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Terrace Bay News, 18 Jul 1984, p. 9

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Schreiber - Council Report continued from page 3 A letter from the Lake Superior Board was re- ceived agreeing to a joint meeting of the Board, and the four Municipalities within the jurisdiction of the Board. The Clerk con- firmed that a letter had gone out to the Minis- try of Revenue (Assess- ment) requesting that Mr. J. Lettner, Asst. Deputy Minister, at- tend the meeting. A letter from the Mc- Causland Hospital, Ter- race Bay - Schreiber - Rossport Foundation, requested that the Township Council ap- point an elected offi- cial to the Foundation. Resolution 84-91: Moved by E. Borutski, and W. Hiller: That T. Quinton, be appoint- ed to act as Council rep- resentative to the Mc-: Cuasland Hospital - Rossport - Terrace Bay - Schreiber Foundation, at the pleasure of Coun- cil. CARRIED. Letters from M.M. Dillon, Consulting En- gineers, and the Minis- fit of energy conserva- tion programs be made available to the entity initiating the savings, and that further increas- es in all types of energy be curtailed, so that the consumer may benefit. Resolution 84-93: moved by T. Quinton and E. Borutski: that the Township of Schreiber support a Resolution of the Town of Leaming- ton, regarding the con- servation of energy. CARRIED. Confirmation has been received from the Ministry of the Envir- onment that the upgrad- ing of service con- nections and water- mains on Alberta St. has been approved to the extent of $25,750. Resolution 84-94: moved* by T. Quinton and W. Hiller: that Gen- eral Accounts to the amount of $30,716.31, Water Works Accounts to the amount of $27,852.00 be paid, and that cheques issued since the last regular Council meeting, of June 12, be ratified as issued, to the amount of Polka Dot Door Live Polka Dot Door Live, adopted from TV On- tario's highly success- ful children's televi- sion series will be ap- pearing at the Schreiber 'Recreation Complex Parking Lot Wednes- day, August 1, 1984 at 5:00 p.m. An integral part of Ontario's Bicentennial Showcase Tour, this show will be perform- | ing around the Provin- ce from June 25th to August 18th. The philo- sophy behind the show is simple. Children learn through play. The show encourages curiosity, creativity and imagina- tion. It stimulates an interest in learning with its emotional, intellec- tual and social appeal. Above all, Polka Dot Door encourages child- ren to be active partici- pants rather than pas- sive spectators. The children will get a chance to see all their favourites, Humpty, Bear, Dumpty, Merigold and everyone's favor- ite Polkaroo. Polka Dot Door Live promises to be one of the highlights of the children's summer pro- performance and hope- fully the weather will co-operate. If, however, it does not, the show will move into the Com- munity Hall. Summer Fun Program The Youth Drop In is . proving to be very suc- cessful. Each week day from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p-m. more and more children are participat- ing in sports such as soccer, tennis and bad- minton. Others are wel- come to come and enjoy our wide selection of sit down games. : Our first car wash held on Wednesday, July 11 was a great suc- cess. Not one child left dry. Thank you to all those people who sup- ported our special event. The first Youth Drop In Camping Trip is tak- ing place on July 20, 21, 22, 1984. Children ages 8 to 12 are encouraged to sign up at the Drop In Office. Come on and adventure to Rainbow - Falls with us. The Tot Drop In is well on it's way. Ap- proximately 20-30 child- ren ages 4 to 8 years at- tend every Tuesday and Thursday from 1-3 p.m. Special events for Tot Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, July 18,1984, page 9 Schreiber Recreation News: Police Station Tour on July 19th, and a Fire Station Tour on July 25th. Tots are encour- aged to attend these fun filled events. Swim The Swim Program of . 