public Library Terrace Bay, Ont. TERRACE BAY NEWS [J VOL, 21 NO, 30 AUGUST 10, 1978 20¢ PER COPY TOWNSHIP OF -SCHREIBER PURCHASES KIMBERLY-CLARK RECREATION BUILDING Finalization of details for the Township of Schreiber to purchase the recreation com- plex at Kimberly Clark mill site, were made on July 28, 1978. 3 With the exception of the twelve room dormitory the building and its chattels, equipment and furnitures are now the proper- ty of the Township of Schreiber. The floor space will allow a large comm- unity hall, recreation area, concession booth, office rooms, fitness area, storage and washroom facilities. This will be adapted to our new arena; the design and costs being prepared at this time. There is much to be done in the form of gathering additional information, documen- tation of letters, titles, etc.; appraisal of equipment, inventcry of furniture, .in the next few days. Once final costings, credits and approv- als have been accepted, more financial details will come to the public's attention. AUGUST GUIDE TO ENERGY CONSERVATION IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS SENT TO MUNICIPALITIES K guide for Ontario's 850 municipalities to encourage en- ergy conservation in public buildings was released July 28th by Ontario Minister of Energy, Reuben Baetz. This is a first step in a new province-wide program to promote conservation at the municipal level. Copies of the booklet have been sent to senior elected municipal officials and administrators for their use in im- plementing conservation measures in City Halls, libraries, police stations, day care centres, recreational facilities and other publicly-owned buildings. ; "We estimate that more than $200 million a year is spent in the public sector to provide 1ight, heat, cooling, ventil- ation and mechanical services in public buildings," Mr. Baetz said in releasing the guide. "Given the steady rise in ener gy costs, we are confronted with an enormous challenge in the a ea of conservation. There is a real opportunity for potentially large savings to taxpayers." He added: "Our ultimate goal is to reduce the total ener- gy consumption in all public buildings in Ontario by at least 15 percent." The guide outlines basic energy conservation techniques and equipment, identifies methods for savings relative to costs, and offers suggested operation and maintenance checklists. "With this booklet, we hope more municipalities will be encouraged to seriously consider what they can do to trim their energy consumption and costs," Mr. Baetz said. "The Regional Municipality of Durham, with its energy conservation program, is an excellent example of government at the local level committed to conservation. We hope more will follow its lead." Mr. Baetz said the Ministry of Energy plans to work with the Provincial Municipal Liaison Committee (PMLC) to develop the program and material best suited to the municipalities! needs. The Energy Minister plans to meet with the PMLC this fall at Queen's Park to discuss in more detail opportunities for energy conservation at the Municipal Level.