Page 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, June 25, 1986 Refugee Committee formed -- The Schreiber Refugee Committee has held two meetings recently to ex- plore the possibility of sponsoring one or more refugees, according to Committee member Jack Stokes. The first meeting, which was a public session, was held primarily to listen to a talk given by Lloyd Jones, the Canadian Co- ordinator for World Vi- sion. He is based in Thunder Bay, Stokes said. "Jones also attended ser- vices at the Catholic, Angl- ican, and United Churches where he spoke of the mill- ions of refugees who were in danger of persecution as a result of oppressive reg- imes," Stokes added. The Committee and many Schreiber residents, Stokes noted, feel that more needs to be done to give refugees a chance at hope and life. ALLIED The Careful Movers Mary Jo Mageau 825-9474 On the Committee are Chairman Bill Campbell, Vice Chairperson Marg Connelly, Secretary Arthur Le Blanc, Treasurer Verna Le Blanc, Assistant Sec- retary Regina Bueno, and Stokes as Second Vice Chairman. '*The United Nations de- fines a refugee (as) a per- son outside his native coun- try who is unable or unwill- ing to rely on the protection of his country because of persecution or a_ well- founded fear of persecution on account of race, relig- ion, nationality, or mem- bership in a_ particular social group or political opinion," Stokes said. He explained that the Committee is now preoc- cupied with entering into an arrangement with a group which has a sponsor- ship agreement with the Ministry of State for Imm- igration. '*Anyone wishing to ass- ist in fund-raising, co- ordination, housing, orient- ation, education, health, or employment for this wor- thy cause are asked to con- tact any of the Committee members,"' he pointed out. Stokes said the Committ- ee is convinced their goal of sponsoring at least one refugee is a worthwhile thing to do. '*That's our aim, our ob- jective,' he said, adding that the group still has a lot of groundwork to do, though they are committed to the task. OFIA is critical The Ontario Forest In- dustries Association is "ex- tremely critical' of the so- called "political games- manship" which resulted in the provincial govern- ment's recent decision not MOVING? In a day when personal caring service seems like a chapter from history, you'll be pleased wiih Allied's genuine concern and professional help. When a move is in your future, call us. We'll make a helpful house call right away. Armstrong The Mover TERRACE BAY MARATHON THUNDER BAY B&J Delivery 229-0858 to use chemical sprays in its budworm insect control program this year. Ian D. Bird, the presid- ent of the OFIA, said ina speech that the government made its decision in the ppd 9 == ph "tae ) i 345-7396 face of "substantial public support"' of a program to spray 740,000 hectares of forest in northern Ontario with a combination of bio- logical and chemical insect- icides, according to the June issue of "The Forest Scene" newsletter. Damage to the northern forest from both spruce and jackpine budworm has now reached epidémic proport- ions, Bird said. This year's infestation covers over 16 million hectares compared to 10 million hectares just two years ago. In another recent speech given at Lakehead Univer- sity in Thunder Bay, the vice president for corpor- ate affairs at Boise Cascade Canada Ltd. spoke about budworms and echoed a few of Bird's statements. "'T do not hesitate in say- ing that the budworm prob- lem represents the single greatest threat to. our in- dustry's resource today,"' D. John Valley said, add- ing that "Action is not on- ly appropriate, it is imper- ative."' in area. Schreiber 0% OFF All children's clothing (infants to teens) June 25 to July 5 Spadoni's Dept. Store 824-2549 It's KID'S DA at Spadoni's Signs now up ii a Chris Joubert, at right, the Maintenance Supervisor at Birchwood Terrace, and his assistant Bryan Whitney wound up using a pick-up truck to help them put up new No Parking signs at the senior citizens' residence in Terrace Bay recently. Visitors are urged to take note of the signs and use designated parking areas only. Fish derby scheduled The second annual Loyal Order of Moose Kid's Fish Derby is scheduled to take place this summer, but tickets for the event are on sale now, Moose member Chris Joubert said. 'We are planning for a bigger response this year," he explained. The tickets are for a draw on a $200 grocery voucher, with all proceeds from the contest to go to the fish derby prizes for the kids, Joubert added. Entry forms for the der- by itself are $1 each, and each form doubles as a ticket on a draw for a bicy- cle. The form is also good for free refreshments on the day of the event. Joubert, the chairman for the derby, noted that this year's contest is open to all children in the North Shore area. All they have to do is fill out the entry form. For the forms or for fur- ther information, contact Joubert at 825-9295 or Bob Langford at 825-3575. Mariner Outboards. over $8 billion annually. Of course the impressive level of growth that Mariner has ex- perienced thus far hasn't happened by accident. It took an aggressive group of marine dealers backed by a Mariner blueprint for growth. Products That Perform: Mariner Outboards have a reputation for reliability. After you sell them, they don't come back. We offer a complete line of outboard power options from 2 thru 200 horsepower, plus six electric models. Support Programs That Work: We take care of,our dealers. 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