Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, September 26, 1984, page 11 (classified marketplace ose Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. tee _. to 5 p.m. DEADLINE FRIDAY NOON Mail your advertisement to P. O. Box 579, , Terrace Bay, or bring it to « it to our office at: 'Simcoe Plaza Misc. For Sale Misc. For Sale | Help Wanted One Enfield rifle 303 Sport- er #4 asking $125. Anti- ques page Lewis 22 single shot. 1923 rare $100. One kitchen table and six chairs $80. Phone 825-3705. $-26 Urine-Erase guarantees re- | moval of urine (dog, cat, | people) stains, odors, from}: carpets, regardless stalin age. Free brochure, Reldell Chemicals Limited, Box 7500, London, Ontario, N5Y 4X8. $-25 Steel buildings direct fac- | tory clearance. Up to 40 per | .cent discounts widths 30' to | 120' any length. Limited uantities -act now save. all toll free 1-800-461-: 7689. $-25 Home sewers broaden your fabric selection and save money. Sterling collection: offers worldwide fashion fabric selection. Info: send $3.00 to P.O..Box 1072. Postal Stn. A, Delta, B.C. V4M 3T2. $-25 Chesterfield and matching Reporter required imme- chair - cream coloured q diately for a large eastern tweed, rust coloured rec- Ontario weekly. The Record liner, card table, coffeeand News, Smith Falls, On- one end table, record _tario. foie det skills stand, kitchen utility table, and car required. Excellent phone 825-3642. 0-3 ili package, ppek Moving: must sell. 1 large itive salary. Apply Susan bedroom suite consisting of Ronald, P.O. Box 158, double bed, triple dresser Smith Falls, Ontario K7A with double mirrors, high- 411 (613) 283-3182._S-25 boy dresser and night- Do you have a desire to table. 1 small bedroom set win? Our training can pre- including bookshelf head- pare you for a winning board on double bed and management position in' small mirrored dresser. your -- within six Call 825-9368. Best offer. months. 1: You can expect Baby carseat in excellent to earn $18,000 to $20, "00 condition $40, double bed °F more your first full year. with box spring, matt- 2: Guaranteed Income to ress and steel frame asking Start (discussed at inter- $200. China cabinet, maple view). 3: Three weeks train- finish asking $500. Call ing in school. 4: Training In 825-9498. 0-3 aa the field selling and ser- FORRENT |} vicing established ac- counts. Must be of legal T furnished bachelor apt. . for rent, 1 large room only. age or over, GO oriented, Phone 825-3878. S- Ball jackets - $16 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Call toll free 1-800- 661-6461 for your free cata- logue. $-25 For sale: garage, sales lot 165 x 130°. Garage approx. 3400 sq. ft. Sell with/with- out equipment. Owner re- tiring. Price negotiable ra 523-4551 High Prairie b. $-25 Save dollars. Must sell 2 steel Ings. One Is 40 x 60. Never been erected. Serious in- quiries ~~ Call (416) 486- 5149 ext. 22. $-25 Doll | Ice skates girls. Good con- con dition. Sizes 11, 12, 13. Telephone Stewart --825- 9151. 0-3 Washer, dryer, stove. Good shape. Phone 824-2389. 0-3 ambitious, sports minded, Help Wanted sbondable and own a rell- able car. For the right per- Performance Printing, : Smith Falls, Ontario re-' son this'will be a lifetime 'career Opportunity with an quires persons for Camera} and Stripping Department. | | international group of com- panies. Call for an appoint: : ~ ment Jeff Neale. 10 a.m. - 6; p.m. (416) 922-7992. _$-25! Must have experience! Business stripping high quality com-: iti mercial x 1 Sa sheet fed; Opportu nities press. com oi Agricultural work training ation ncn paid de ental) opportunities abroad. Must -- and profit shar-| have two years practical ing. Good hunting, fish- ing and outdoor recrea- tion. Contact Plant Man- ager, (613) 283-3182. Mail experience, be single. European, Australian, Zealand host families. Write to International Agri-! replies to Performance} culture Exchange Asso- Printing, Box 158, Smith} ciation, 1211-11th Ave. Falls, Intario, K7A"4T1. SW, Cal Alberta, T3C Attention: Ken Watts. S-25} OMS. ol ks $-25 Psst....Go: a desk you don't need? There's ag on -- and papas trimmings. paper clips are attac in a chain. ss plle A sad aes alive. Sell me you Phone Linda Pattison 8243406 \ 1 * HOUSE FOR SALE 3 bedroom house 459 Fort Garry Rd. kitchen, dining room, 4 piece bath, carpeted bedrooms upstairs, fenced in yard. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES | Trades person, service industries mega- projects in Sask., Alberta and Ontario. For information send $20.00 money order or certified cheque to Mary Lang c/o Mary Lang Public L.H. Simons, Box 40 POT 2W0 Aaa 9 008 Services, P.O. Box 280 Carlisle Ont., Call anytime days LOR 1H0. 