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Terrace Bay News, 18 May 1983, p. 5

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continued from page 1 area we live in and its possible development. We are quite concerned with the placement of the chip truck and the garbage. We are con- cerned about the value of our property and the future up there." Reeve Speer said, "So you're talking about the pieces of property owned by the Shell Station and K-C and that are zoned highway-commercial."' Another resident said, 'We were told last year that that bank would be grassed and that has never been done." Speer replied, "When this was brought to my attention this afternoon I took the opportunity to look at the problem and talk to some- of the people concerned. I was told that an attempt was made to grass that bank but the problem was the children. I was out there this afternoon when school was let out, and the problem seemed to be children riding bi- cycles down the bank." Speer went on to say, "I think you have a problem and we will do everything in our power to help you, but I want to clear up any confusion that we have control of this. Some people in town think that all these things are done at the Council table. That's not true."' "In this case the own- ers of the land in that area applied to have the property re-zoned as highway-commercial. I believe you received a letter informing you of that when it happened and inviting objections to the change. Some of you I believe did in fact object to the change in zoning. The applica- tion as well as the objections went to the Ontario Municipal Board in Toronto and they held a hearing to consider the application and the objections. Then they decided that the application for re-zoning should be approved. So we really have no control over that part of it."' Another resident said, "May I raise a quest- ion, Does the town have any kind of by-law governing the appear- ance of the property?" The Reeve said, 'I am glad you have brought that up. Over the last two years we have been preparing our Official Plan and we are now waiting final approval of it from Toronto. In there we have addressed that under the Property Standards By-law. We expect to be receiving that approval anyday. Once the Official Plan is in place we will be putting a property Standards By-law in place." The Reeve went on to say, "I want to assure you that if there are any zoning by-laws, and health regulations, or highway parking laws being broken you can be sure we will take it up with Chief Tack."' Reeve Speer apolo- gized to the Council and the audience and said that he had to leave the meeting at that point. He said that he had unexpectedly been call- ed to work. Councillor Bill Houston took the Chair as acting Reeve for the months of April, May and June. Mrs. Sonia Brend pre- sented a letter to the Council outlining the residents' concerns. She said, "Everyone else in town has greenbelt be- hind them except us and we are paying some of the highest taxes in town."' The residents also voiced concern about the possible development of the property to the west- side of the service sta- tion owned by Kimber- ly-Clark. They were told -that the property is also zoned highway-commer- cial and is presently ser- viced for development. Councillor Chapman suggested that the resi- dents should write '"'a strong letter of concern to K-C."' Acting Reeve Bill Houston said, "There is really nothing we can do about it. The owner re- Ladies' golf club The Aguasabon Ladies Golf Club held their semi-annual meet- ing on April 25. The next. executive was introduced and the committee members gave their reports to date. The "Break 50" pins were presented to the following winners: C. Stachiw, N. Evoy, I. Romanuk, J. Hall, L. Lowalchuk, A. Chal- mers, A. Graham, L. Samp, J. Cowan and J. Megraw. The "Birdie" pins were presented to I. Roanuk, L. Kowalchuk, N. Evoy, J. Megraw, C. Stachiw, A. Chalmers, J. Cowan and A. Gra- ham. One June 17 the ladies from the C.L.G.A. will visit our Club, play a round of golf with some of our executive, and a at. eenbinm ate MrtteocH for the ladies twilights will be'on Tuesday, May 24 at 6 p.m. Everyone is urged to be at the Club House by 5:45 p.m. so that we can tee off at 6 p.m. Each member can bring a guest, who will be allowed to golf free of charge. We hope we can encourage some new members to join our Club and enjoy golfing on our beautiful course. The Ladies Execu- tive for the coming year is: President - Kath- leen Mikkonen; Vice President - Maraareg Phillips; Secretary - Anne Chalmers; Trea- surer - Mary O'Neil; Tournaments - Gerry Strassburger; Prizes - Nancy Evoy; Handicap and Ringer Boards - Cathi Stachiw; Member- ships and Fund Raising - Carol Hansen and Liai- can Officer -.Jean Me- quested re-zoning, you received a letter inform- ing you of the applica- tion. It went to the OMB for adjudication and it decided that the zoning would be changed. They are not breaking the law. In terms of making it look better, we may havé a by-law in place in the near future. I want to thank you for coming. We don't like to hear of our neighbours having concerns like this. I could be living where you are and feel the same way you do."' The Council went on to consider the regular agenda. Under the Min- utes of the last meeting Councillor Ollie Chap- man asked, "The Beer Garden at the park. Has it been given permis- sion by the Police De- partment?' Councillor Chapman was informed that nothing on the