/ TERRACE BAY NEWS DECEMBER 1, 1976 ELECT ALEX KRYSTIA "FOR COUNCILLOR - LISTENS - LEARNS - ACTS CITIZENS OF SCHREIBER VOTE FOR EXPERIENCE ~~ AVAILABILITY "VOTE : HARNESS FOR HYDRO COMMISSIONER MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Rene Lamoureux announce the maviage of their daughter, Karen to Mi. Donald Baxter on November 27, 1976. CLOSING OUT SALE STARTING DECEMBER 4TH 40% To 50% OFF ON ALL FISHING TACKLE AND AMMUNITION LIMITED QUANTITIES VILLAGE SPORT SHOP ROSSPORT 824-2191 Tofmship of Schreiber SCHREIBER, ONTARIO NOTICE _ DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE BY-LAW 577 Residents of Schreiber are reminded that dogs must be tied wp at all times. The By-Law Officer may lodge a complaint and the owners of dogs running at large may be required to appear in court to answer to the charge laid. The By-Law Officer does not require a pic- ture as evidence of a dog running at large. AT this time of year dogs running at large tend to run in packs and become dangerous. By-Law 577 will be enforced as strictly as possible and any dog displaying vicious tendencies will be destroyed. Council of the Township «of Schreiber A.J. Gauthier Clerk-Treasurer | f elected REEVE for Schreiber | will encourage Council to: 1. Plan for future needs in: (a) housing (b) commercial & industital development (c) upgrading of present utilities 2. Provide for the construction, mainten- ance and proper supervision of recrea- tional facilities. 3. Co-operate with all levels of govern- . ment and neighbouring municipalities. 4. "Involve the public in the affairs of their community. JOTp TOM QUINTON REEVE