MAY 27, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING: Cont'd property in Marathon to the Township of Mar- athon. The Grade 8 students from Marathon have or- ganized a Field Trip to Ottawa and Toronto for the period May 17 to 28, under the super- vision of Mr. Springer. The Board approved the trip. FIRST DRAW OF OPERATION 50,000 J.C.A Filiatrault, Director of Postal Ser- vices for Northern Ontario was in Barrie Dis- trict on Monday, May 17th to officiate the first draw of Operation 50,000. Operation 50,000 is the result of a com- bined effort by 50,000 employees of Canada Post across Canada to. raise money for Canad- ian Athletes through the sale of Olympic Ac- tion Stamps. The winners of the first draw are: lst prize - Combination set of precious metal Olympic Stamp Sculptures (gold, silver and bronze) ($300.00) - Gayle Westhaver, Nipigon, Ontario. Sponsoring employee: Mrs. Mary Youzwa, Nipigon, Ontario. 2nd prize - Silver set of precious metal Olympic Stamp Sculptures ($60.00) -Hubert F. Arcand, North Bay, Ontario Spnosoring employee: Ms. Paulette Belecque. 3rd prize - Bronze set of metal Olympic Stamp Sculptures ($30.00) = Angline Maurice, Astor- ville, Ontario. Sponsoring employee: Simone Bessette. : There are two more draws to be held in Sudbury, 14 June and in Sault Ste Marie, 19 July. Action Stamp Cards are now on sale at all Post Offiees and for the purchase price of fifty cents, Northerners can do their share to help Canadians at the Olympics. The grand prize draw of a trip for two anywhere in Canada plus $1,500. in cash will be made in Ottawa on July 29, 1976. NOTICE The Terrace Bay News Office will be CLOSED from June 24 to July 5. No paper will be published on the week of June 28. The News Office will re-open on July 5 and deadline will be NOON MONDAY of that day for all advertising and news material. The next issue will be published on Wednes- day, July 7. Deadline for commercial printing before this short holiday is June 18. We hope this short holiday will not in- convenience our readers and advertisers. HIGHLIGHTS OF WOMEN OF THE MOOSE MEETINGS In April, Membership Chairman, Jackie Sopel and her committee of Jackie Roberts, Sybille Wenzloff, Mary Inhatko, Dorothy Kenny and Betty Oksanen held a raffle and a penny auc- tion. Many lovely articles were won in the penny auction and the raffle was won by Yvonne Rochon. A lovely lunch and an Easter Bunny cake decorated by Dorothy Kenney was served. The table was decorated in an Easter theme. In May, Academy of Friendship Chairman, Myra Smilsky and her committee of Anne Sta- chiw, Ann Didura, Kay Furyk and Sadie Benko held a penny auction with many lovely gifts being won. The table was decorated in blue and white and a most delicious lunch was ser- ved. Jeannie.Tychoniak won the pot of gold. Myra Smilsky will use the proceeds from the penny auction to buy an insulated water jug for McCausland Hospital. Two Bursaries of $50.00 each will again be presented at the Lake Superior High School Graduating Ceremony on June 23, 1976. Dona- tions in the past few months were given to St. John Ambulance, Cystic Fibrosis, Salvation Army and Multiple Sclerosis Society. Nominations took place at the May 18th meeting. Continued page 4 ol TOWNE CINEMA TERRACE BAY - ONTARIO - TELEPHONE 825-3771 SHOW TIMES - MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY 7 & 9 P.M. SUNDAY 8:30 P.M. he. 27 Fri. 28 sat. 29 When you see it,we think you'll agree with every wonderful word you've heard about it. 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' HE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" Star, ring MARILYN HASSETT as Jill Kinmont and BEAU BRIDGES as Dick Buek + BELINDA I. MONTGOMERY « NAN MARTIN DABNEY COLEMAN = BILL VINT » WILLIAM BRYANT A FILMWAYS/LARRY PEERCE PRODUCTION + Scr reenplay by DAVID SELTZER Sun. 30 Mon. 31 LINDA LOVES HER WORK, AND HER WORK IS LOVE. Diary PHONE TOWNE CINEMA 825-3771 FOR JUNE 1st AND 2ND LISTINGS Nympho INTIMATE! REVEALING! SHOCKING!