Page 6, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, neve sere 5, 1984 Sports Pool Schedule Draws to Chilly Close As this 1984 summer draws to a chilly close, the Terrace Bay swim pool staff look back on a busy summer. As usual we offered the Red Cross and Royal Life Saving programs for children ranging from ages 4-14. We have 3 potential future life- guards that will be try- ing for their Bronze Medallion award in Oc- tober. These swimmers are Karen Fournier, Julie Kenney, Jill Mar- cella. We wish these girls good luck in their test. There were approxi- . mately 300 children re- gistered for lessons over the summer, with 200 passing their tests. The pool staff also offered Aquabics for the second year with 35 women taking part over the summer. Family Swim was again offered but not a very popular event. Mom and Tot was again well attended. Some extra events took place such as early A.M. swim for adults which was quite popu- lar, especially with the shifts from the mill. Sixty swimmers at- tended the August small craft safety clinic spon- sored by the Red' Cross and it was enjoyed by all. Participate in Continuing Education REGISTRATION for 1984-85 FALL/WINTER COURSES in. -TERRACE BAY Date: Wednesday, September 5 Time: 4:00 p.m. Place: St. Martin School Students Registering after the above times will be charged a $25 late Registration fee without exception A few brave souls braved the cool late August temperatures. There was a Fun Day at the pool to celebrate the town's twinning with Taiwan. Races and games were played with silver dollars as prizes. This year's staff was also asked to put a float in the parade and our star Ernie Kettle stole the show. He was radi- ant despite the intermit- tent buckets of water. To wind things up for the summer, a _ pool party was held for all the summer recreation staff. There was a small turn- Rossport Inn licensed dining and accommodations serving breakfast lunch dinner out but the games and barbeque were enjoyed by those present. The pool' staff of Cindy Thompson, Kath- ryn Lang, Penny Luke, Lisa. Fournier, Curtis Evoy, Tammy Trach and Danny O'Keefe wish to thank those who helped in any way with our programs. We look for- ward to working with you, the public, again next June. Thank you for an enjoyable sum- mer and remember the pool is open until Sep- tember 7th. Dashkewytch Wins. Golf Tourney Paul Dasshkewytch topped a field of 128 golfers to win the Bill Hanley Memorial Golf Tournament. Above, Paul (centre) accepts the trophy from Terry Hanley (right) and a Molson Keg clock from Molson's Representative Dave Littleford (left). Below, he displays his fine form on a drive from the first tee. ----| SCHREIBER PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE requests interested citizens of Schreiber to submit letters of application to sit on the Schreiber Parks and Recreation Committee. Individuals may submit letters of intention to: P.O. Box 98 Schreiber, Ontario POT 2S0 Deadline for applications: September 14, 1984 é -- PHOTOGRAPHY at WHITE SAND LAKE Spend some time in the country and experience the ageless beauty of the North Shore of Lake Superior captured for you by, > S. JOHNSON HEWSON 824-3155 Professional Photography Portraits, Weddings & Commercial 1 | Schreiber Minor Hockey General Meeting Monday Sept. 10 7:00 p.m. meeting room Schreiber Rec Centre All interested parents and coaches please plan to attend