OCTOBER 5, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS - PAGE 7 "GENI" Get the Xmas spirit in '77! Giving to others through your GENl earnings can be a rewarding experience. Demonstrate high- ly acceptable houseware products as a "GENI" representative and make the best Christmas ever. (A DIVISION OF AVON) Phone Col lect: Gail Koski, District Manager 1-683-8448 between 5&7 f§.m. BD NOTICETO N EQUIPMENT OWNERS RECALL For "Winter Maintenance Operations, 1977/78 Season", the following Equipment is required: TRUCKS - with minimum G.V.W.27,000 Ibs,, suitable for mounting power sanding unit, is re~ | quired at the following location: KAKABEKA FALLS TRUCKS - with minimum 6,V.W.%2,000 Lbs., suitable for mounting power sanding unit, are re- quired at the following locations: ) BEARDMORE GERALDTON SAVANT LAKE . TERRACE BAY UPSALA SPECIAL INFORMATION TO BIDDERS: ' For minimum G.V.W., 27,000 lbs. "Standby Time, $15.00 per day" and for minimum G.V.W, 42,000 ibs, "Standby Time; $19,00 per day", A valid PERMANENT Class "R" or a valid TEMPORARY Class "R" LICENCE issued under the Public Commercial Vehicle Act for the appropriate region is required, . HOWEVER, if suffieient acceptable bids for trucks having Class "R" licences ars not received, the work my be awarded to owners of trucks without Class "R"™ licences on condition that they apply for same, "fy Trucks with Oonverted Tandem Axles not acceptabls, Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the Manager, Administrative Services until 1:30 P.M. loeal Time WEDNESDAY, October I9, 1977 Specification, tender forms and envelopes may bs ob- tained in person or by mail from Mr, E. Ge. Reguly, Regional Office, 80I Walsh Street West, P.O. Box 1177, Thunder Bay, Ontario PJC 4X9, Telephone 577-6451, extension 292, When requesting tenders, pledse specify location(s), ; TERRACE BAY YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE The Terrace Bay Youth Basketball League will register players, age 9 to 12 inclu~ sive, at.St. Martin's School, 4:00 p.m., Thursday, October 6th. Girls and boys will register at the same time. : For additional information, call Ted Hanley at 825-9048 or the Recreation "Office at 825-3542. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted, \ a, Ministry of 7 Transportation and 2 Communications Ontario - Ask « SERGEANT JACK BODE about your future in the Canadian Armed Forces. We've got a lot of opportunities that may be just what you're looking for. A wide range of trades and skills. Companionship. Challenge. A sense of personal security. Training, that will bring out the best in you, physically and mentally. A chance to travel and get out of the rut. The Canadian Armed Forces may havea _ great future for you. But you'll never know until you ask. So come and ask us about you. SERGEANT BODE WILL BE AT THE RED DOG INN 10 OCTOBER FROM 2:00 TO 6:00 P.M.