2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 18, 1984 Terrace Bay Recreation News Art for Beginners (Suzette Downey in con- junction with Confeder-' ation College) Oil and acrylic paint- ings, mixing colours, tints and shades, land- scaping self-expression, and possible abstracts, dry brush techniques and the use of medium will be explored. This course will be offered on 'and 1-5 p.m.); and Sun- day, April 29th (9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m.), at the High School Room 110. The deadline for registration is Friday, April 20th: Paper Tole (beginners and abstract) (Bette Hasting in con- junction with Confeder- ation College) Paper Tole is an old art form dating back to the' 18th/19th century Europe. It is a three di- Friday, April 27th, 7-10 p.m.; Saturday, April 28th (9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Income Tax Service Belliveau Accounting 432 Fort Garry Rd. Terrace Bay, Ont. Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Phone 825-3504 mensional picture crea- ted by cutting three or more identicial prints and layering them to- gether using silicone. The student will be cut- ting each print apart in a different manner and sculpturing and layering them to produce a di- mensional effect. Begin- ners will learn all basic principles and complete a project. Those who have taken the course previously will learn ad- vanced and new tech- niques and complete a different project. This course will be held Saturday May Sth, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from 1-4 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Recreation Centre. Deadline for registra- tion is Friday April 27th. Men's Slow Pitch Soft- ball An important meeting of all interested citi- zens who are consider- Se Group health and dental programs for qualified employee groups from three to as many as you've got! Ask your insurance agent, consultant, or me. < For details contact: Al King 34 Cumberland Street North Suite 707 Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A 4L3 @& (807) 345-5451 ONTARIO 6385-3H could win 25 Silver Dollars. by Wed. April 18th deadline. Send to: clo The "News", Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2WO -- THE 25th ANNIVERSARY LOGO CONTEST Join in the fun, submit your ideas and you Remember to get your ideas & submissions in 25th Anniversary Committee, 5 BLUE CROSS ing participating in this year's Men's Slow Pitch League is scheduled for Thursday, April 26th at 7:00 p.m. in the Multi- Purpose Room. An elec- tion of an executive as well as rules for the up- coming season will be discussed. _ Mixed Slow Pitch Weare hoping to have another session of Mix- ed Slow Pitch this sum- mer. An open general meeting will be held on Thursday April 26th at 8:30 p.m. Multi-Purpose Room of the Recreation Centre. All interested teams or persons are asked to attend to dis- cuss forming an execu- tive to run this year's program. Ladies Night - Fitness Room = "Ladies Night" in the fitness room has proved to be very popular and we are quite pleased with the response. This activity will continue and we hope to see more ladies out for the sessions. There is no charge for members and a small charge for non- members. Dates and times are Monday 7-8:30 p-m. and Wednesday from 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. Keep up the participa- tion girls! Flea Market The second Annual Flea Market is sched- uled for the Arena May 6th from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. There is space for half ton trucks or 8' tables. Call 3542 today to register your space. Wen Do The deadline to regis- ter for Wen-Do (Self De- fense for Women) is Thursday, April 19, to- morrow, please get your registration fee in on time! Minor Ball It is almost the season again for Minor Ball to commence. We hope to run the Minor ball sea- son from the middle of May to the end of June. We will be accepting registration for Minor Ball at the Recreation Office. The registration forms will be available by April 30th. This year we will be once again asking the parents or anyone interested in helping out with Minor Ball to contact the Rec- reation Office. There is no charge for the parti- cipants to play ball and the age groups are from 5 to 7, 8 to 10, 11 to 14, and 14 to 16 years. This sport is open to both boys and girls. Minor Soccer This sport will com- mence the first week of July and end on Aug- ust 31st. Minor Soccer is open to any boys or girls eligible for the age groups of 5 to 15 years old. We will have more information on this sport at a later date. Bere ee The Federal Government Telephone Referral Service by JANE E. GREER In October,. 1981, the federal government in- troduced and establish- ed a walk-in Canada Service Bureau office in Toronto. The bureau of- fice was established as a pilot project to give On- tario residents an im- proved opportunity to reach the government of Canada and to be better satisfied with the ser- vices they receive from the various federal de- partments. The walk-in Canada Service Bureau office,in Toronto has answered more than 70,000 in- quiries since its open- ing and has proved it- self as an effective means of providing ac- cess to the federal gov- ernment and its pro- Ontario Health by JANE E. GREER Upon reaching the age of 21, upon mar- riage, or upon be- coming fully employed, whichever happens first, a young person nor- mally ceases to be class- ed as the parent's de- ._ pendent. An able dependent ceases tobe eligible for coverage under the pa- rent's insurance num- ber from the first day of the month following the 21st birthday. To main- tain continuous cover- age, application should be made to O.H.LP. within 30 days of the 21st birthday. Applica- tions are available from Northern Affairs. In the case of mar- riage, a dependent ceases to be eligible for coverage under the pa- rent's insurance from the first day of the month following mar- riage. Steps must be taken within 30 days of marriage to change your insurance to family coverage. Those who are apply- ing for new coverage through non-group en- roment must now pro- vide a copy of a docu- ment pertaining to resi- dency status. For ex- ample, a_ returning Canadian, someone Insurance grammes. The success of the bu- reau office has encour- aged the federal govern- ment to establish a fed- eral government tele- phone referral service. This service was inaug- urated in January 1984 and provides residents of Ontario with ac- cess to federal govern- ment information re- gardless of where they reside in Ontario. from another Canadian province, or an Ontario resident must provide a Canadian birth certifi- cate or a Canadian citi- zenship certificate. A landed immigrant, re- turning immigrant (from outside Canada) or landed immigrant from another Canadian pro- vince or territory must attach a copy of Cana- dian immigration or re- turning resident per- mit. Under certain circum- stances, a resident may arrange to continue in O.H.I.P. while living temporarily outside of Ontario. O.H.1.P. would have to be advised of the The bilingual referral service provides peo- ple with a local or toll- free number to call when they need help finding the right department in the federal govern- ment. These numbers will be listed under Ca- nada Service Bureau or 'Information and Re- ferral" in the Blue Pages of the 1984 public continued on page 19 Plan details stating the reas- on for absence and its expected duration. If you leave Ontario to take up residence, else- where, you may contin- ue your O.H.I.P. cover- age until other health insurance coverage be- comes effective, or for up to four months after you leave Ontario, whichever comes first. For further informa- tion contact the North- ern Affairs Office locat- ed on the Lower Floor, Peninsula Building, 2 Gilbert St., Marathon, Ontario or phone 229- 1153 or Zenith 33160. ossible, to perm dential property w ks Department at 825-9016. heavy items before cleanup week, as this Township Of Terrace Bay Spring Clean-Up-84 The week of April 30th to May 4th, 1984 will be "SPRING CLEAN-UP WEEK" in Terrace Bay. Residents are asked to place t proper containers where p Owners of old cars on resi should contact the Public Wor Please do not put out large or slows down regular collections. Residents are also asked not to pi the street. These piles are too compact to Remember, this is our twenty-fifth anniversary, special effort to spruce up. heir rubbish close to the road side, in it easy access for loading. ho wish to dispose of same le sand from lawns and boulevards on be handled by our sweeper. so let's all make a L. H. Simons, Clerk-Co-ordinator