Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, August 8, 1964 Terrace Bay Recreation Pool Tournament: The Recreation Department and A.&W. Games will be sponsoring a Pool Tournament in the Ac- tivity Lounge on Friday August 17th. There will be 2 divisions; 1 for Adults (15 and over) and 1 for Youths, under 15. Register at the Recrea- tion Office, before Fri- day August 10th if you are interested. Tro- phies will be awarded to winners of each division. Squash & Racquetball Instruction for Youths & Adults: The Recreation Department is presently arranging a 10 hour in- struction program for youths (under 15) and Adults (15 and over), in Squash & Racquet- 'ball. According to our policy, youths under 15 must complete an in- struction program or be accompanied by an adult, before they can use the courts. Please contact the Recreation Office if you would like to participate in these lessons. Ice Requests; A remind- er to all groups submit- ting their request for ice time in Terrace Bay for 1984-85, that the dead- line is quickly approach- ing. Lets hear from you! Programs, Programs, Programs: We need your opinions/sugges- tions. Program sugges- tions are welcome and we are presently in the process of putting to- gether our Fall/Winter Program Brochure and we would appreciate hearing from you. What courses would you like to see offered? Have you a particular skill you wish to share with others? Instructors are also needed. Lets Hear . From: You! Fall Fair 84: Looking Good! Space is being re- served rapidly. If it con- tinues we will expand to other areas of the com- plex, i.e. - Multi-Pur- pose Room and/or the Conference Room. Let's spread the word to rel- atives, friends in this community as well as others. Participation from out of town is wel- come. Space can be re- served by calling 3542. Remember the contest for "Top Three best Decorated Booths' at the fair, September 9. Pool Schedule: (Aug- ust) There are a few changes in the August Swim Pool hours so be sure and check the schedule at the pool or at the Recreation Of- fice... - "North Shore Director's Sports Festival: This year Schreiber will host the North Shore Dir-. ector's Sport Fest on August 22nd. The four sports youths 8 to 10 will be participating in are basketball, volleyball, badminton and soft- ball. If interested in at- tending you can call the Recreation Office at 3542 and leave your name. Small Craft Safety Clin- ic: There will be a small craft clinic held at 10:00 a.m. August 9th at the pool. Everyone is wel- come. All attending must bring a lifejacket or P.F.D. 3 canoes and 6 paddles are also need- ed so if you can donate any of this equipment, please contact the Rec- News reation Centre at 3542. Students: Venture | into the business world "Closed _ Tuesdays... gone sailing' is an in- teresting way to make money. According to Kids Natural Craft Pro- John Kelley and Brad- gram (ages 7-12): Thurs- day August 16th and Friday Aug. 17th from 6:30-9:00 p.m. Donna Mikeluk will offer a 2 part nature crafts course in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Recreation Cen- tre. Thursday evening will feature "Natural Craft Sculptures": found natural objects will be used to create a variety of interesting items such as rock peo- ple, mobiles, and land- scapes. Friday the child- ren will work on "Tree Plaques": plaster of paris plaques will be used to make impres- sions of found objects. Please bring found nat- ural objects such as dried grasses, pressed leaves, flowers, . pine- cones, pieces of drift- wood, small stones, etc. Registration will be taken at the Recreation Office. Please contact the office for further de- tails. Deadline to reg- ister is Monday, August 13,.1984. f z Major Appliance Repairs { Servicing done in your own home to ranges, washers, dryers, dishwashers, fridges, electric hot water tanks and electric heating units. Bill Campbell Electric 824-2743 or 824-2574 Servicing Jackfish, Terrace Bay, Schreiber, Rossport and Pays Plat. -- OFFICE CLOSED Edwin W. Paget law office will be closed for the week beginning August 13th Please feel free to call and leave your name and phone number. Your call will be returned as soon as possible. 