23 Monday 6.30 pm -- 7.45 pm Thursday 7.45-- 8.45 pm Taking Charge with Aerobics Recreation Centre Starting date: April 27 to June 1 Times: Mondays & Wednesday at 2.00-- 3.00 pm Over 50 Hoppers Recreation Centre The next session of Over 50 Hoppers will take place at the fol- lowing times; Starting Date: May 9 to June 17 Times: Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays 10.00 --11.00 pm Sewing Course for Beginners with Elise Kenny Do you want to learn how to use a sewing machine, read a pattern, cut a pattern, put in a zipper and a sleeve or hem an article? Participants will learn some tips on different fabrics. They will make a sewing bag, and hopefully make a simple two-piece outfit for adult or child. The course will be held on Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7.00-- 9.00 pm. More infor- Northstars did well in tourney By Charlotte Miller Special to the News The Schreiber North Stars Midgets travelled to Red Lake on the weekend of April 8-10 to par- ticipate in the Midget District Playdowns. Representing the Eastern zone, the Schreiber team played against the Thunder Bay Hornets of the central zone, the Kenora Stars of the Western zone and the host team Red Lake Rangers. Schreiber made it to the finals against the Hornets, but were defeated 4-1 in a hard-fought battle. DOWN THE CHIMNEY SPECIALS PETE'S CHIMNEY SWEEP For FREE ESTIMATES CALL PETE at 825-9330 The North Stars arc to be com- mended for their fine display of sportsmanship and hockey skills. They treated the fans to some fast, exciting hockey over the weekend. The large contingent of fans who travelled from Schreiber were overwhelmed by the hospitality shown to them and the players by the play down committee, as well as the people of Red lake, Balmertown, and Cochenour. it only proves once again that small towns know the truc meaning of hospitality. Although the North Stars were defeated, there was a-prize brought back to Schreiber. After participat- ing in a talent contest, a group of Schreiber singers won first prize. Their rendition of "Down by the riverside" received a standing ova- tion and shouts of "encore." The group then sang "Enjoy yourself, It's Later Than You Think," which also. was. well received. Congratulations Cos and the Cosettes. And congratulations to the North Stars for their excellent rep- resentation of Schreiber in the play- downs, as well as all year. We're proud of you! 'Law errices of EDWIN W.(TED) PAGET BARRISTERS & SOLICITOR located at TERRACE BAY OFFICE Simcoe Plaza 825-9379 or 9395 Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm French and English Spoken SCHREIBER OFFICE 303 Scotia (lower floor) 824-3122 Every Tuesday 10:00 am - 12 noon 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm an engaging proposition for the month of april. and receive the matching wed 8 JEWELLERS presents purchase any diamond engagement ring in stock at the regular price ding ring free! (all sales final) Churchley's Jewellers visa & mastercard accepted 825-3592 simcoe plaza terrace bay mation can be obtained by calling the terrace Bay Recreation Department at 3542. Fitness instructor Anyone interested in becoming a Fitness Instructor is asked to please contact the Terrace Bay Rec Department at 825-3542. Upcoming Events April 19, 20, 21 Prospector's Course, Conference room 7--10 pm April 20 Annual General Meeting 7.30 pm April 20 Search and Rescue Meeting Multi-purpose Room 7.30 pm April 23 Thunder Country Figure-Curling Club-all Day Skating Meeting April 24 Weightlifting Workshop _~ Cont. room 8.00 am--4.30 pm April 24 Sea Cadets Board Room 7.00 pm May 1 Figure Skating Banquet Curling Club Lounge, 6 pm Sunday May 4 Acrobats of the Pagoda Schreiber Arena starting at 8 pm May 9 Terracc Bay/Schreiber Concert Series Mccting, Library at 7.30 pm May 14 McCausland Hospital Auxiliary Bake Salc, Costa's 10--12 noon. Coming soon Spring Tackle Show YOU WILL SEE rods, reeis and tackle boxes (2) % eRe % > So See SS °) 0 sy > > 4 + Q s * @ S ) fe) & < '. OD x G Q K SS G 0) = < ) 'Sage gg Koc ge See ea x * * + GUARANTEED BEST PRICES IN TOWN feature: Hummingbird Portable If! $359.95 Hu dune 13-23 1988 Alberta Bound. July 3-135. 1988 Oshk 0:6 h- 47:6 UF July 29-Aug 2 1988 Aug 18-Sept 2 1988 4 ES Ozark/Wisconson Dells Tour Sept 12-22 1988 Tour Sept 16-2! 1988 345-0751 or 345-0752 | Winnepeg folklorama Labrador Tour. 345 Fort William Road SS Lodge POS Cy 9) = Da O° ~y ~ -- ta) Prd fe) ie ~ = Jur.2 27-30 1988 Aug 22-25 1988 ig Valley Jamboree July 13-19 1988 I RRR RRP I Aug 7-11 1988 "4 watt pectacular Eastern Ontario Tour Sept 6-15 1988 PROPOSES IRE Maritimes/ New England States Sept !6-Oct 6 1988 Oktoberfest Oct 7-14 1988 aS