Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, November 30, 1983, page 11 classified marketplace Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9:00-12:00 1:00-5:00 DEADLINE: FRIDAY NOON Mail your advertisement to P.O. Box 579, Terrace Bay, or bring it to our office at Simcoe Plaza Northern Affairs Women's Employment Centre News by JANE E. GREER As a result of the public meetings held in Marathon and Manitou- wadge in October, the Women's Employment Centre have decided to offer training program-° mes in Manitouwadge and Marathon. The Course to be offered' in Marathon is an 18 week programme titled "Women into Trades and Techno- logy". The objective of this course is to either prepare women to enter into a skilled trade or technical training course in college or to qualify for apprenticeship or employer sponsored training or to secure em- ployment in the trade or technology fields. The Course to be offered in Manitou- wadge will be 9 weeks long and is titled "Or- ientation To Employ- ment". The objective of this programme is to provide local workers with the information needed to allow them to assess the opportunities of the labour market and to understand them- selves in terms of their abilities, aptitudes, temperaments, and in- terests. These two courses will be of primary interest to women who wish to either enter or re-enter the labour force. For the "Women Into Trades and Technology" pro- gramme, individuals should express an inter- est in pursuing a non- traditional occupa- tion. These courses will be advertised 'in the local newspapers shortly and a fepresentative from the Women's Employ- ment Centre will be travelling to Marathon and Manitouwadge to register candidates for the courses in early January with the inten- tion of starting the cour- ses at the end of Janu- ary. The Women's Em- ployment Centre offers services to women in order to assist women in overcoming any type of employment barrier. Among the services available at the Cen- tre, are intensive em- ployment counselling and referral to testing, training or employment. If you are interested in either of these two training courses, you may contact Carrie Vescio at the Women's Employment Centre by calling 623-2731 ext. 236. For further informa- tion on this and any government related pro- gramme, please contact your nearest Northern Affairs Office located on the lower floor of the Peninsula Building in Marathon or phone 229- 1153; or for locations outside of Marathon call Zenith 33160. Bicentennial celebrations 'According to the Treasury Board of Ca- nada, the government of Canada will be contri- buting $2.025 million towards Ontario's Bi- centennial. Of this total, $1.5 million will be granted to various or- ganizations, citizens and voluntary associations for local programmes of anniversary celebra- tions during 1984. A grant of $25,000 will be made to Old Fort William at Thunder Bay to hire performing art- ists to enhance the 1984 Great Rendez-vous cele- brations. Five federal departments and agen-~ cies also will under- take expanded pro- grammes, costing $500,000 as part of the anniversary celebra- tions. The National Arts Centre Orchestra and theatre companies will perform in several On- tario communities in the spring and summer of 1984. Parks Canada will present a .travelling theatre presentation and exhibit on the Loyalists and pioneer beginnings to a million Ontarians in 20 communities during a SHUFFLE ---- & SHAKE---- Music at your service for all occassions CONTACT: Randall Kushnieryk Box 272, Schreiber, Ont. 824-2725 "Reasonable Rates and Good Music" decorating so 91 Ethel Street Schreiber Large 1420 sq. ft. home on 155' x: 130' lot on quiet street with 2 car garage and' finished basement. it is priced at only $72,900. Visit this house by phoning Tim Groulx, Royal Trust Real Estate 623-5011 Needs re- the summer of 1984. Open House Canada, a programme of the De- partment of the Secre- tary of State, will spon- sor exchanges for an additional 200 young Ontarians with an equal number from New Brunswick and Quebec. Fitness Canada will join the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and _ Recrea- tion in sponsoring jog- ging and running clin- ics for an estimated 700,000 Ontarians for four months in 1984. An exhibition, "The Loyal Americans", will be. circulated to mus- eums in six Ontario com- munities during 1984- 85 by the National Mu- seum of Man. The Government of Canada previously an- nounced a grant of $1.5 million to the Toronto International Festival as part of its contribution to Ontario's celebrations. Plans announced... continued from page 1 would live within the existing north shore communities between Pays Plat and Terrace Bay. Preliminary discus- sions with members of the local town councils and various government agencies have already been held, and an en- vironmental study is underway. It is the Cor- poration's intent to co- operate with the resi- dents of the area as fully as possible. It is also their hope that the planned de- velopment at Winston Lake will be the begin- ning of an association of mutual benefit be- tween Corporation Fal- conbridge Copper