PAGE 16 / TERRACE BAY NEWS ~ DECEMBER 20, 1978 ARENA UPDATE - continued from page 14 A financial update will appear on these pages in the new year to keep you informed on the progress of funds. COLLEGE PROGRAMS: Interest workshops, clinics in the following areas are scheduled for the New Year; Cross Country Skiing, Bricklaying, Chinese Cooking, Sewing (basic). CONFEDERATION COLLEGE INTERIM STUDENT: In the new year a student from the recreation program will be doing her field placement with Schreiber Parks and Recrea- tion. Anne Giroux is from Ear Falls, Ontario and will be Manager & Stagg NORWOOD MOTEL TERRACE BAY May yours be merry and gay. Our hearty holiday thanks for your kind patronage. MAYFAIR HOTEL SCHREIBER assisting us with programming during her three and a half month stay. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kenney have left to visit relatives in Deep River, Elgin Ontario and Buffalo U.S. Early in the new year they will journey to Texas and Mexico to spend the remain- der of the winter. T you this year, Brings every good wish E, joy and good cheer! CHRISTMAS TO ALL. Brian, Ruth Ann and family Edie, Goff and Terry Brenda, Phillip and amily GULF OIL DEALER WR GULF Service Station & Restaurant