825-9484 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY requires a mechanic We are looking for a qualified mechanic to handle maintenance of our fleet of vehicles and construction equipment. Applications should be made in writing to the undersigned before October 5, 1984. Clerk Co-ordinator. Terrace Bay, Ont. Sustined Seitaae oa Opportunities § Opportunities Trucking "Career, drivers needed. Now is the time to/ train for your Class "A"'. For interviews, contact! Merv Orr. North Bay (705) | 472-2910, Sault Ste. Marie (705) 759-0177. Free 128 page 3 Career] Guide shows to train a home for 205 top paying full and part time Jobs. Granton, Institute 265 A. Adelaide, Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977- 3929 today. $-25) Earn extra income! Learn to prepare income tax re- turns by correspondence. Local franchise available. For details write: Tax Time $-25 Babysitting Available to babysit kids at my house. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please phone 824-3312. Services Limited, 1304 * $-26 Speers Road, Oakville, L6L 2X4. $-25 1977 Ford with cap. In good condition $1800. ne 824-2479. 0-3 1978 Ford van, grey in colour, asking $2000 or best Hotel for sale, southwest- ern Manitoba. Clean oper- ation - excellent bullding, living-quarters. 1,200 popu- lation. Hunting, fishing, olf, sports, swimming. urning $700,000 plus. offer. Must sell, can be Additional information, call seen at 476 Superior or call 1 (204) 548-2018. $-25. 825-9498 anytime. 0-3 $10,000 second income. Terra Jet A.T.V. 4 wheel Sell high quality distillers drive, 2 complete Kohler motors. 825- 3323. 0-3 REAL ESTATE. 3 bedroom home on Main and filter kits for purifying water in the home. Contact us today for more infor- mation. Water ane Sys- tems, 537 -Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario, L7R 825-3202, 2G6 (416) 639-0503. S-25 ° St. Garage, paved drive, for Professional ging! further information. 824- school. Learn one o Pai 2695 noon or evening. tario's highest paid fae 0-3 falling and skiddin lum-| ber. Complete on the job. training and Instruction, with an operating logging company. For details and information write: Indepen-. eo Logging, Box 6 Ignace, Ontario POT 1T0 or phone (807) 934-2515, 934- 5352. $-25 Postcard collections want-| ed. Top prices paid for pre-' 1950 used or unused pos cards. Write for Informa-| tion or mail postcards to Neil Hayne, Bath, Ontarto. KOH 1G0. S- -24| HOUSE FOR SALE - Syear old, - finished rec. room 3bedroom backspiit _--_--'(electric heat) - 1% baths ~ + car port :dinngrogm - completely fenced ' - dini in backyard « - work with cement patio 73,500 or best offer for further information or appointment call 825-9086 after 5 p.m. Mon. to Fri. anytime on weekends ie Rare _action THUNDER BAY, ONTARIO P7B 3Y5 ipealty action realty group inc. NEW THREE BEDROOM BLLEVEL Quality construction and materials, dining room, patio doors to large sundeck with a view of the lake, beauti- ful hillside lot/outside entrance to base- ment. Located in area of all new homes. Owner transferred. *68,600 Call Al Erickson at Action Realty 9A 914814 zr Ra22.2NAT REALTY LIMITED 2821 Arthur St. E. Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E SP5 Blue Water Cabins If you are interested in a seasonal Business consider this Lodge on Jackfish Lake. Ideal for a family where the husband is employed and the wife and children can operate a summer resort. The Lodge has been operating for 27 years and has done well for the present owner. The potential for this Lodge is superb. If you have any consideration please give us a call. To buy a resort you have to start today so that financing can be arranged and the future owner has to consider getting organized for the spring. Don't wait till spring if the venture appeals to you a a New Listing 4 level split on 4 Terrace Court, 3 bedroom, dining area and 2 levels of basement all ready for the new owner to construct a rec room. Cost of heating is low due to the wood stove in the basement............ *69,000 Double wide with full basement Lake Vi : Oe ee: *48,900 2 unit dupl bom Carew: eS: *41,900 Bilevel on Southridge Cresent with basement Co ee *82,000 3 bedroom all brick bungalow Covnnal Cretan... *63,900 Nicol Island Cottage Lots Starting Bilevel Bungalow with attached garage and finished rec room on Terrace Height DIivG. oo. vines a <r .*89,900 Bilevel Bungalow on East Grove Cresent with attached garage and finished FEC OOM yes we 5s bees *86,900 Double wide with DOSOIMONT no nee os *48,900 Feel free to call us concernin General Real Estate, Florida Land an housing, residential and commercial appraisals. Contact Juris Zdanovskis 824-2933 Local Agent for the North Shore