Friday, May 10th was Hospital Day in Terrace Bay. Many people, in- cluding bus loads of students took this oppor- tunity to visit the many departments of the Hospital that are not often available for viewing. Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 22, 1985, page 5 Hospital Day Experience Supervisor and Training Director on hand for demonstrations and ques- tions. She had an am- bulance on hand with CPR mannequins, equip- ped with modern recor- ding techniques for the teaching of CPR. There were a number of first aid handbooks on display and a list of all re- quirements needed to become an ambulance driver. The members of the Board of Govenors of the McCausland Hospital were providing tours with the help of the nurses and other staff. The Nurses AsSocia- tion donated the cakes and cookies. Children's art decorate the halls, ex- plaining what they perceive a hospital to be. The children touring en- joyed visiting the physiotherapy depart- ment and did not hesitate to test the equipment. Joyce Reid's Sr. Kindergarten class from the Public School in Schreiber got a first hand look at the operation of the heart monitor, the whirlpool and X-Ray department. The emergency equip- ment was on display, with Pat Skula Ambulance Michael Moore and Irwin Heqedus demonstrate the leased from Spadoni Bros. in Schreiber and is: Hospital's van, equipped with hydrolic lift. The van is invaluable to the Hospital. f 'r. Michael Moore, Chairman of the Board of Goveners of McCausland Hospital and Marlene Hanley officially open the Hospital's first blood bank. Come and Go Shower In honour of: Rosalie Kushnieryk will be held on : Tuesday May 28th, in the United Church Cancer can be Emergency vehicle and equipment on display at Hospital day. : beaten. ee Schreiber, from 8 p.m. -- 10 Any questions for Northern | Everyone Welcomet Affairs? SEMINAR FOR SENIORS Mr. Bob Cheetam, representing the Ministry of Northern Affairs visits Terrace Bay and Schreiber He helps seniors in many ways, with regards to their pensions and income supplements. He is also a Commissioner of Oath, therefore able to sign documents etc. Mr. Cheetam can also be reach- ed by phone. Dial the operator and ask for Zenith Ontario, that will connect you directly to his office. THE FUTURE IS YOURS TO PLAN Friday, May 31st Venture Inn - 450 Memorial Ave. | often, every Thursday. He is in Terrace Bay from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Recreation Center.and in Schreiber 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Appointments may be made through these two offices. Mr: Cheetam can answer any questions you have in regards to govern- ment programs and ser- vices, both Provincial and 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.' THE NORTH OF SUPERIOR DISTRICT : ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Presents ""COME TOGETHER '85" Thunder Bay District Health Council presents an opportunity for seniors in the City and District to: a) Discuss present and future health care services for seniors; b) Identify gaps in our services for seniors; c) Suggest new or additional services to meet the long Federal. He deals with : a term care needs of the senior population labour complaints, new sureniPa Musical Celebration ee business inquiries, and = - = summer employment. If THURSDAY, Don't Play Dead Mr. Cheetam cannot hel you he will certainly be (Le MAY 30TH, 1985 Fae ha te ene able to put you in touch p : with the right people. At SPECIAL ADVISOR ON SENIORS REP DISCUSSION GROUPS -- SENIOR INPUT In Lunch and coffee provided free -§T. MARTIN SCHOOL, For further information phone: 807-623-6131 TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO eo eee ee eer emeterae oe e Registration: SENIORS: $5.00 Students: $10.00 Others: $15.00 Schools which will be participating: (orecto St. Brigid School Nakina Name: Larner St. Hilary School Red Rock St. Edward School Nipigon Address: Holy Angels School Schreiber : Holy Saviour School Marathon REGISTER EARLY by mail! Registrations also accepted May 31, St. Martin School, Primary Terrace Bay 1985 at the Venture Inn between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. (if space St. Martin School, Senior Terrace Bay available)