Page 2, Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, November 16, 1983 Terrace Bay Recreation News Upcoming Programs: Squash and Racquetball Tournament The deadline for the season's first Squash and Racquetball Tourna- ment has been extended to November 26th. Register today and let's get the competition lad- der going. Mixology We are presently at- tempting to set this short course up on a Saturday before Christ- mas. Mixology is the art of mixing mixed drinks. Exact details will be published as soon as they are available. Hydroponics This Saturday Nov. 19th is the date of the Hydroponics Workshop, which runs from 1:00 to . 5:00 p.m. in the Con- ference Room of the Recreation Centre. Learn how to grow vege- tables indoors without soil. You will learn the theory behind Hydro- ponics and how to make and set-up your own sys- tem. It is simple and inexpensive to enjoy home grown produce throughout the win- ter. Woodworking for Begin- ners Friday November 18 is the deadline to regis- ter for the next Wood- working Workshop which will be held No- vember 24th and 25th from (7-10 p.m.), and 'Nov. 26 and 27th (9-12 and 1-4 p.m.) and Nov. 30th (7-10 p.m.). Those who have their names in are come in and register. New Programs BIRTH born Oct. 17, Ont. ANNOUNCEMENT Clinton and Glenn would like to. announce the safe arrival of their new baby brother TERRANCE LOUIS JOHN 1983 at 8:28 a.m. and weighed in at 6 lbs.-13 ozs. Proud parents are Terry & Joyce Berthelot of Schreiber. Proud grandparents are Jack & Avila Richardson of Schreiber and Louis & Marie Berthelot of Blind River, We would like to hear from you on program suggestions. We are planning our Program Brochure for the New Year and would appre- ciate hearing from you. Let's hear from YOU!! Call 3542 with your sug- gestions, they are al- ways welcomed! Rossport Local Services Board The regular monthly meeting of the Board was held on Tuesday November 2nd at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Hall. All members in attendance were: Chair- man Alex Krystia, Les- ter Legault, Mary Bur- nett, Chuck Hutterli, Doug Stefurak and Sec- Tres. Bev Legault. The meeting was called to order by Alex Krystia. The minutes of the October Sth meet- ing were adopted as read. Correspondence Alex Krystia read a ~ letter submitted by Lor- raine Seppala concern- ing the George Ward- rope Park Grounds, which has been acquired by the Local Services Board from the M.N.R. After-discussion, a mo- tion by Mary Burnett was made (all in favour) to retain the name. Up- on suggestion by Doug Stefurak it was also de- cided to add to the al- ready established sign the caption "operated and maintained by the Local Services Board of Rossport."' Material had been for- warded to the Secretary- Treasurer concerning a "Family Violence Com- mittee." After a brief discussion, it was noted that, although this is an important issue, it is not an immediate concern of the Board. Anyone wish- ing further information is asked to contact Mary Burnett who is acting as a representative on that committee from Ross- port. Lester Legault read an article concerning grant monies available for per- sons wishing to upgrade their septic systems. Further information can be acquired through the nearest Ontario Minis- try of Environment Of- fice. Committee Reports Alex Krystia and Chuck Hutterli attend- ed a Northern Affairs Conference concerning Local Services Boards, held at Minaki Lodge on October 29th. Their re- port included various topics such as: unorgan- ized community assist- ance programmes, Bi- centennial programmes, conducting successful meetings and volunteer fire team activities. It was noted that locally For the long cold winter ahead, Store Hours: MOORE'S have the latest in warm winter outerwear and footwear FN sre OF TERRACE BAY LTD. Mon. to Sat: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. i fe ry. eS) =) VISA as Possible New Courses for Winter/Spring 1984 Paper Tole (Beginner and Advanced) Art from the Oven Microwave III Notes centered fire team train- ing sessions. will be held; further informa- tion on this matter is forthcoming. Both mem- bers felt very rewarded by what they had learn- ed. Mary Burnett distri- buted copies of a report -prepared by those who attended the Recrea- tion Northwest Con- ference in Thunder Bay. She took the opportunity to thank the Board and Recreation Committee for their assistance in enabling those involved to attend. Immediate plans are underway to establish fitness and weight lifting program- mes in the Community Hall. New Business Doug Stefurak pre- sented a plan concern- ing the proposed con- struction of a Fire Hall. The building measuring 20 x 14 feet would accomodate the existing fire fighting equipment at an approximate con- struction cost of $8000. The Hall would be locat- ed on a lot presently leased by the fire team committee from the M.N.R., in such a man- ner as to allow for any possible future expan- sion. The Fire Teams' continued on page 10 Oil Painting _for Beginners Word Processing Conversational French Bowling Program The Bowling Alley is open to the General Public, Members, and Non-members, on Wed- nesday from 7 to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Rates are set and we encourage you to participate. Memberships 1984 Memberships will go on sale prior to Christmas, therefore if you are looking for a family gift, consider purchasing your mem- bership at this time. Exact dates when mem- berships will be sold will be advertised through this paper. Recreation Centre No- tice of Closing On Friday November 18th the Recreation Cen- tre will be closed from 1:45 to 2:45 p.m. in order that the Recrea- tion Staff be permitted to attend the dedication service for the late Bill Hanley at the Municipal Office. Rossport - Log Rafting by ANNE TODESCO It was a common sight a few years ago to watch huge rafts of logs being towed past here by tugs to the mills. Now they are only a memory as _ the logs are being trans- ported by trucks over the highways. The rafts appeared to be slowly moving along guided by the tugs with the captains and lum- bering officials praying that the weather would keep in their favour until they reached their desti- nation. Heavy seas dur- ing a storm often scat- tered the logs far and wide on shore or over the lake. Beachcombers would be engaged to salvage the logs and an- chor them in some shel- tered bay until tugs could hook on to the boom logs and _ take Ring in the New Year from 6 p.m. til 1 a.m. with our NEW YEAR'S DINNER & DANCE Complimentary cocktail hour Roast beef dinner (with wine) Music by CFNO's NICK DESHANE Pri Din 2 $50 OFT on oor couple Dance Schreiber Recreation Complex ADVANCE TICKET SALES FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1983 7 P.M. at SCHREIBER PUBLIC SCHOOL Sponsored by the Schreiber Kinsmen them finally to the mills. It was quite an accom- plishment for the tug captains and their crews to manoeuvre these large rafts of several thousand logs or cords of wood through straits and narrows to open water. It was a common sight during the spring to fall seasons, to see . the rafts being towed past our village. Some- times the men aboard the tugs would run or skip over the logs in the raft. It was quite an accomplishment but hair raising to anyone wat- ching the exercise for fear they would slip off the logs. They usually carried a long pike pole with them. Often they could be seen splashing, when caught between the logs in the raft. price per couple *30