825-9379 ARPET CAR by any size-- Living room dining room and hallway shampooed for only $ 50°? price includes all material and travel cost work guaranteed Phone: 1-683-6058 or 1-577-5816 Cressman Contract Cleaning Ltd. ask a friend about having her carpet shampooed, as we must have at least 15 people. _to travel at this low price e All furniture must be removed from all rooms except the chesterfield We are Bonded And _ Insured ley Ball it's the most ef- fective way. John and Bradley are operating Surf, Wind and Sail, a boardsail business in 'Thunder Bay. "Our business is run by boardsailors for boardsailors" says Bradley a 23 year old Bachelor of Commerce student at University of Manitoba. John also 23 and a Bachelor of Commerce student at Lakehead University adds "We are gaining practical ex- perience developing managerial skills. That's a taste of business a textbook can't deliver." According to John and Bradley, the benefits of running your own bus- iness are immense. "We buy our equip- ment at cost, learn valu- able business tech- niques as well as have lots of fun. Best of all we are confident we are going to be here for a few more years."' Their business is in its second summer of op- eration with assistance from the Student Ven- ture Capital program. "The Student Venture Capital program pro- vides an opportunity for students to borrow up to $2,000 interest-free to plan- and operate their own summer business. The program is de- signed to encourage en- DANGER Owners of household washer-dryer units made in Spain by NEW POL are warned to stop using them immediately because of a potential fire and shock hazard: The Canadian Stan- dards Association (CSA) says a number of fires trepreneurial activity and to teach young peo- ple practical small bus- iness concepts. Young people apply through their local Chamber of Commerce who interview them to determine the feasibility of the business. Upon' the Chamber of Com- merce's recommenda- tion, the Ontario Youth Secretariat approves the application and the Roy- al Bank issues the loan. To be eligible for the Student Venture Cap- ital program, the young person must be at least 15 years old, returning - to school in the fall and be a Canadian citizen. According to Melissa Felteau, Summer Infor- mation Officer for the Ontario Youth Secre- tariat, more young peo- ple in Northwestern On- tario should get in- volved in this program. "It is a fantastic oppor- tunity for young people to gain valuable market- able skills, earn some money and likely ex-, perience the most ex- citing summer of their life."' This summer up to 2 million dollars was avail- able to accommodate 1100 businesses 'across Ontario. Unfortunately only twelve Student Venture Capital busi- nesses are operating be- tween Sault Ste. Marie and Kenora. These in- clude: Eagle Audio in Vermilion Bay, Bird- house Enterprises in Fort Frances, Andrew have been reportedly caused by these ma- chines which bear Model Number 1081. CSA says inspection has shown they do not comply to details of con- struction as required by its certification and that these machines bear the Clark Painting, Len Do- herty Logging, Surf, Wind and Sail, all in Thunder Bay and seven other Student' Venture Capital businesses in Sault Ste. Marie. "Young people in Stu- dent Venture Capital businesses could bene- fit from this program,"' says Felteau. More information and applications are avail- able at Canada Employ- ment Centres for Stu- dents, high school gui- dance offices, college or university student placement centres, par- ticipating Chamber of Commerce, Royal Bank branches, local offices of Members of Provincial Parliament and the On- tario Youth Secretariat (call collect 416-965- 0546). The loan is in- ' terest-free from April 2 to October 1 and the application deadline is June 15. To address youth un- employment, over the next three years the provincial government will spend $450 million on new Ontario Youth Opportunities. As part of this program a re- vised Venture Capital program will be starting this fall. Up to a $5,000 interest-free loan will be-~-- available for out-of- school youths to start year-round businesses. For more information about the Venture Cap- ital program or any other youth employ- ment program call toll- free 1-800-263-7777. CSA mark illegally. It is recommended that own- ers immediately cease the use of these ma- chines and return them to the retail outlets where they were pur- chased. THE NUGGET | for your service A WEEK 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Friday August, 10th 7 p.m. to9 p.m. REC CENTRE CONFERENCE ROOM ~ come out and meet the LIBERAL CANDIDATE and ask questions and express your concerns on the issues. PUBLIC MEETING Keith Penner, M. P.