Page 14, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, December 5, 1984 olice Report Terrace Bay One missing person was reported and lo- cated the following day. There was only one motor vehicle accident reported. Damage - totalled less than $400 and no charges were laid. ~ Several parking vio- lations. resulted in a number of persons re- ceiving tickets for various by-laws. One person was no- tified of the suspension -of his driver's licence and his existing licence seized. One Break and Enter was investigated and cleared as unfdunded. An officer attended to a trespass complaint. The problem was re- solved and a person was removed -- with no charges being laid. : Officers handled two domestic disputes and assisted with a possible peace bond. available. NEED A CHALLENGE? If you are concerned about local issues and events; like to meet people; have the ability to express yourself on paper and can use a 35mm camera, there is a challenging position THE TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER NEWS requires an Editor-Reporter Resumes should be sent to: Terrace Bay Schreiber News P.O. Box 579 Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2W0 Deadline Dec. 7/84 Schreiber wanted to buy. Terrace Bay '25 words 2 weeks 5.00 .20 per word after 25 Automobiles, trucks, boats, motors, recreational vehicles, property, for rent, motorcycles, ¢ equipment, wanted to buy, each item. Cancellations - Corrections Classified Policy All Classified Advertising is Pre-Paid Paid 25 words 2 weeks °4.00 .20 per word after 25 Household items, pets, sports equipment, appliances, clothing, hild care services, musical Ad ¢ Please check your advertisement for corrections. No Credit will be issued for any cancellation, once an ad is ordered, it is Deadline P.O. Box 579 considered to have been published. Deadline for all classified word ads is 12:00 noon Friday 4 preceding publication. Classified ads are mailed to Box 579, Terrace Bay, the News Office in Terrace Bay or at Fig's Texaco in Schreiber. Mail Order Form Today Mail Cheque or Money Order to: The Terrace Bay-Schreiber News Terrace Bay, Ontario, POT 2W0 PT pe EP i Pee Pee ee Be es SN a get Et wre k a DS omega OY gee ers ee Sa gar 6 00g )ees Oe eae. 8 ae oa eT S 8 Ea pee 2 er eee Sa. Sate ES aha hoe eee eR Se we 6-8 Se EIS UPS BE ES a 5 bale PRE Rigs ee EEE ee + ee WS gS ee Ses Se ee a Ont. POT 2W0 or dropped off at paid in advance or ores oe I | (807) 345-7316 Two thefts were re- ported and are still under investigation. A report was received about an _ Impaired Driver which resulted in a 12 hour suspension of their driver's licence. Another possible im- paired driver was es- corted home after re- continued on page 15 arcs U I |: BRING THIS ®& COUPON : fora "CHRISTMAS SHOPPER'S WEEKEND" at the SLEEPING GIANT MOTEL Thunder Bay, Ontario eg Pe heel oer a, , * = La) he * Check-in Friday Noon Check-out Sunday Noon 4 1 pers. $52.50 - 2 pers. $55.50 } (plus tax) : (Extra pers. $4.00 nightly) Enjoy delicious meals inthe ~ BREAKWATER DINING ROOM (Breakfast Special $1.99!) & Relax and dance to top entertainment in the LIGHTHOUSE LOUNGE i Reserve early, Ph. in Photo (Sizes 110, DEVELOP end P One Hospital Concept Investigated In response to an emerg- ing community consensus on the need to more active- ly pursue the development of a regional hospital cen- tre in Thunder Bay, the District Health Council has re-affirmed its. support for a one-hospital model to provide acute care services. The Health Council completed a study in 1982 which recommended a one- hospital concept as_ the preferred option for hospital services in the ci- ty. Support for the concept has slowly incubated and has been re-focused by the recent debate on medical transportation costs to other health centres in southern parts of the province. Foster Loucks, the Ex- ecutive Director of the District Health Council, points to the development of a consolidated one-site regional hospital referral centre as a significant step in enhancing health ser- vices in-Northwestern On- tario. The presence of a graphy... Now at "TheLobby eS 0 a 126, 135 and Disc Only) | RINT y co q fn. EXTRA SET OF PRINT single well-resourced hospital in Thunder Bay, he added, would allow us to assume greater regional responsibilities for health care which is a goal shared by the Ministry of Health. It would also open the pro- spect of developing new programs and medical specialties and services, previously referred to Toronto, Winnipeg and Minnesota. The District Health Council, in conjunction with a recently formed hospital planning group in the city, has initiated steps to determine existing sup- port for the concept. This will include an, attitude survey of the public, the development of a master plan, as well as .more detailed information on cost and funding sources. The investigation of a single hospital centre should examine cost effi- ciencies. a wider range of services. and the prospect of using vacated premises for future long term care vl | s = ¥ SeL : needs, Mr. Loucks stated. A great deal of discus- sion and detailed planning is still required. The development of the regional hospital centre is" seen as a long range plan, probably ten years in the making, but the Health Council believes that a start must be made now by set- ting the goal and charting the direction. im. dodick R.O.. optometrist 1119 Victoria Ave THUNDER BAY Phone 622-7726 ee Ris * NOW BETTER BRIGHTER COLOUR PRINTS WITH EVERY st time of developin 42 exp. film only 3.98 1.20 '* LIMITED TIME OFFER ON DISC DEVELOPMENT !! 15 exp. film only 2.99 1.50 REGULAR & BONUS OFFERS ARE NOT APPLICABLE ON THIS SPECIAL. REGULAR 24aexp. tilm only 7.88 4 2.40 36 exp. film only 10-88 | 3.60 REPRINTS 55ea. or 10 for 5.00 SLIDE FILM film only) 20 exp. 3. 36 exp. 4 (135 E-6 process ENLARGEMENTS 5x7 - 2.75 8x10- 4.95 BRAND OF FILM! We give our customers the quali- ty and service you expect, the price you need, plus * FREE BONUSES on 2 or more rolls devcloped at the same time! * 4th ROLL FREE! when 4 or more rolls are processed at the same time! The Lobby 18 SIMCOE PLAZA FILM re =. o} par o 5) TERRACE BAY 825 .- . 9261 ALSO AT: ODD'S BODKIN 305 SCOTIA ST. SCHREIBER 824-2694