mat- ter had been received from the police to date. Councillor Chapman went on to ask, "'Has Mr. Chisholm been con- tacted?" She was in- formed, "Yes, but we have had no reply.' Chapman said, "So until we hear, we do nothing about the survey (of the light commercial de- velopment area)." Under _corresponden- ce a letter was received from Birchwood Ter- race informing the Council that a grant of $6,000 had been re- ceived from the New Horizons program. The letter requested space in the Recreation Centre to establish a Drop In Cen- tre for senior citizens. Councillor Chapman said, "This was discus- sed thoroughly at the Recreation Committee meeting. There is abso- lutely no place in the Recreation Centre where you have room to put it. They want a permanent place so that they can store their sup- plies." The Deputy Clerk informed the Council that the Reeve had been discussing the subject with the hospi- tal administrator but did not know if the question had been resolved. Councillor Chapman said, "It is too bad that we did not think of this when we planned the Rec Centre." The Coun- cil tabled the question until Friday night's meeting. A letter of thanks was also received from Birchwood Terrace in appreciation of the help given by the Town crew in repair of the steam line from Birchwood to the Rec Centre. Acting Reeve Houston said, "It's nice to get a letter of appreciation like that and we will make sure it is passed on to the town crew." Under Committee Re- ports the Council was in- formed that the town engineer will be look- ing at the ball field between the public school and the high school to draw up a plan for the recreational de- velopment of the area. Councillor Chapman reported on behalf of the Rec Committee. "Terry has been looking into the wading pool situa- found that most of the wading pools in Thunder Bay are being condemn- ed because of build up of algae. The cost of up- grading it would be $10,000 so we recom- mend that the wading pool be removed." The Council passed a motion to have the wad- ing pool cemented over during the course of the construction work being done at the pool. Councillor Chapman went on to say, "The Reeve was in the rec- reation office with Terry this afternoon and I dropped in. We decided that in the future the minutes of the Rec Com- mittee will be approved by the Council. Public Works Chair- man Joe Kennedy re- ported, "Sometime ago we received a grant from the Canada Ontario Em- ployment Program and we are allowed to hire four labourers and one supervisor." The mat- ter was referred to the Personnel Committee. Kennedy went on to say, "Every year we hire a group of young people to clean up the town, especially the - business area and the park area. We pay them the minimum wage. We hire enough of them so that it doesn't take too long." The Council de- cided to postpone any motion authorizing the hiring until Friday night's meeting. Councillor Kennedy concluded, "In the past two weeks we have had to hire two extra men in public works. We are spread just too thin. The jobs will be for two weeks anyway, maybe for three weeks."' The Council meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Friday, May 13 The Council met in a Special Session Fri- day night to clear up the rest of the items on the regular agenda. Reeve Dave Speer presided with all the Councillors present. The Council received a letter from the Thun- der Bay Community Auditorium building fund requesting a dona- tion. Reeve Speer said, "When we wanted to give Thunder Bay money to build the Dist- rict Health building they killed the whole pro- » ject.'"' Councillor Ken- nedy said, "There has been so much contro- versy in Thunder Bay, they do not even know if they are building it. I think we would be out of place to approve this now." Councillor Ram- say added, "What do we have to do with this. Can we table it until they make up their minds what they are doing."' The Council received a letter from the Library Board requesting their support in an appeal to the provincial govern- ment not to cut the budget of the regional library. Councillor Bill Houston said, "] move that the Council sup- port the Library Board. It is just unliveable, un- sufferable. The govern- ment is reducing the number of boards by combining them be- ness A Sea ee ae Terrace Bay-Schreiber News, Wednesday, May 18, 1983, page 5 Taxes, chip stands and jet fuel... . them that are too small. That's good, but they are going to cut the bud- gets too. We have the largest region in Ontario. We still do and they are cutting $100,000 from our bud- get. A motion support- ing the Library Board' protest was passed by' the Council. Taking up the request from Birchwood for space for a Senior Citi- zen's Drop In Centre, Reeve Speer said, "I have been in contact with Mrs. Rogerson. The request fitted in with the Hospital's total health concept. I have been in touch with Don Ross and they have talk- ed. Mrs. Rogerson is prepared to leave it at this stage for now." The Reeve also said, 'We have been contact- ed by some people who want to get fuel in bulk. We have had a request through the Airport Manager to reduce the cost to the people down in Hemlo for jet fuel. They are presently get- ting their jet fuel from Wawa at a premium price and it looks as if we can undersell them and still make a good profit."' Councillor Bill Hous- ton said, "They want the jet 1A fuel and we don't sell a lot of it. They are talking about 2000 gallons a week and they see even more than 2000 