JUNE 1, 1977 ' TERRACE BAY NEWS * PAGE 20 . Elma Haapa after 30 years' (POST OFFICE STAFF - 76 YEARS' SERVICE Retiring Postal Staff - Saima Willoughby, Elma Haapa, Postmaster Russell G. Macadam and W.J. Gavin Area Postmaster. An outstanding record, of 76 years' combined service, was honoured when three of the local post office retired, all within days of each other; Postmaster, Russell G. Macadam, after 22 years of service on May 18th; Saima Will- oughby after service of 24 years on May 21 and service on May 21. The tributes from the town, and the Postal Department, were paid at a reception held in the United Church hall, attended also 'by friends from Terrace Bay. W.J. Gavin, AreasPostmaster of Thunder Bay, said the efficiency, their relationship of the staff with each other, and their customers, . had long been noted, envied and admired. Mr. Gavin presented framed plaques, signed by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Trevor Kerr-Taylor of Marathon, District Supervisor, also expressed the satisfaction of the Postal Department with the service of the Schreiber staff, and presented a letter of com--- mendation bearing a special stamp. Dale Willoughby, Saima's son, was M.C. for the occasion, reading a lengthy message from Pierre Trudeau, another from Peter Halonen, for -mer Schreiber postmaster (brother of Mrs. Wil- loughby) message from Keith Penner, Glen Wil- loughby and Donna Markle (son and daughter of Mrs. Willoughby) . . Ian Macadam, son of Mr. Macadam; had the honour of presenting the gift of friends to the three honoured guests - of cheques of over $200.00 to each. In additon many personal gifts were received. The servitors, at the reception were Edith Willoughby, Rose Halonen, Cathy Riley, Norma Duffy, Margaret Handel, Betty St. Amond, Terry Morris, Aletha Morris, Rosanne McLellan. The kitchen committee was: Barbara Ann McLaughlin, Lena Holmes, Celia Valentino, Beatrice McCuaig, al staff in 1974. Winnie Campbell and Flora Bryson. Prior to the public occasion, the staff had small informal parties, after work, when Trevor Kerr-Taylor and Jack Stokes MLA were present to offer commendations and congratulations. They offered good wishes to Barbara Ann McLau- ghlin, the new postmastér. Mr. Kerr-Taylor said in his seven years in 1 his present position he had received the ut- most in loyalty from the Schreiber staff. Jack Stokes, MLA, recalled bygone years, and workers' in the post office, the courtesy of the staff and pride of the town in having the new build- ing opened. : - Special cakes were made for the occasions, and Saima given the honour of closing the par- tition between the office and lobby on the last' day of this staff's work. Barbara Ann McLaughlin, is a native of Sch- reiber, the daughter of Norman and Beatrice . McCuaig. She served in the Canadian Navy, 1959 to 1962. She met and married Wilfred McLaughlin in 1961. They have two young sons * and Mr. McLaughlin is employed with Kimberly- Clark of Terrace Bay. The new staff in the post office are Joanne * "- Webb and Arlene Hamel, with Celia Valentino as relief worker. Mrs. McLaughlin joined the loc- Cont'd pg. 21 asic nv LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES a BUILDERS SUPPLY}. ALUMINUM SIDING | VINYL SIDING + | - WINDOWS . DOORS LUMBER OOF ING, CARPENTRY, CUSTOM BUILT HOMES : FREE DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES Sault Domestic Improvements Ltd. : C12 KING STREET -- SAULT STE, MARIE, ONT. PHONE 705-949-7474 or locally 825-3892 Spring Fix-Up Yourself and Save \