PAGE 4 " TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 6, I95I In spite of the cool breezes and all time low water temp- erature of 63 degrees on Saturday afternoon, e handful of hardy youngsters turned up °.t the swimming pool to vie for honours in the swimming events for which they had practised all summer. The list of winners is as follows: 25 YDS. IN SHALLOW WATER - Boys under I0 - Ist - Dennis Scowen, 2nd - Dennis Bouchie. Girls under I0 - Ist - Dorothy MacDonald, ond - Marlene Jessop, 3rd - Joan Hopper. Girls II and over Ist - Brenda MacDonald, 2nd - Mary Banks. KICKBOARD RACE .- Girls under I0 - Ist - Dorothy MacDonald, 2nd - Marlene Jessop, 3rd - Joan Hopper. Girls II and over - Ist - Mary Banks, 2nd - Brenda MacDonald. 50 YDS. FREE STYLE - School Boys - Ist - Jim Sweet, 2nd - Norris Wellings, 3rd - Ray Husband. 25YDS. BACKSTROKE - Ist - Norris Wellings, 2nd - Terry Cavanaugh, 3rd - Jim Sweet. DIVING CONTEST - Ist - Norris Wellings, 2nd - Stan Savoy. Now that the pool is "oldsed for the summer, it is encouraging to note that a total of 24 swimmers were able to pass their Red Cross tests this year. STORK CLUB - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burnell - a boy - Sunday, September 2nd. 20 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 6, 1956 Migs Pet Simmer was guest of honour Thursday, August 30th when a birthday party was held to celebrate her seventh birthdsy. Twelve guests were present and enjoyed games and ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 18 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 your week ahead br ois Forecast Period: September 12 to September 18 Positive action can improve the financial pic- ture. A garage sale could bring in a tidy sum.. An opportune time for starting a new project. It's not the time for unconventionalities. Stick tothe beaten path. You feel justified in letting that resentment build up. You really can't afford. Release" it -- let it go -- forget it. The price is too high. - A time to share our thoughts and feelings with friends. What we send out comes back. Concentrate on the job you can do and a whole new field of accomplishment opens up. Patience has its rewards at this time. Resist the impulse to judge your partner harshly. Set your goals for this week and you will find the drive within you to quietly go about achieving them. Opportunity knocks but you must open the door. Aggressive action puts you ahead of competition. You can be of real service to another at work. Don't hesitate. The rewards are gratifying. The romantic path has a few obstacles. Don't force the issue. Hold off on publicity. Home activities are a bit restrictive now. Others seem to delight in doing odd things with quick-change actions. A really choice bit of gossip comes to you over the back fence. Remember that it's gossip -- no more, no less. the birthday luncheon. : Jean and Bill Megraw and family enjoyed a motor trip oN stopping off at Ashlands, Wisconsin, Chippewa Falls, Eau Ha | Clairs, St. Paul, St. Cloud and Duluth, Minnesota, for the previous two weeks. : Mrs. Eve Pidluzny with children, Kathy, Bobby and Linda returned home this weekend, having been guests of Eva's mother, Mrs. A. Busniuk of Fort William for the summer. They also made a trip to Duluth during the summer. Father Gallagher officiated at the marriage last Friday, August 3Ist, at 9:00 a.m, of Alexandria Morin, eldest daughter of Mr. John Morin of Jackfish to Gaston Jacques in St. Martin's Roman Catholic Church, Terrace Bay. Betty and Butch Bouchard ere back from their holidays which took in a trip through Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit where they visited with relatives, and home through the south shore of Lake Superior stopping over in the Lakehead for a few days. 2 > Glenna and Jim MacDonald with Hilda and Hugh Brophy were in Duluth last week. STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go ta Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gombola on the birth of a daughter on August 30th, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Campbell on the birth of a daughter on September Ist. I5 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 Wendy Duncan and Maureen Hall have returried home from their ten days at C.G.I.T. Camp Council when they represent- ed the local group at their Lake Brereton, Manitoba Camp. Roddy larson celebrated his fifth birthday Friday after- noon with a party to which he invited ten young friends. Mrs. F. Hiller and Mrs. H. Davis have returned following an enjoyable holiday spent in the Maritimes and Prince Ed- ward Island. Mrs. Davis will return Sundsy to her home in Fort William. Members of the Schreiber Kinsmen and the Kinette Club met at the home of Pat Doran last week for a farewell party for member Al Pearson who leaves shortly for a North Dakota University. President Bill Miller presented Al with a gift and good wishes on behalf of all present. Summer visitors at the home of the N.A. MoCuaigs were Mr. MoCuaig's.sister Barbera, Mrs. F. Petty and family of Port Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid and family of Espanola. Visiting there at the present time are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Doig of Trenton and their daughter Barbara from H.M.C.S. Stadacona, Halifax. - I0 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 8, I966 A special lustre was added to the "Gem of the North Shore" - Terrace Bay, at the coronation of "Queen Mermaid Mary-Ellen Little by the girl acclaimed as the most beauti- ful in Cenada, Miss Dominion of Canade herself, Marjorie Schofield of Hamilton and Burlington, Ontario. At a tense and hushed ceremony Kiwanis President Neil Cornthwaite opened the all important envelope containing the decision of the three judges, Miss Canada, Marion Vickurck and Jerry Isherwood of CKPR. Following her coronation by Miss Canada, Mary-Ellen thanked those who supported her in her campaign and the Kiwanis Club for making it possible for her to win. Her prize is a two week course at the Walter Thornton Model Agency in Toronto. g FISH BINGO - Sept. I5 Rossport Hall, Each Bingo a 5 to 6 1b. leke Trout. Door Prize a IO lb. leke Trout. Mrs. Pat Jones was the lucky winner of a lovely Mary Maxim Sweater in the Navy League Draw. STORK CLUB - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Webb of Schreiber, a daughter, on August 25th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pollard of Terrace Bay, & daugh- ter, on August 30th. 'Mr, and Mrs. L. Petrus and sons attended the wedding of their only daughter, Lila, to Mr. Ralph Sali of Toronto. The wedding was held in St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto on Sept. 3rd. /