OCTOBER 5, 1977 CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE FROM PAGE 16.... Marjorie Spacek spoke about Overture Concerts being sponsor- ed by the community schools' program, to be brought to this area if enough interest and support by ticket sales is assured. Father F.J. Meyer advised religious articles could be pur- chased by contacting Mrs. Rita McGrath. "ROSSPORT SOCIAL: Mr. Edward Kenney of Vancouver, B.C. has " arrived to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Kenney. ' Mrs. Bill Hubelit has arrived home from the Parisienne Island ~ Lighthouse, Sault Ste. Marie, for the remaind -er of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Iddison and family have returned from a holiday with relatives in +» Toronto. 'Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gerow are holidaying in .» Toronto. "H & R BLOCK (CANADA) LTD. is looking for an individual cap- able of running an income tax business 7 in Terrace Bay. X* No large cash out- lay is required for the Franchise. * We will provide . income tax train- ing. * Supervision by field staff pro- vided. X¥*¥Al| advertising and tax supplies provided. . For further inform- ation write to 1014 Victoria Ave., Thunder Bay. TERRACE BAY NEWS To Truckers: Re Your Drivers Licences. If you drive a truck over 18,000 pounds or tow a vehicle over 10,000 pounds. You must have your - drivers licence converted to the proper classifica- tion by January 31, i978. After January 31, 1978, you will need to be retested, using the appropriate vehicle, before a new licence can be issued. Further information is available at your local Ministry of Trans- portation and Communications Driver Licence Issuing Office. Ministry of 3 : Transportation and Hon. James Snow, Minister : Communications Harold Gilbert, Deputy Minister Ontario TI : @ mann PAGE 17