JUNE 14, 1978 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 FISHER STOVES IN SCHREIBER gy WEAT YOUR COTTAGE HOME EFFICIENTLY =HEAVY PLATE STEEL CONST. ~BURNS OVERNIGHT =SEC., COMBUST., CHAMBER 142 HARDISTY STREET THUNDER BAY "S", ONTARIO (807)623-5544 ALSO AVAILABLE AT WESTERN TIRE MEN'S BASEBALL MEETING LAKE SUPERIOR PUBLIC SCHODL SCHREIBER June I4th, I978 at 7 pm or If you wish to play Please attend INCOME TAX HeR BLOCK FRANCHISE AVAILABLE SCHREIBER-TERRACE BAY NIPIGON Join the fastest-growing, | largest income tax prepara- tion firm in the world. Prior tax knowledge, while help- ful. is not necessary. Proven procedures, training, and advertising assure maxi- mum income and profits. This franchise is compatible with most existing service- oriented businssses. ER BR MAIL TO: BE En 1014 Victoria Ave., Thunder bay, Ontario. P7C 1B6 Please send complete details B about the H&R Block" Satellite ] Franchise Program, without any ¥ obligation on my part. Name, | B Address. J civ/staterzio i gige No. ayy fr 17 Fi © ---ier omimvmbmimls CAA & / & AAA APPROVED FAMILY RATES Clean Quiet Cody "On Ground Level Only" CABLE & COLOR TV -- ELECTRIC HEAT YEAR RUS COMMERCIAL RATES west ENTRANCE 824-2501 "ili 824-2800 Why does she bring her savings fous? Every payday, | make it a habit to save a little. Just a little. But regularly. It's a nice habit and it's easier to get into when the teller gives me a nice big smile. It's the same kind of smile I'd get if I'd gone out and bought something. Except | feel even better because | haven't spent my money at all. In fact, I've put it in a place where it will earn interest too. Deposit something -or open a savings account this week and prove fo yourself how goodit feels fo do something really sensible , with your money. The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal . Milton Tames, Manager Schreiber Branch