Page 16, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, April 18, 1984 Past Schreiberites celebrate 50 years The following was submitted to us by Jack Stokes, M.P.P. As Mr. and Mrs. Eickmeier on- ce lived in Schreiber, might be of interest to some of their old friends. By Walter McKenzie, Correspondent. MITCHELL - An open house was held at Grace Lutheran Church here Saturday to mark the SOth wedding anniver- sary of Fred and Marion Eickmeier. Jack thought that it Later in the day, the June 23, 24 & 25/84 ROSSPORT "Plan to Attend" Watch for further details. celebration continued with a family dinner at the Royal Hotel in Mit- chell. The Eickmeiers were married at the Grace Lutheran parsonage by the late Rev. Strum on March 24, 1984. Mrs. Eickmeier is the former Marion Lotzsch, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Egald Lotzsch of Germany. Eickmeier is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Eickmeier of Logan Township. Following their mar- riage, the couple lived in Mitchell where Mr. Eickmeier was a milk salesman for a_ local creamery. In 1942, the Eickmeiers moved to Schreiber where Mr. Eickmeier worked in the paper mills for 25 years. In 1972 they retired to Rowland Street in Mit- chell where they still reside. Mr. and Mrs. Eick- meier have two sons, Fred of Australia .and Jim and his wife Myrna, of Ottawa and one daughter, Mr. Ray (Joan) Coxhead of Toronto. They also have four grandchildren. The couple are in good health and are active card players. Mr. Eickmeier enjoys con- versing with people and can often be seen down- town chatting with his many friends. Until a few years ago, Mr. Eickmeier --helped out on a-local dairy farm when he was needed, and today he works occasionally at a local appliance store. In honour of the special occasion, the Eickmeiers received numerous cards and gifts from friends and relatives. Holy Angels... continued from page 6 Borutski held a work- shop on Pro-Life. The Pot of Gold will be carried over to the next meeting as_ the names drawn, Lil Uk- rainec, Tammy Mineau and Jackie Commisso were not in attendance. Easter...a great time for giving great value from the Bay! Specials in effect 4 days only. 'SPECIALS - April 18 to 21 assortment ot styles LADIES' SPRING DRESSES 20% OFF regular price assorted styles and colours Reg. $21.98 MEN'S SWEATSHIRTS X *16.99 FONDUE SET includes forks Reg. $21.98 '14.99 assortment of designer styles LADIES' JEANS 20% OFF regular price assorted colours Reg. $24.98 SENIOR BOYS TRACK SUITS *15.99 Silverstone finish Reg. $71.98 . ELECTRIC WOK *54.99 Pony Express, assorted styles and colours Reg. $14.98 LADIES' T-SHIRTS *9.99 assorted styles CHILDREN'S JEANS 20% OFF regular price Reg. $21.98, 4 piece CANISTER SETS *9.99 Hockey The CAHA Hockey Development Council Elite Committee an- nounces the Program of Excellence for the com- 'ing year will expand to 'include Regional Under \17 Hockey Camps. These Regional Camps for Midget age hockey players will be conduct- ed across Canada during the summer. The pur- pose of the camps will be to identify the best se nd year Midget ha :'y players and se- lec hose players to five regional teams. The camps will be conducted in Alberta for Alberta and B.C., and in Winnipeg for Manitoba and Saskatchewan and at the University of Waterloo for Ontario, and in Montreal for Que- bec and in Fredericton for the Atlantic Provin- ces. Each branch will be conducting its own camp in which they will se- lect the best players to send to the regional camp. From the regional camp there will be a team selected of approx- imately 20 players who will then regroup with their coaches over the Christmas holidays to 'play a Russian Midget touring hockey team. This will probably en- compass three to four games. The 'Elite Commit- tee is presently looking for a head coach and assistant coaches in each of the regional camps. For Ontario, the Ottawa District Hockey Association, the Ontario Hockey Association and the Thunder Bay Ama- teur Hockey Associa- tion are combining to search for coaching ex- pertise to spend one week at the regional . camp July 30 - August 4 at the University of Waterloo, and then re- group with the team for the Christmas tour- Regional 'Under 17' Camps {nament. The regional Under 17 camp will identify po- tential players and also identify potential coach- les who can coach at the international level which leads to the Olympic hockey program. There- fore, coaches in the Thunder Bay Ama- teur Hockey Associa- tion Branch wishing to apply for the head coach or two assistant posi- tions for the Ontario Regional team can do so by calling Dave Fitzpat- rick, Thunder Bay Ama- teur Hockey Association 'Branch Development 'Coordinator and secur- jing an application form 'and returning it by Wed- \nesday, April 25 at 5:00 |p-m. The coaches should 'be aware that they 'would be called to 'attend a seminar in mid- 'June under the guid- _ance of Olympic coach, 'Dave King, and also be 'available for a one- were camp, July 30 - August 4 at the Univer- |sity of Waterloo and |then also be available to 'coach the team during the Christmas break 'against the touring 'teams. These coaches will be 'evaluated during the camp and competition as 'to their potential to carry 'on in the Program of 'Excellence and thus a 'commitment to the pro- gtam is very important. Applications should be made as soon as possi- ble by those who would seriously consider these positions. It must be noted that this is not a paid position but all ex- penses will be covered. %: Call 622-4792 or write Dave Fitzpatrick, Thun- dex, Bay Amateur Hockey Association Branch, Hockey De- velopment Coordinat- or, 1825 Arthur Street, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7E SN7. assorted styles and colours LADIES' PURSES 20% OFF regular price Reg. $29.98 TRIVIAL PERSUIT Baby Boomers or Genius Edition *24.99 assorted pieces - microwave safe CORNING WARE 20% OFF regular price assorted designer styles MEN'S JEANS 20% OFF regular price Dual burner - Dual control Reg. $269.98 GAS BAR-B-0 with tank *219.00 assorted colours Reg. $15.98 MEN' SWEATSHIRTS *9.99 Reg. $179.98 BMX. HURRICANE BIKE *139.00, assorted styles Reg. $18.98 MEN'S SWEATSHIRTS *14.99 Baycrest Reg. $129.95 MUSTANG BIKE *99.00 BMX BIKE Baycrest Hurricane Reg. $144.98 *1 19.00 Purchase an Allen's Chocolate Easter Egg and have it personalized at the Bay at No Extra Charge, especially for Easter! Sudsons Bay Company Schreiber ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Site Preparation 1984 Lenders are invited to of Natural Resources, Terrace Bay District with the following equipment: TER-9-84: Two (2) crawler-type tractors with a minimum flywheel horsepower of 250 to site prepare 324 by pulling Barrel & Chain drags. (Sept. 4 - Oct. 15, 1984 approx.) TER-10-84: Two (2) crawler-type tractors with a minimum flywheel horsepower of 180 to site prepare 755 hectares (1,865 acres) by straight blading with Young's Teeth and angle blading. (June 25 ~ Sept. 28, 1984 approx.) Tender forms and applicable information can be obtained from Operations Manager, Resources, P. O. Box 309, Manitouwadge, ~Ont. POT 2CO (telephone 807-826-3225). Tenders must be submitted to the District Manager, Ministry of P. O.-Box 280, Terrace Bay, Ont. POT 2W0O on or before 12:00 noon May 4, 1984. A public opening of tenders will take place at the District Office in 4 at 1:30 p.m. A bid deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) is required with each tender. Ministry of Natural Resources wy Ontario supply the Ministry hectares (800 acres) E. B. James, Forest Ministry of Natural Natural Resources, Terrace Bay on May Hon. Alan W. Pope Minister John R. Sloan Deputy Minister