Geraldton Mayor Seeks Liberal Nomination Michael Power, May- or of the Town of Ger- aldton, has announced that he will contest the nomination in Lake Nip- igon Riding of the Liber- al Party of Ontario. The nomination has been scheduled for Satur- day, September 29th in Red Rock. It is widely expected that a Provin- cial election will be held this fall. Mayor Power, was a candidate in the 1975- provincial elec- tion, said he was seek- ing the nomination be- cause he was confident that he could provide all of the people of Lake Nipigon Riding with the services and _ repre- sentation that they de- serve and have come to expect. '*As a Mayor', said Power, "'I am well aware of the neglect that the North suffers through lack of development in- centive and the result- ant absence of job crea- tion. It is crucial that we look at the North with new eyes and provide the policies and incen- tives to enable the trans- ition from a resource based economy to a mixed economy.'"' The Mayor said, 'I - am convinced that we must question and re- examine the traditional way in which we have . perceived and aided economic activity and tax sharing in Northern Ontario. e Govern- T.B. Rec. ... continued from page 2 rectors will conduct a Ringette Jamboree for girls ages 9-12 on Nov- ember 24, 25th in Ter- race Bay. The jambo- ree is similar to the Pee Wee Hockey Jamboree held last year. The jam- boree will start on Fri- day night with a clinic on the game of Ringette for all participants. Prior to each game there will be a skills and rules ses- sion. If you are inter- ested in helping call continued on page 10 Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 26, 1984, page 7 who . Micheal Power ment of Ontario must be ment of David Peter- persuaded to make this son to the North has a priority."' been demonstrated by Power said that "The Ontario Liberal Party under the leadership of David Peterson has made Northern issues a priority. The commit- his frequent visits to all parts of the North and willingness to listen to and seek solutions for the concerns of North- erners."' This fall, residents of five Ontario regions will be able to take part in a TVOntario pilot project that celebrates the hu- man capacity for creati- vity. From early October until December, resi- dents of Ottawa, the Niagara Peninsula, Lon- don, Thunder -- Bay, North Bay, and sur- rounding areas that re- ceive the TVOntario sig- nal can take part in the Forum on creativity. The forum is a vehicle for personal exploration that encourages parti- cipants to acquire and trade new skills and ideas in order to enrich their personal and pro- fessional lives. The TV- Ontario Forum on Crea- tivity combines the use of print resources and recommended television viewing from TVOn- tario's fall . broadcast schedule that is intend- ed to encourage people to acknowledge and ex- plore their own creative abilities. Forum on Creativity Mary Graham, the co- ordinator of the pilot project, explains that the forum's designa- tion "was derived from' the idea of creating a kind of psychological meeting place where people can share experi- ences that will increase their confidence in and | utilization of their per- sonal creativity. Crea- tivity is evident in the everyday actions of all men and women,"' and, says Graham, "we hope that the Forum on Crea- tivity will allow peo- ple to discover a more creative, open approach to relationships, work, leisure, and everyday problem solving." Participants in the pilot forum will have the opportunity to evalu- ate the forum concept. Says Graham, "If the project is successful, TY Ontario may offer addi- tional forums to TVOn- tario viewers through- out the province." continued on page 10 continued from page 3 the best ever. Sports On September 29, the Junior Boys' Volley- ball team will be host- ing an invitational tour- nament at the Terrace Bay. campus. Please come out and show your support! The Senior Boys' team will be in Marathon on the same day for an invitational tournament. On October 12 and 13, 1984 the Junior and Senior Boys' Volleyball teams and Junior and Senior Girls' basketball teams will be travelling to Geraldt- on. They will be there for the Western Division Semi-finals for the North of Superior Secondary School Athletic Associa- tion (NSSSAA) _ sports meet. Other high school teams competing in this meet will be from Geral- dton, Nipigon-Red Rock, and Marathon. The top two teams in each cate- gory will advance to the finals in Red Rock the following week. Senior Boys' Volley- Voyageur Trails ... ball is coached by Mike Serre and. Doug Rob- erts. Larry Fraser and Rob Thompson coach the Junior Boys. Senior Girls' Basketball is coached by Astrid Kneipp and Gail Kirk- patrick. Ten Hanley coaches the Junior Girls' team. The Lake Superior Cheerleaders have also begun their practices. Tryouts for the final team will be made short- ly, and the team hopes to be ready for the Octo- ber 12th and 13th tou- rnament. They are coached by Katie Ray and Diana O'Keefe. Team Travels The L.S.H.S.. Golf team travelled to Nipi- gon on September 19th. They are coached by Bill Houston. Members of the team include David Fowler, Gord Miller, Tim Legall, Tim Han- ley, David Lalonde and Emmett Houston. The team placed fourth. David Fowler, who shot a score of 84, did: the best on our team by placing Sth overall. BUYING? Our prices are competitive Our quality is excellent Our styles is elegant call collect 345-8590 REMODELING? REDECORATING? BUILDING? Let Cathy, the decorator from - The Manor House help you choose your floor coverings, carpets, window coverings and complete furnishings in your own home in Terrace Bay/Schreiber or at our store. Let Thunder Bay's smartest decorating store assist you. e Manor House 131 North Court Street Thunder Bay, Ontario zy PTA 4V1 Call us now 825-9202 G & G Hair Fashion SPECIAL on PERMS ~ Let us make you beautiful from Sept. 25 to Ott 6 Ph. Designer & Lanolin Bath #30 & *33 reg. 38.00 and 40.00 "NEW" Ear Piercing - °15" Absoleutly no redos on this special AS between Bank of Commerce & Moores (downstairs) THANK YOU The family of the late Leokadia Dylka would like to extend a Special Thanks to Dr. Bailey, Nurses and Staff at The McCausland Hospital. Thank you also to the Nurses and Staff at the Port Arthur General » Hospital in Thunder Bay, the Catholic Woman's THANK YOU The Auxiliary to The McCausland Hospital: would like to thank those Brownies of the 2nd Terrace Bay Pack will begin for the year on Sept. 30th, 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. in the Community Church Basement. If you have not done so and are interested in registering your PIANO TUNING during the last two weeks of October by: Paul Rom Registered Craftsman Piano Technicians Guild today! got the ATV for it: the LT185 Quad- runner . It's got the power and torque of Suzuki's reliable Twin Dome Combustion Chamber four- stroke engine design. A five forward speed transmission with "Power Low" gear. An easy-to-use reverse gear to get you out where others leave you stuck: And the ATV world's first double A-frame front suspension. Catch yours SSuZuK! QUADRUNNERS A LEGEND IN THE MAKING. E League for the lunch served, and all our friend's | hod daughter. Call or Write: people who donated to our tables at the we ee Fall Fair, it was all greatly appreciated. Please call ; Arora Gisela Buhnmann & Family Sheila MoQuinn Thunder Bay, PIC 2V6 825-3326 1-62-8878 or 825-9173 ES at If you love hunting, fishing, or the HUNTING joy of the great outdoors, we've SPECIAL _ Thunder Bay '2199 SPORTS -- 939 Tungsten St. 623-2635