JUNE 22, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 GUIDING NEWS: : : Camper; Debbie Wise - Backyard Cook, Backyard The Guiding year is now at an end in Ter- Camper, Aircraft, Public Speaking, Thrift, race Bay. A delicious pot luck supper and pre Writer, Toymaker and her Challenge Badge. -sentations night was held at the Community Following the presentations a talent show Church. Guest of honour was Mrs. Christina and selection of skits and games concluded Kjerulf, the Blue Badge secretary, who has the evening. i been very active attending meetings, and ar- Ranger Leader Cathy Geldriech was the tes- ranging for testers for the many badges worked | ter for the Backyard Cook and Backyard Camper on during the last few months. Badges and has been kept busy checking menus, Mr. David Bain attended to present' five campsites and visiting all the groups working girls with their "Aircraft" badge. This is thd for these badges. She recommends that all first time this badge has been able to be earn Guides should participate in these activities -ed by girls in this area. during the summer, for it is excellent prac- Other badges received - Karen Anderson - tice for family camping and outdoor fun. Backyard Cook, Backyard Camper; Carol Bishop - Hostess, Collector; Marigold Bishop - Aircraft; Maureen Caldwell - Backyard Cook, Backyard Camper, Collector, Hostess, Toymaker, Writer; Jane Colby-Hara -- Backyard Cook, Backyard Camper, Outdoor Cook, Junior Camper, Skater, Dancer on Skates; Maria Kjerulf - Backyard ; Cook, Backyard Camper, Aircraft; Kim Korzinski = Writer; Laurie Pollard - Backyard Cook, Back -yard Camper; Heather Saranpaa - Backyard Cook, Backyard Camper, Aircraft, Skater and Dancer on Skates; Patty: Stachiw - Backyard Cook, Back -yard Camper, Aircraft, Toymaker, Writer; Shelley Velanoff - Backyard Cook, Backyard PROCEANA PION To honour Canada, our land Created by the fusion of two founding cultures, enriched by the contribution of many other cultures, fatherland of all Canadians; To honour this country, home of over 22,000,000 beople, proud of their heritage and the freedom they enjoy; To honour this land of beace and prosperity, this promised land of untold resources; To honour this country which is ours, of which we all are proud, I hereby broclaim the week of June 25 to July I "Canada Week". rT TES -- Thus I invite the citizens of Terrace Bay to celebrate it" - by striving to know our country better, by flying our flag and displaying our symbols. C. Brassard Township of Terrace Bay.