D and A display Dick Hoben, the manager of the Red Dog Inn in Terrace Bay, recently donated money to the Terrace Bay Police Force which went towards the purchase of material for the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program, shown here with Hoben, at right, and Police Chief Russ Phillips. The display has been brought to schools in town and will be on view at the Curling Lounge in the Recreation Centre on May 13 and 15 as part of Police Week. Some students upset by Tonya Zborowski A graduation meeting for the 1986 Lake Superior High School graduates was held on Tuesday, April 15, at 10:30 a.m. Agendas were handed out before the meeting and students discussed and argued over many vital issues concerning their up- coming graduation. The most important issue discussed at the meeting was the date on which the prom dance would be held. In the past, the graduation dance was held on the same night as the ceremonies and supper. This year, to avoid the hassles of decorating the gym and putting chairs away before the dance, the grade 12 and 13 students agreed that it would be more convenient and. a relief to hold the graduation dance previous to the sup- per and ceremonies. Being a grade 12 student myself, I attended this meeting in hopes that a date for the prom dance would be agreed upon. I was surprised, and to say the least shocked, at the fact that we grade 12s, who are also graduating this year, were practically "unheard". The dominating grade 13s seemed to have had Notice Gail Conrad of Terrace Bay has been appointed Principal of Schreiber Public School for the school year 1986 to 1987, a recent Lake Superior Board of Education news release announced. She replaces Wayne Tessier, who will be a Vice-Principal at Lake Superior High School for the same school year, replacing Ed Taylor, who will be on a leave of absence during that school term. : Conrad is the first per- son to have commenced her education in Grade 1 in the systern to be named as Principal; the release add- ed. She has taugh in both Marathon and Manitouwadge and, for the past three years, has taught at Terrace Bay Public School. For the period of September, 1981 to August, 1983 she was a Special Education Co- ordinator for the Board, working in all four communitics. previously discussed a date for the prom dance that was convenient for them. They thought that the prom dance should be held as early as the weekend of May 9 and 10. Without stopping to consider the fact that that weekend is only about a month away, and some of us girls have not got a dress for the prom yet, they continued to press the date. A democratic vote was taken on this issue, and May 16 was decided to be the date for the prom dance. Unfortunately, myself and many other students left the meeting upset and angry. Many of us grade 12s even considered not going to the prom if it was going to be so much trouble. I think that in order for us graduates to have a suc- cessful, fun, and memorable graduation, we must work together and "listen" to each other's ideas and opinions. As well as being the grade 13's last high school graduation, it is also many of us grade 12's last high school graduation. Due to circumstances, the date set for the prom night will not be changed It's too bad that a simple issue such as a date for a dance cannot be agreed upon. This year's prom dance will very likely be successful, but whether or not the bad feelings bet- ween the students will pass before the dance is questionable! A a = PIII IIS KF FI IFIS5 Terrace Bay Police Report Terrace Bay Police Report: April 4 - 17, 1986 Police investigated one complaint of wilful damage done to a vehicle on private property. Several items of lost and found, including bicycles and licence plates, were reported. Three occurrences of theft were investigated: theft of a bicycle, a jacket, and theft of gas from a vehicle. Theft of an auto was reported and investiga- tion revealed the theft was unfounded and _ three charges under the Highway Traffic Act were laid as a result of a youth driving a vehicle without permission. A complaint of an im- paired driver was received by Police but the suspect could not be located at the time. Terrace Bay Police assisted Niagara Regional Police regarding an in- vestigation of a local per- son who had been involv- ed in an accident which resulted in charges being laid against him. A charge of possession of narcotics was laid against a local resident as a result of a search warrant being executed. Police were called out to assist at McCausland Hospital with a patient Terrace Bay Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting and . Election of Officers ~ o,? LT a a OO 2%. 9% = OF %n* 2? Tuesday, April 29th 7:30 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room Recreation Centre ee ae a o,.%,¢,.¢,¢%,? Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 23, 1986, page 5 causing a disturbance. As a result of a distur- bance at a local motel, one male subject was lodged in the OPP cells for Breach of the Peace. Police attended a further disturbance at another motel which resulted in a subject being locked up overnight and charged under the Liquor Licence Act. Terrace Bay Police assisted OPP of Horne- payne regarding two overloaded trucks during the half load season. Three incidents of welfare assistance to tran- sients were attended to in the past two weeks. Assistance was given to Upsala OPP in locating a local person who had been involved in one of their occurrences. Police attended a fire of an auto in a parking lot. Arson is suspected and the case is still under investiga- tion as several witnesses are still to be contacted in this matter. Upon. checking a suspicious vehicle, Police seized an open bottle of li- quor and the owner was charged under the Liquor Licence Act. Two charges under the Highway Traffic Act were laid against a local motorist as a result of failing to stop at a stop sign and failing to surrender a_ driver's licence. A complaint of careless driving was reported but no charges were laid as suspect had left the area. One abandoned vehicle was reported in the Township and picked up and stored by Police for further investigation. Police responded to a call from a local merchant regarding an intoxicated person causing a distur- bance who was subsequent- ly picked up by Police, lodged in the cells and continued on page 6 J.K. & S.K. not re-register. P. Richardson Chairman. students, who will D.L. Davey, Principal. TERRACE BAY PUBLIC SCHOOL JUNIOR & SENIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATIONS attend school September, 1986, are invited to register anytime after April 1, 1986. Forms are available at the school and you may drop in between the hours of 9:00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:45 p.m. Please bring proof of age with you - birth certificate, baptismal certificate, etc. To qualify, J.K. students must be born in 1982 and S.K. students must be born in 1981. An information meeting will be held in May and you will be notified as soon as the date is set. For further information please contact the school at 825-3253. NOTE: Students presently attending this school need in N.B. If you plan on registering your child in either one of these classes for Sept./86, please advise the school before April 30/86. : M. Twomey, Director. Street, Schreiber. Dated at the Township of Schreiber this 11th day of APRIL 1986 A.J. Gauthier, Clerk, TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER Notice of Intent to Pass an Amending By-Law To By-Law 631, The Effect of Which Is To Change Lots 52-53 Plan M-120 Kingsway From Residential to Highway Commercial TAKE NOTE: That the Council of the Township of Schreiber intends . to pass By-Law 86-10, on the 10th day of June 1986 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE: That a Public Meeting will be held on May 14, 1986, to consider the change in Zoning, of Lot 52, and Lot 53, Plan M-120, Kingsway, from Mobile Home, and Residen- tial Respectively, to Highway Commercial. AND PERSON MAY attend the PUBLIC MEETING, and/or make writ- ten or verbal representation either in support of, or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by- law amendment is available for inspection between the hours of 9:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m., at the Municipal Office, 608 Winnipeg Township of Schreiber, Municipal Office, 608 Winnipeg St., Schreiber, Ont., 807-824-2711 wins °100 bar bar bell bell WINS $20 WINS $3, WINS $> wins $1. "Yay We will not be undersold on our advertised items - we guarantee it a SSS SS Tudsons Bay Company