Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 18, 1984, page 5 . for 3 Community Neus . New Rector/ New Mother Reverend Sharyl Marriot-Lowry and daughter Anne display their cheerful dispositions. by LYNNE BADGER Terrace Bay, Schrei- ber and Rossport bid a fond welcome to Rever- end Sharyl Marriott- Lowry, the new rector the Community Church in Terrace Bay, St. Andrew's in Schrei-° ber and the Union Church in Rossport. Be- sides her warmth and. vitality, Sharyl brings to the area her husband Andrew, a mechanical engineer at Kimberly- Clark and daughter Anne who is 11 months old. Reverend Mariott- Lowry received her Ba- chelor of Religion from Carleton University af- ter four years of study and after another four years graduated from Queen's in 1983 with a Master of Divinity de- gree. She hopes to ob- tain her Doctorate even- tually. Until such time as she returns to the . academic life, she is enjoying raising Anne and getting to know the people in her extend- ed parish. The Lowry family seems to have been tailor-made for the area. The person responsible for matching minis- ters with "Charges" in the United Church was told that he needed a minister with a family and a varied religious background and it would be especially 'appreci- _ ated if a mechanical en- 'gineer came along in the package. Reverend Mariott-Lowry was able to meet all criteria, even the last which was said in jest. She was born in Que- bec but spent half her Va) THANKS It took the co-operation and hard work of so many life moving back and forth between Scotland and Canada with her father, an engineer for the Defence Depart- ment. In Scotland she attended Catholic and Presbyterian services and in Canada she fre- quented Anglican and United Churches. Since her arrival in the North, Sharyl .has seen four moose and run over one but none the less is impressed with the area, particularly the scenery. She plans to continue her hobbies of needlework, wood- work and reading but has been compelled to give up horse-back rid- ing unless she can find a tame moose! Services will be held Sundays at the Community Church at 11:15 a.m., St. An- drew's at 9:45 a.m. and at the Rossport Union Church at 7:00 p.m. Do not be surprised to find that a little of Reverend Mariott- Lowry's varied reli- gious background comes through in the ser- vices, resulting in a truly Clinical Director Replaced The North of Super- ior Community Mental Health Programme is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Frank Covington as Cli- nical Director to replace Dr. Tim Turner who is returning to London, Ontario. Dr. Coving- ton is a community psychiatrist with broad academic and- clinical experience. He has con- sulted to numerous psychiatrists, correct-. ional and social ser- vices programmes in his home state of Mississip- pi. During this year he and his family relo- cated to Timmins where he joined the staff of St. Mary's Hospital, and as of July, he will be mov- ing to the Thunder Bay district. Dr. Covington's pri- mary responsibility with the programme will be to offer direct clinical supervision to the men- In addition to his role of Clinical Director with the North of Super- 'ior Programme, Dr. Covington will be con- sultant to other mental health programs and hospitals in- the district of Thunder Bay and other sections of North- western Ontario. As in the case of Dr. Turner, Dr. Covington holds an academic appointment in the Department of Psychiatry in the Uni- versity of Western On- tario. The Board of Directors and staff of the North of Superior Com- munity Mental Heallth Programme wish to pub- licly express their ap- preciation to Dr. Turner for his pioneering ef- forts in establishing the programme and our sat- isfaction at being able to maintain high standards of psychiatric support with the appointment of Ladies' . Golf News May 29th was a good start to the golf season with eleven ladies out to. the first twilight. Win- ners were: Lil Kowalchuk - low gross Leslie Samp - low net Mary C. Kennedy - high. hole Jean Megraw - low hole June 26 twilight. - Jean Megraw - low gross, Kay Stefurak - 2nd low gross, Charlotte Miller - low net, Cathy Stachiw - 2nd low net, The ladies' opening twilight was finally held on July 3, after many postponements due to rain. Seventeen ladies showed up for the twi- light and the winners were: High hole - Mary C. Kennedy, Betty Randa 'Low hole - Jean Me- _graw, Marg Phillips Most honest golfer - "'community" church. cal commonest Dr. Covington. pein 4 - oy R ai Congratulations Sad eet _ "MOM" 1-800-465-3939 2 Your travel number for receiving the talk directly to CITIZEN. _ Northern Ontario largest travel company of the opie Helen THUNDER BAY TRAVEL XOXOXOX0» individuals and representatives of organizations and successfully run the 25TH ANNIVERSARY WEEK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TERRACE BAY that | find it impossible to list them all by name. So to each and everyone of you, | say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! and to all of those who took part either as participants or spectators, my sincere thanks also, because without you the week would not have been the success that it was. The township's water supply will be turned off on Tuesday, July 24, 1984 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The purpose of this shut-down is to connect the new water treatment plant to the water distribution system. Please remember the following: 1. Locate your main shut-off valve and be sure it works. 2. Some dirty water may be noticed after service is returned - _ or during the next few days. Run your water to remove this material. 3. Fix all small leaks before the new plant start-up and check all your plumbing after the start-up. (also on July 24) : Sorry for any inconvenience, Schreiber Engineering Department (Councillor) Ollie Chapman, Chairman Terrace Bay 25th Anniversary Committee