MAY .26, 1977 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 11 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE HOLD ANNUAL CONVENTION Schreiber Branch of the Women's Institute had the pleasure of hosting the 17th annual convention of the organization, and marking its its own 50th anniversary. The district includes twelve bodhches, ex- tending from Schreiber to Upsala. Frances Pajamaki, of Kakabecka Falls was elected president for the coming year. Other officers include: Carol Stadey of Upsala - past president; Anne Todesco of Rossport - first vice president; Etta Renaud of Dorion - second vice president; Marjory Boyer of Thundex Bay = third viee president; Arlene Ramsdale of Kakabecka Falls - secretary-treasurer; Cheryl Sovereign of Kakabecka Falls - Public relations officer. Mrs. Stadey was also named federation re- presentative and resolution convener, with Mrs. , Ramsdale as alternate federation representative Also on the slate, are Marie Larabee, Kakabecka Falls; Winnie Clemens, Schreiber; Alice Make, Anny Boyko, Kathy Zaluzny, Mrs. L.O. Tees and Fran Elchuk all of Thunder Bay; Ingrid Price, "Pass Lake and Florence McLenna of Nipigon. Mrs. Todesco was elected curator and alter- nate delegate to the area convention. Mrs. Pajamaki, as president, is delegate to that meeting. There were twenty-eight delegates and nine- teen visitors, as well as guests attending the , meeting. No resolutions were presented. Conveners' reports included - Agriculture "and Canadian Industries by Marie Larabee; Family and Consumer Affairs by Ingrid Price; : Education and Cultural Activities by Winnie Clemens; Citizenship and World Affairs by Fran- _ ces Pajamaki; Public Relations Officer, Lynn Asgard; Tweedsmuir History Book, Eleanor Bourke "and F.W.I.O. Provincial Board, Anne Boyko. Joanne Kushnier, district editor of the Times-News was the guest speaker, the proper method of sending reports to the paper, which ,make it acceptable for publication. 4 Barbara Weese, Home Economist, also spoke. Carnations were presented to the head table' in memory of departed members. At the luncheons given in the Anglican Church Hall, Reeve Harold McParland formally offered Schreiber's greetings and its apprecia- tion of the contribution the W.I. makes to the 'town affairs. He mentioned the interesting (item ~ that they have always arranged the for- mal presentation of the Council's engraved sil- "2r cup to the first baby of the year and, by -4PpPY chance the #irst baby to receive the cup --- Norman Boon, is; now a member of the municipal 'council. : Jack .Stokes, MLA, native of the town and familiar with the W.I.'s work in the commun- ity, had the pleasure of presenting a letter and plaque to the. local Branch, honouring the 50 years of service, from the Province. A special guest of honour was Edith Reid, of Westminster, B.C. She was the first secre ---tary-treasurer of Schreiber Institute, who was presented with a silver teaspoon inscribed with the W.I. motto - Home and Country. Mrs. Reid, who had lived for many years in Schrei- ber, coming here as a Health Nurse, married Gordon Reid, a local merchant. She recalled former days and the many friends who'd wel- comed her and made her years in Schreiber a fond memory. Bill Broadsworth, Agricultural representa- tive, Ontario Ministry Agriculture and Food, also spoke. : During the afternoon meeting - Eva Gordon sang the familiar "Amazing Grace" accompanied by Dorothy Lengyel. Victoria Winters donated the birthday cake for the occasion. At the end of the long day, which began at 9:30 a.m., Mrs. Stadey, before formally end-- ing the program, read the words - "Coming together is Beginning, Thinking together is Unity, Keeping together is Progress, Working together is Success. 1 In Canada itS Tilden Featuring Chevrolets | : TILDEN | Rent-a-car : SPADONI BROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304