SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS 3 PAGE 15 Father Meyer Honoured At Reception La Over two hundred parishioners and friends from all denomin -ations gathered at the Schreiber Town Hall, Sunday afternoon, August 27th to bid farewell to the Parish priest of Holy Angels and St. Berchman's Roman Catholic Churches, Rev. Father F.J. Meyer. He leaves this week to take over the Holy Family Church in Thunder Bay after seven and one half years in our parishes. Assisting the priest meet his many friends were Mrs. Lorett McParland, past president of the C.W Le and Eddie Borutski, President of the parish council. The hall was decorated with light blue and yellow streamers and the tea tables centered with rose bowls. The C.W.L. sup- plied the luncheon under the convenership of the president Mrs. Phyllis McParland. Mrs. Mary Valentino, Rita McGrath, Mrs. Maronese, Mrs. Maureen Reddins and Mrs. Buso assisted. Members of the young girls! club served the tables. They were: Mary and Erin Bourke, Virginia, Mary and Andre Stortini, Anna Racioppi, Tina Reddins, Brenda and Tina Cebrario. Mau-- reen McParland had charge of the guest book. Father Meyer will be greatly missed in the parish as he was an encouraging, kind and helpful leader of the parishes. He is a very independant man and never hesitated to cut grass, shovel snow and quite truthfully he was against anyone else doing those chores as he liked to keep busy. He was never stuck when repairs had to be made to machinery, electrical appliances and even added carpentry to his skills. Father Meyer did engraving and belonged to the Ham Radio operators,, was involved in the Nipigon Power Squadron, served as the Padre of the Schreiber Canadian Legion and was the Executive Jo In Canada itSTilden Featuring Chevrolets TILDEN Rent-a-car SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 Director of the Parish Council. Father Meyer's many accomp- lishments were unreal. He even baked his own bread and did the laundering of the church linens. With Ed Borutski as chairman, many gifts were presented to Father Meyer by the church organizations and individual gifts. Mr. Borutski expressed the feelings of the parishoners in their regret in the loss of an understanding priest and a friend to all. Mrs. Greengrass, one of the oldest parishoners of Schreiber, presented Father Meyer with a purse of money while Mike McGrath presented an oil painting of Holy Angels Church painted by Mrs. Betty Huard. Mr. McGrath spoke on Father Meyer's many ac- complishments as well as his roll as the priest of the church. Kris Borutski on behalf of the altar boys, presented him witl a picture of the altar boys and a pen and paper weight desk 'set. Continued page 16 .... Cignrlllgs SEES Ta welprovide: e Financial assistance e Management counselling (CASE) CW ERED Full Rcd le] e Information on government programs for business Can we help you? VISIT THE BANKS MOBILE VAN AT: Schreiber from 1PM-3PM and Terrace Bay from 3:30PM- 5:30PM. September 12th, FEDERAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK (Branch Office Address) Box 878, 106 Centennial Square, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 1978