and the residents of Pays Plat, Rossport, Schrei- ber and Terrace Bay. If anyone wishes more ~ information on the Win- ston Lake project, they are asked to direct their questions to: B.D. Sim- mons, Regional Explor- ation Manager, Cor- poration Falconbridge Copper, 2606 Victoria Avenue East, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7C 1E7. The "NEWS"' will at- tempt to keep you post- ed on any further pro- gress concerning this development. §96 Plata & (2a 'ountanls Bookkeeping, accounting, auditing, consulting and taxation services. Squier Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 4A8 Telephone: (807) 344-6684 Wo rri i, f Please forward bids to: Mr. Kevin Dugay Recreation Co-ordinator P.O. Box 98, Schreiber Ontario, POT 2S0 Township of Schreiber Parks and Recreation Department is accepting Sealed Bids for POOL TABLE 6' 12' dimensions Bids should be marked Schreiber Parks and Rec- reation Department Surplus Sale and will be re- ceived until Monday, December 5, 1983, 5:00 p.m. Schreiber Parks and Recreation REAL ESTATE § Help Wanted ~ Misc. For Sale Reduced for quick sale. 3 bedroom bungalow for sale or rent. Contact Box 130, Thunder Bay or call 1-623- 9325. N-30 House for sale: 24 Erie St., Schreiber. $32,000. .Call 824-2550 after5p.m. D-14 FOR RENT Cottage house available Dec. 1/83. 1 bedroom. Phone 824-2605 after 5:00 p.m. D-7 Log splitter for rent. $25 per day. Gravel River Ser- vice or phone Little Gravel River, 0120. D-7 For rent or for sale: 14' x 68' mobile home, call after 5 p.m. 825-9132. N-30 Apartment for rent, fur- nished. One bedroom, kit- chen, 4-piece bath, living room, first floor. Phone after 5 p.m. 824-2844. N-30 For sale: 4 bedroom Lindal Cedar home. Double sized lot. Plenty of room for ex- pansion. 14' x 30' deck southside plus 8' x 30' balcony off huge .master bedroom. 11/2 baths. Cus- tom made oak cupboards. 18' x 30' rec room. Carpet- ing throughout. For ap- pointment to view phone 824-2565 anytime. D-7 GLAD TO 'MEETCHR! The most buyers meet the best sellers in the Want Ads. ' r ~ *RETIRED* & over age 55 If your -- insurance company's not giving you an extra DISCOUNT on your AUTO & HOME INSURANCE maybe it's time to shop around. ~ fer. Call 824-2504. Require babysitter to baby- sit 2 children, aged 2 and 4. For information call 824- 2028 anytime. D-7" Part-time babysitter re- quired as of Nov. 28th. Monday to Friday 1-5. Please call Diane Bry- son after 5 p.m. hat -30 Wanted: someone to "dog sit" two medium sized dogs for 1 week in December. Phone 825-9369. N-30 ANNOUNCEMENTS Buy in Bulk? Eatrite Food Packers. Local representa- tive - Jacques Roy. 825- 9182. Call anytime, we deli- ver anywhere. D-21 Need your rugs shampoo- ed? Have your rugs cleaned properly and thoroughly by professionals and at a rea- sonable rate. For a free estimate call Lise at 825- 9182. D-21 Cars/Trucks For sale: 1981 Plymouth Colt, excellent condition, automatic, 4 cyl., front wheel drive. Low mileage. Will certify, used as second. car. No longer needed. Call 825-9285. N-30 For sale: 1976 Olds Cutlass Salon - new parts installed. $2000 or best offer. Phone 824-2047 anytime. --_N-30 1975 GMC half ton. Ideal second vehicle, good for hauling fire wood. Best - 1980 Chev Citation. 4-door hatchback. 78,000 km. Eco- nomical to run. Asking $4700. Phone 825-9321 af- ter 6 p.m. D-21 Misc. For Sale 1 Kenmore shampoo ma- chine $60, 1 wringer wash- er $190. Phone sg 5 Electrolux sale and ser- vice of all vacuum clean- ers, shampooers and_ all supplies. Call Betty St. Amand, 825-9054. N-30 Diamond wedding and en- gagement rings, 18k and 14k gold. Appraised at over $1500, asking $750. Phone 824-3242 after 5:00 p.m. D-21 Electrolux Canada _ sales and service of vacuum cleaners, shampooers and supplies. Will consider trade-ins. Call Jacques Roy 825-9182 167 Birch Cres. Terrace Bay. N-30 Like new. 2 bias Good- year winter tires G78 x 14. $25 each. Also 1 set run- ning boards for GMC half ton. $50. Phone 825-9589 after 4, N-30 Ladies cloth coat, size 22/2. Like new. Phone ---- Range for sale in good con- dition, white in colour. Call. after 5:00 p.m. ei 2-1970's Skidoos. 1 dbl. track, 1 Olympic, both in running order or use for parts, take em away. Call 824-3038. N-30 For sale: 2 prs. of boys skates, small sizes 8 and 9, both pairs for the price of 1 new pair. Call a. # Travelling to Thunder at the Circle Inn residents now receive 1 regular room rates of: $28.95 single room 2 persons $33.95 double room 2 persons $35.95 double room 3 persons i Bay? 0% % g ape ~$37.95 | ~~" double room 4 persons Centrally located between Keskus Mall at Intercity Mall. Call collect 907-344-5744. FOR RENT 2 bedroom apartment, furnished or unfurnished. For more infor- mation phone 824-3145 For your Retired Person -- FOR RENT call: NO CHARGE Commercial building in Schreiber on 1-800-465-3916 Hwy. 17, suitable for warehouse, as garage or body shop. kV General Insurance Co. For More information phone: Q of Canada a 824-2172 THUNDER BIRD CRAETS ORIGINAL INDIAN HANDMADE ¢ GAUNTLETS: GUN Fane AE eFUR HATS C.0-D. CUSTOM ORDERS ACCEPTED DIANE DAVIS OWNER MAIL ADDR. BOX S98 POT 2WO 7eueee 825-9592 Can..