JUNE 8, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 LAKEHEAD SCHOOL. OF HOCKEY: Cont'd from pg. 5 Aside from the more than three hours of ice time «daily, a full field program headed by Sam Walter. and his staff gives special instruc -tion in off-ice activities geared to hockey. Hockey films and the video-tape analysis is shown at this time. The school is the only one. locally having its own video machine. This year the school operates out of the Port Arthur Arena. The first two-week session is from July 25th to August 6th. The second session August 8 - 20th is sold out and has 'been for nearly a month. Word of the new pro- gram must have gotten around quickly because the second session from August 8 = 20th filled 'up faster than in any | BIRTHS | Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Murray of Terrace Bay, a girl (Amy Jean), sister for Sean, on Saturday, June 4th. Arlynn Campbell is happy to announce the arrival of her baby brother, Core Michael on May 31st, 1977, weight 8 lbs. 5 ozs. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robb Campbell of Marathon. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gorman of Terrace Bay. rhe > previous year. With instructors like Mike Masik,. Max Mekilok, the Fogolins, .Siciliano, Larry Kraw- chuk, Ian MacRae, Barton Bradley, Dan Walter, Ab Slivinski, «Kenny Clifton, Tinker Mithrush and Dave Fitzpatrick with some other instructors pos- sible, all excellent teachers of hockey. With a staff like that, it's not only the most complete school in-..the city but one of the _ very best in North "America. Those wanting a brochure can pick one up at most sport- ing goods stores or write Box 522 (F). Direct information car be obtained by calling 577-9371 or 622-9079. for a new car, a vacation, recreational equipment, for the Candidate of Your Choice Want todo z somerhi ge When you're ready to borrow mohey -- home improvements or whatever you have in mind, come and see us. We want your Dies, Wete friendly, courfeous and when you need it we're fast. The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal Schreiber Branch Bill Humble, Manager