Page 18, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 18, 1984 Rabies: continued from page 17 is altered. Cats that suffer from dumb rabies usually die in a day or two showing only pro- gressive paralysis ac- companied by periods of excessive affection and purring. Unlike dogs, cats rarely recognize or respond to their owners. Controlling Rabies A continent the size of North America' with Stille Sutton --<QCHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Accounting Auditing Bookkeeping Consulting Data Processing Taxation MARATHON Business Hours - 9 a.m. -5 p.m. every second Thurs. & Fri. April 26 & 27. For appointments telephone COLLECT (807) 345-6571 Thunder Bay Marathon -- Geraldton 584 Red River Rd. 20 Peninsula Rd. Main Street 807-345-6571 807-229-1448 807-854-1281 pao Pusiness Directory numerous ports of en- try and huge areas den- sely populated by wild- life is unlikely to be able to eliminate rabies. In various parts of Europe where rabies is preva- lent a control program- me involving injection of chicken heads with the live virus and deposit- ing them in areas highly populated with carriers has met with some suc- cess. The idea is that wildlife carriers will eat the bait and vaccinate themselves. any pet owners neg- Iéct' to vaccinate their. ets and it is highly un- usual for any wild ani- mal to seek human com- panionship. It may mean that you have come face to face with a rabid at- tacker. A vaccination programme for your pet should begin when the cat or dog is three months old. Your, veter- inarian will provide you with a booster vaccina- tion schedule. As stated by Dr. J. Cummins at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario the effective immuniza- tion period may be re- duced in areas where certain air pollutants, notably Dioxin, Furan and P.C.B. are found at high levels. He main- tains that even a vaccin- ated pet's resistance to rabies may be lowered in areas of environment- al stress such as dump sites or waste disposal units suggesting that if you life in such areas you should consider ~ vaccinating your pet more often. Simple Steps to Follow Vaccinate all animals. Repeat vaccinations yearly or as advised by your veterinarian. Keep pets on a_ leash, especially areas where other animals are likely to be met. Keep pets, especially cats, indoors at night. Many night roaming animals, not- ably skunks, carry and transmit the disease. Stay away from wild ani-* mals. Especially dis- courage children from 345-2307 "WE GIVE A CARE" FURNITURE & APPLIANCES South Court St. at Fort William Road Thunder Bay, Ont. Open Tues., Wed., Sat. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. 9.a.m. to9 p.m. Closed Mondays 30, 60, 90 Day No Interest Ze =6FREELAY-A-AWAY @@ | Plan Available GREYHOUND'S GOING . . . across Canada! TWIN SPOT RESTAURANT BIRCH MOTORS LTD. ore 24 Hour Towing Service tours Your Agent For charter trips SUPERIOR --_ GULF. 824-2833 PROPANE OIL = approaching stray ani- mals, wild or domestic, who may seem to be friendly. Do not touch any dead animal. If this is unavoidable wear lea- ther mitts or gloves. Rabies is a reportable disease. If you sight or come in contact with a suspected rabid ani- mal, an officer of health must be contacted. Do not kill a suspected ra- bid animal unless it is wild or attacks you. In- stead isolate it if possible and seek help. If an animal you own shows signs of being sick, do not attempt to diagnose what is wrong or to treat it. Call a vet- erinarian. If you come in contact with the saliva of an animal who may be rabid, wash the affected. area well with soap and water. Wounds should be thoroughly flush- ed for several min- utes. Shield the eyes, nose and mouth from reflected spray. Once cleaned, apply antisep- tic and contact a doctor immediately. If you have never seen an animal with rabies consider yourself very fortunate because read- ing about it and seeing the real thing is very different, especially when it is a pet. And to see a human being with it or in all actuality the after effects of a human being that had been bitten by a rabid dog is horrendous to say the very least. J. Smith Trees for Canada needs your support The Trees for Canada project p our Beavers, Cubs and Sc ts with the opportunity to demonstrate their concern for their country through positive action. Can we, as adults, do less? When a Cub, Scout or Beaver calls on you to seek your support through a pledge, be generous! You'll only be contacted once. Take this opportunity to show our youth that we support their work, it will only take a minute. Pictured above is Marvin Fulton, one of . the manv Terrace Bay Cubs, who took part in this event. 3 'SUPERIOR ALUMINUM PRODUCTS This space could be Yours at the nian be Low Price of $8.40 per wook Lioyd Snider Contracting Terrace Bay, Ont. 825-9468 - Painting, Wallpapering Phone 824-2354 P.O. Box 532 Trim finishing, Renovations, ne .0. Box : : Schreiber, Ontario Plumbing Repairs L FREE ESTIMATES . John's Texaco Your service centre Your mini-Mart for for gas, car repairs groceries, milk & = t lh, ALCAN * - "Bringing Northern Ontario together" your newstand now! | 24 HOUR FURNACE SERVICE Phil's Burner Service R.S.F. Wood Stove Dealer. Furnace Installation and Service Aluminum & Vinyl siding, Seamless Eavestroughing Aluminum soffit & fasia board Aluminum stormdoors & windows Insulated replacement windows We do roofing additions, renovations, garages, etc. Local Alcan Dealer Wally Holman 824-3428 Looking for a New Home at affordable prices? For i.m. dodick Quality & Satisfaction R.O. OPTOMETRIST & towing. cigarettes. ELCOR SERVICE 1119 Victoria Ave MINEMART a CONSTRUCTION LTD. Phone 622-7726 pened Phyto is the name to choose Thunder Bay are tesa ip Many Model plans available including Three New Plans which 825-9135 ony are: 3 bedroom bi-levels with 1% baths, laundry Tilden . room, approximately 1,330 sq. ft. completely Rent-a-car Service Helo your finished, recreation room can be finished for a Bros. Ltd. small additional charge. Heart... > Cars & Truks, daily, weekly, monthly & long term leasing. Estimated price of $55 - $60,000 can put you in your own home (excluding price of lot). There is still time to take advantage of the RHOSP. Call Larry at 824-2043 ] j Enquiries at 825-3676