O.P.P. When all the snow had cleared, motorists along the Northshore had fared quite well. Four traffic accidents were investigated, the most serious at Cavers on Wednesday, 'November 20th, when a 1978 Mustang operated by Herbert Campbell, age 33 of Winnipeg, Manitoba struck a transport driven by Louis Herbert, age 44 of Thunder Bay. Damage resulted to both vehicles estimated at $3200. Mr. Campbell received minor injuries and was treated at hospital in Nipigon. An assault was in- vestigated at the Winston Lake Mine site after an altercation between a supervisor and an employee who had been dismissed. The matter was resolved without charges being laid. Members assisted Ter- race Bay Police in the ap- prehension of a local sub- ject. The matter is under investigation by _ the Township Police. Report On Monday, November 25th, a truck was reported stolen from a local garage. Investigation revealed it had been taken by a former employee. The subject will appear in Provincial Court in December. With the festive season fast approaching, members at Schreiber Detachment, in cooperation with Ter- race Bay Police will again intensify the program to identify drinking drivers. Check points will be con- ducted using A.L.E.R.T.'s and any driver failing will be arrested and taken for formal breathalyzer testing. Recent amend- ments to the penalty sec- tions in the Criminal Code provide for penalties for first convictions starting at $300.00 and for subsequent offences to terms of imprisonment. Every Christmas loved ones are lost to the ir- responsible actions of im- paired drivers. If you plan on drinking, don't plan on driving. Terrace Bay Horticultural Society At the Annual General Meeting of the Terrace Bay Horticultural Society held on Wednesday, Nevember 13, 1985 the following Of- ficers and Directors were elected. President: Hyacinthe Landry, Ist Vice President: Shirley Rippengal, 2nd Vice President: Teresa Landry, Directors: Doris Walton, Iris Lindberg, Daphne Monks, Al Chisholm, Walter Bigelow, Ken Randle, Shirley Opas, Peter Monks. Kim Ten Hoeve and Marjorie Graham car- ried on in the respective positions of Secretary and Treasurer. The Auditors for the 1985/86 year will be Moe Phillion and Gary Boutette. It was reported. that because of some confusion last year the Christmas Bulb contest was cancelled. Due to a bad summer we did not run the Home Beautification program this year. It was also decided not'to run the Christmas Bulb contest this year. In- stead we will be concen- trating on encouraging peo- ple in the town to continue their efforts in their gardens next year. Although we were able to get a full slate of of- ficers, the turnout for the meeting was very disap- pointing. There is so much we would like to be able to do in the town but we have to have "'hands on" .sup- port to do it. So, next year when our membership drive is on we hope that we will get more 'working members". We are the Champions .. . The LSHS Voyageur Senior Boys' Volleyball team is back from the OF- SAA Volleyball Cham- pionships with the follow- ing results. The trip was great, the food not bad for some, the accomodations unreal and the opposition very tall and tough. Out of the twelve teams at the tournament LSHS was ranked fifth in the pro- vince and finished up about sixth overall in the tourna- ment. The team played very well despite certain handicaps, and never let down until it was all over. It was a great experience in many respects. Congratulations for a great season go out to the NWOSSAA champs: Geordy Fournier, Curtis Evoy, Steve Denomme, Kevin Roberts, Mike Strassburger, Ron Stortini, Henry Kaari, Shawn Madore, Warren Sutherland, Kenton Klassen, Charlie Scollard and Jeff Bonnema. A big thank-you to super coach Roberts!, The Voyageurs would also like to thank Monique Parise, Jodi Bertin, Paula Bouchard, Tracy Clark, Sue Boucher and the LSHS student body for their sup- port this season. Also thanks to Mr. Taylor, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Houston, Mrs. Mulligan and the staff for their help and encouragement. . Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, December 4, 1985, page 7 Pictured is Chief Russ Phillips demonstrating Bus Safety to one group of students from Lake Superior High School, which followed a film in the gym entitled Death Zone. sa x oe ~ Gata Chnustmas List WEVE Gor THE GIFTS { Ee, Young _ Fashions , Unlimited 825-3775 be EB ia) my > nts Sega een AE Fe \ \ b ta i i Cones se < 7 Churchley's { Jewellers | 825-3592 ONIN \ j store hours friday december 6 9-9 wednesday - friday december 11 - 13 9-9 monday - friday december 16 - 20 9-9 monday december 23 9-9 cov esrs rresesesverereteeesr oeece