a week. His reason is that they are paying about the same price in Wawa but they want to make a change. If they don't hear from us he will go directly to Thun- der Bay and have it delivered in bulk for less than we are selling it to him."' "Our cost is 37.5 cents a.litre and we are selling it at 15 cents a litre profit. On a bulk sale like this we are Art Show An Arts and Crafts Festival will be held at Lake Superior High School, Terrace Bay Campus from 7-9 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25. This exhibition will fea- ture student work from Schreiber Public School, Terrace Bay Public School, and Lake Super- ior High School. Every- one is welcome. Donna Shynkaryk Donna Shynkaryk, a grade 13 student at Lake Superior High School, has been playing bad- minton competitively since she was in grade eight. Donna is an active member in the Terrace Bay Badminton Club. This. year, she partici- pated in the Northwest- ern Ontario Badminton Association (N.W.O.B.A.) competi- tions. Donna placed sec- ae ee, ee a looking at a 7.5 per cent discount." Reeve Speer said, "One of the prob- lems we have with 1A is a slow turnover. The fuel deteriorates becau- se of water and evapora- tion." Councillor Chap- man said, "I would like to have a letter from them. I intend to be very firm on this and I am opposed to selling it at less than we do to our own people here in town." Councillor Houston said, "We don't sell it to anyone locally. The fuel is used by jet planes and helicopters and no one locally has any of this. Chapman said, "I am still opposed to it. If we sell to one at 48 cents we should sell to all for 48 cents."' Reeve Speer said, "I do not agree. Our crews have to go out and start up the pumps and ser- vice the aircraft every- time we sell 30 or 40 or 100 gallons of jet fuel. Here we are talking about a truck backing up and picking up 2,000. gallons. The difference is that our people do not have their time taken up and they do not have to service the craft." Houston added, "As a matter of fact, if we have an increased turnover we are going to be able to buy the fuel at a lower rate than we are paying now." Chapman said, 'I still do not think this should be done without a letter."' : Councillor Joe Ken- nedy said, "'But we can be selling it to them before we have this let- ter" Chapman continued, "I still think we have to sell it all at the same price. I hope you are ready for the . flak. I want to state this very firmly. 1 am oppos- ed to it all the way." Reeve Speer replied, "Yep, I am _pre- Donna also participat- ed in an invitational bad- minton tournament in Red Rock, where she placed first in Ladies' Singles; first in Ladies' Doubles with partner, Maureen Pytyck;~and first in Mixed Doubles with partner, Kirk Fischer. However, Donna's most satisfying accom- plishments occurred throughout her high school career. During last year's high school badminton season, Donna placed first in Marathon at the N.S.S.S.A.A. She went on to N.W.O.S.S.A. in Wawa to achieve second place. This win qualified Donna to compete in the O.F.S.S.A. champion- ships in Kingston, On- tario. Facing many chal- lenging players, Donna tied for fifth place in the B flight. 'This vear. Donna High School Highlights by Kelly McGuire pared for all the flak from all the people in Terrace Bay who buy jet fuel for their jets."' The Council passed a motion authorizing the bulk sale of 1A jet fuel at 48.5 cents a litre for a trial period of 6 months. Councillor Chapman called for a recorded vote. The vote was 4 in favour and one opposed. The Council held a brief discussion of the problems involved with the Chip Stand. Reeve Speer read the file on the area to the Council. Councillor Houston questioned the stability of the embankment. Public Works Chair- man Joe Kennedy said, "There is no problem. I have looked at that em- bankment and there is cement in it. It's not moving." The Reeve said, '"'There appears to be no violation of by-laws nor of public health or high- way traffic regulations. Now that we have ensur- ed ourselves of that, there is really nothing else we have the author- ity to do. However, they did say that garbage had been blown down onto the hydro easment be- tween the embankment and their property. Joe, if there is garbage in that greenbelt that's our responsibility. Get somebody down there and clean it up."' As its final item the Council went on to ap- prove a municipal tax rate increase of 4.9 per cent for 1983. The Reeye said, "I want to thank ail of the Council and especially Marg (Deputy Clerk Marg Simmer) for the fine job that has been done on this Bud- get. I also want this taken back to the depart- ment heads. I want to thank all of you for keep- ing it under 5 per cent in 'this time of restraint."' . came back with the same silent determina- tion, and eagerness to play, that has almost made her undefeatable. In Wawa at the N.S.S.S.A.A. this year, Donna placed first. At the N.W.O.S.S.A. com- petitions in Thunder Bay, she earned sec- ond place. Once again, Donna had earned her way to the O.F.S.S.A. cham- pionships. Donna tra- velled to Toronto with her mother, and her coach, Kirk Fischer. She lost two games, and won three to achieve first place in C flight. Although Donna will not be in high school next year, she does plan to continue playing bad- minton, and volleyball (another favourite sport) when she attends Con- federation College in Thunder Bay in Septem- ber.

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