Page. 8, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 18, 1984 Terrace Bay Recreation News Bowling Alley Due to the poor res- ponse to. Open Bowl- ing during the past three weeks, open bowling will be cancelled until September. However if a group of individuals would like to use the facility please check in at the office to reserve your time. Mixed Slow Pitch Tour- nament The results of the 25th Anniversary Mixed Slow Pitch Tournament held on July 7th are as fol- lows: : The Tigers defeated the Mustangs in the finals to capture the U.P.1.U. trophies. The Consolation Round saw the B-52's meet the Woodlanders. The B- ' §2's pulled their game together and defeated the Woodlanders. "U.P.1.U. individual trophies also went to the B-52's players. Spe- cial thanks to Gord Lang . COME & GO SHOWER in honour of MAXINE HOLLAND BRIDE - elect will be held Tuesday July 31 /84 8 p.m. to Andrews United Church. a Everyone Welcome 10. | pemieine St = for assisting at the event as well as_ the _U.P.L.U. for their gen- erosity in donating the trophies. Sports Travelcade The Sports Caval- cade will stop in Ter- race Bay on July 30th and 31st at the Recre- ation Centre. They will conduct two clinics in Ringette and Soccer. Following the clinic on Soccer we hope to offer a Youth Soccer Pro- gram during the month of August. There will be more news on the Soccer Program at a later time. August Swim Registra- tion Deadline: Attention parents! Please note that the deadline for August continued on page 11 Small Towns.....Again! by MARY HUBELIT "How can you stand: to live in a small town - nothing ever happens!"' these words were from a friend who knew me when my bread-and-but- ter was earned in Win- nipeg. To a certain ex- tent I imagine I did as- sume the role of a city dweller because con- formity, strangely en- ough, gives a fair per- centage of privacy. However, -- conformity implies studied acqui- escence. What we saw in Terrace Bay in the last few weeks was not conformity, but inspir- ation. When the citizens turned out to inaugurate our 25th anniversary daughter, p.m. Schreiber. ENGAGEMENT Mr. & Mrs. Jack Richardson are proud to announce the engagement -of their DARYL-LYNN to GINO LEBLANC son of Mr. & Mrs. Elias Leblanc of New Richmond, Quebec. The wedding will take place on August 11, 1984 at 2:00 in St. Andrew's United Church, J week, did they come to the arena out of curios- ity? Did they bring their children because they couldn't find a baby- sitter? Did they go for a. walk because it was a pleasant evening, wea- ther-wise? Who knows? But they came, walked our clean, well-groomed streets, and welcomed people from so far away that most of us probably differences that they can be shrugged off when outside criticism threat- ens to divide. Sure, the old-timers were there, those who had seen the transition from mill town to constitutional muni- cipality, but the excite- ment lay in the numbers of 'new citizens, with their children, who have elected to make a life for their families up here in ther, and accep- tance by the various age groups. There was a challenge, there was co- operation, there was in- volvement - it had to be seen to be believed! Take the night of the fireworks at the beach, for instance: this old timer opted to watch from the camper when we found (at nine o'clock _ only!) that the truck had to be parked 'way up the golf course road. In the midst of the walking fans, some persistent vehicles crept down the road, not wanting to believe that down there at the beach they would have to find a way to turn around and creep back up the road - all the continued on page 10° never heard of their city. 4 "small town." _ The motivation was The week progressed pride... pride in a small with ts fun, hard work THANK-YOU town, pride in a com- the gamble on the wea- munity with so many "FUNERAL --, Amnon On behalf of the T.B.B.A. we would like - Mr. Allan to th ir i i _Fimoral | [eatecereaatitema| | "sno the flowing fo ha hap year, of Atikokan, and inouncem formerly of Thunder Bay, BULGES: passed away inadhua Galeria July .7th, . Beloved son of Mrs. . Clark CATAFORD - Mrs. Muriel Loretta Cataford of Mhenberty: a tor tie of Schreiber and the late Frazer's Electric -- * of Tha George Cataford. Dearborn Chemical ye 1 and formerly of Thunder Surviving are four Jim Mikus E age are m brothers and one sister, F Saturday, of Bape Beloved Maurice of London, acer ath oe ---- Su _ Charles England, Roger, of Jody's Hairstyling = pelea yhe: og, Sarnia; Francis Caccamo Odd's Bodkin of Prin --s Pane of Schreiber; Roland of Schreiber Food Market pore A ot Ve Rupert, BC. Also Terrace, B.C.; and Ivan of , eats n ancouver, Winnipeg. Also survived snare re ag Po ----- por by one son and two Spadoni Bros. Ltd. - Bien of fet daughters Judy Morin of Ted Graham A f Atik re me = /Port Dover; Brian of Red Dog Inn inne 0 Ikokan. Loving Edmonton; and Anne of 'ashions of Cassandra and Atikokan. Loving grand- eeginr® Stephanie. Rested at the King father of Cassandra and Lillian Belliveau Funeral Home, Schreiber, from 7 Stephanie. Rested at the R & L Small Motors p.m., Tuesday. Funeral Mass was King Funeral Home, Tom Pollard held on Wednesday, at 2:00 p.m Schreiber, from 7 p.m., from Holy Angels Roman Catholic Tuesday. Funeral Mass Jim Pytyck Church. Interment at Schreiber was held on Wednesday, Cemetery. Prayers were at 7:45 at 2:00 p.m. from Holy p.m. on Tuesday. eooee Roman Catholic urch. Interment at = Schreiber Cemetery. The Executive Prayers were at 7:45 Terrace Bay Bowling Association p.m. on Tuesday. Say Tops & Blouses Summer Pants . Ladies Assorted style Blouses ; Ladies dresses 6 0 Of Ladies assorted Reg. to 12.98 pe Ange Pada Assorted Save up to (0) 9S off Regular Prices & 992 BO - 75% ott Reguiar Prices Men's shorts Men's T-shirts Children's T-shirts Boy's baseball caps Reg. 21.98 Reg. 21.98 selected styles Reg. 3.98 16°" 16°° 25-50% ott roguiar price sai Boy's shorts Girls Rompers L.P.'s and cassettes Mattress and Box Spring Reg. 7.98 Reg. 12.98 Assorted 54" set 5° 9"? goo 199° we Suite Hitachi 26" Console T.V. Sofa bed Entertainment Centre Reg. 279.95 eee 11908 eh atid ae 219° 349 349" Micro Wave Ovens 5 Models in stock 5O°° off the regular prices Bedroom Suite Dresser /Mirror, 5 drawer chest Headboard Reg. 749.00 93, Customer satisfaction, we guarantee it at the Bay y Zz ~~; ~ Sg OE SS = Fudsons Bay Company Schreiber, Ont. July 18-21, 1984