1984 will be conducting many special events for the month of July. This summer we have a week break in between ses- sions, July 23rd'to July 27th. During this week we will be conducting an Annual Swim Show. This particular event is to entertain the pa- rents and the public. Each class or level will be asked to show a parti- cular skill which was taught to them from their instructor. The in- . structors perform five skits which are very entertaining. The event takes place at White Sand Beach, July 25 from 11:00 a.m. to'1:00 p-m. All parents and guests are encouraged to attend and trans- portation will be pro- ided. The bus will leave e Legion at 10:30 a.m. Looking forward to see- ing you there. Sa On July 26th and 3th. the Youth Drop In and Swim Program will host ,jmg. a joint public swim. On« Thursday, July 26 child- eg continued on page 10 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW agar: v TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the « Township of Terrace Bay passed By-law Number 11-84 on the. twenty-fifth day of June, 1984, under Section 34 of the Planning, Act, 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the by-law by filing ~ with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay no later than the seventh day of August, 1984,,a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by-law applies, (or alternatively, an explantaion as to why a key map is not provided) follows. The complete by-law is available for by The Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay a | of Northern Af- 2 / : yaaa ' : aie confirmed that $239,015.55 CARRIED. gram. There will be no Drop In include: Post inspection in my office during regular hours. they would gladly contri- ~ continued on page 12 Charge for attending the Office Tour on July 17th, bute to the cost of a By-law number 11-84 applies to a roughly triangular area b 1 the print shop bordered by Mill Road, Cemetery Road, and the Kimberly- a es : Clark rail spur line. The by-law changes the zoning on this morating the opening of : Secse lesa land from Rural (A) to General Industrial (M). This change the Schreiber Water Ed 'sponsored by Teroce. Boy, Ontario will allow the proposed development of a wholesale Treatment Plant. ° Pot 2wO industrial supply business on this property. luti 84-92: ' : A key map of this area cannot conveniently be reproduced Resolution - )g05-9825 ful eb Newtons moved by E. Borutski "REROSS 45, without aaa songura , _ WA Pindle (807) 825-94: publication. and Ww. Hiller: That the "ono Saari a eee a ar ' 44. Distant 11. Loud noise Township of Schreiber popes) metals 2 Peet 46. Greek etter 16. Club foes proceed with the pur- t2-8in 18. Pere 2 im) 29, Conformity se sudaenty noe a by me Township of Terrace Bay this ninth chase of a bronze pla- "genus son "(abbr eee $2, Camied 21. Spring ay of July, 1984. que, to commemo- a ye Sn aa aated rate the official opening sees t ; wr S6.Rubout |, Seep ' = 'y of the Water Treatment re 3 ia barrier a = tH.Simons Plant, the cost not to hs re 7 fie DOWN 28. Rate Clerk-C di 1. Spread for 33. Spring / erk-Co-ordinator nrc eee $1200. ll = Sa oyna one Township of Terrace Bay RRIED. é 3. Prickly gees A resolution and Let- i 50 Lae 38. Actor Shas ter from the Town of qn a Biko 41, Spouses Leamington, requested Bs Sta ane support of th i st om i at ee lished ' pport 0 neir resolu- Ls ate Bonaparte 47. Guido's note tion concerning energy ; sc a 9. Desert SP aia: conservation. The reso- « = sa ceach $0, Shade tee lution requests the Fed- fs = Parseghian 53. Either eral Government to in- 2 ol L Answer Next Week sure that the full bene- Before you have your next film developed! You May Be Paying Too Much. -- --_PRICE LIST SPADONI BROS. LTD. Extra Set - of prints at time of developing | only ag* set vi Print (110, 126 & 135 C-41 process films) SPECIAL ||\12 sw", - £3"... from now i. LS. to July 31 24 ~ eg ee + $G99 | ont et film or less' 36 824-2244 f #949 or less A.C. RESISTOR exposure mi #998 ee! film! only SPARK E . U GS Regular Reprints ; only 45S cach or 1 0 for $4.00: regular $2.99 each Slide Film | Enlargements 3 SPECIAL $1.99 each 20 exposure only 2% 5 x 7 only °1% eo. = 36 exposure only *3* 8x 10 only 3% co. Regular Prints from Slides '1.00 ea. THUNDER BAY PHOTO FIRST inc. HI-TECH PHOTO LABORATORY OPEN SATURDAYS ~ Grandview Mall Victoriaville' Green Acres Plaza 8 a.m.-12 noon 640 River St. Victoria Ave. E. Arthur & Edward St: 1 p.m.-5 p.m. 345-4338 622-1587 Beside Safeway 577-6638

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