PAGE 2 : TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 15, '1976 ZI} | CHURCH SERVICES TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN CHURCH SUNDAY MASS - 8:30 and I0:30 A.M. SATURDAY MASS =~ 7 P.M, CONFESSIONS = 6:15 - 7:15 and after evening Mass on Sat. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev, Brian Bigelow SERVICE OF WORSHIP - II:I5 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION - Ist of the Month CHURCH SCHOOL - Grades 5-8 10:00 A.M. - Preschool to Grade U4 - II:I5 A.M. = Care for Babies TERRACE BAY GOSPEL ASSEMBLY - Pastor John laari Services are held in the Public School Auditorium FAMILY HOUR - 10:00 A.M, SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE - 7:00 P.M, SCHREIBER HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, F. Meyer DAILY MASS - Mon, Wed, & Fri, - 5:00 P.M, Tues, & Thurs, =--73%30'P.M, Sate 9:00 AM, & 7:15 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE - 9:30 and II:00 A.M. CONFESSIONS - Sat, 4:15 - 5:15 P «M,; before Sat. evening Mess; before Sun, morning Mass & before all daily Masses. ST, ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH = Rev. Brian Bigelow REGULAR SERVICE - 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL = 11:00 A.M. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SERVICES - 1st & 3rd Sunday - 7:00 P.M. ond and 4th and 5th Sunday - 11:00 A.M. Sunday School - 11:00 A.M. - Every Sunday GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH ~- Rev. R, Dye MID WEEK SERVICE - 7:00 P.M. Wednesday SUNDAY SCHOOL - I0:00 A.M, WORSHIP SERVICE - II:00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER - 7:00 P.M, ROSS PORT ST. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH SUNDAY MASS - I:00 P.M, TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MON. - FRI: MAILING ADDRESS --- Box 579 PHONE 825-3747 DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY of each week. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 per year (local) $6.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867 NORTH OF SUPERIOR BOARD MEETING The North of Superior R.C.S.S. Board held its ninth regular meeting at St. Martin's . School on Saturday, November 20th, I976 at I0:00 a.m. The Board received reports from trustees McBride and Meagher for the Management and Finance Committees. The following decisions were taken after consideration of the reports. I) to reconvene regular board meetings, when necessary, after committee meetings for the purpose of passing motions. 2) to set aside a reserve for working funds to a maximum of $75,000.00 3) to complete the hiring of a custodian for Manitouwadge 4) to hire Mr. Don Pawlett as Accountant to replace Mr. Reg Jones, who resigned effective December I/76. Mr. E. McCluskey, Mathematics resource teacher, addressed the Board. He reviewed for the trustees his work over the past several months. Several curriculum documents were distributed for purposes of illustration and trustees questioned Mr. McCluskey re current classroom practices in the field of Mathemat- ics. In other business, the Board: I) accepted the resignation of Miss J. Franc- ia from the Nakina staff. Es 2) approved early leave for Miss J. Gall of the Red Rock staff. 3) approved the submission of an application for a "Community School Development Grant". 4) approved the sale of three lots to the Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Hearst: 5) decided to ask 0.S.S.T.A. to provide a regional salary negotiating conference so as to avoid the necessity of sending trustees to Toronto. : It was decided to hold the next regular Board meeting on December 18/76 at St. Hilary's School, Red Rock. thecQ® CORRECTION ay coon OPEN DAILY - 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday and not as previously advertised in the December lst issue of the Terrace Bay News.