MAY 27, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS Classified Ads | MINIMUM CHARGE - $2.00 (25 words & under cash in advance) g - $2.25 (if charged) { 5¢ per word after 25 BUSINESS DIRE A § ORY WANTED - Earn $4.00 to $6.00 per hour. Mature person re- quired for Terrace Bay and Schreiber to deliver Fuller Brush catalogues and supply customer service, "Top com- mission available. Contact: Mr, R.F. Rebitt, 427 Southern Avenue, THUNDER BAY, Ontario. CARD OF THANKS - I sincerely wish to thank Dr, Adsy, nurses and staff of the McCausland Hospital: for their care during my stay in hospital... I also wish to thank Mrs. Marg Godin and Stan & lola Spadoni and my friends who sent cards and flowers, Mrs. Phyllis Greenshields. I. m. dodick SRNL TRYST @ 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 FOR ALL Y CUK PHOT C COPY ING AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING CONTACT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS - ig fod 22.0 1972 SAW 169,494 TOTAL COLL INSURANCE AGENT STONE Anyone For Tennis? VERYONE seems to be playing tennis lately. Find- ing an empty court on a sunny summer day can be as ex- hausting as playing the game. Even if you don't. know a back-hand from a volley, you can still look like a star on the courts. Our new interest in out- door sports has spawned a whole new fashion industry. Lilly Dee's action-wear, as well as selected fashions by all major Canadian designers, were seen recently when Cana- dian Designer Showcase toured Canada. The show sponsored by Borateem-Plus sold out in all 19 cities with the proceeds going to local charities. The show's extensive travel itine- rary was arranged by Air Ca- nada. Action sportswear by such designers as Lilly Dee, offer a wide range or styles and colors for athletes of both sexes. Centre court Wimbledon would never have ' approved the striking color combina- tions in some of today's tennis outfits. But white remains the perennial favorite and many clubs maintain iradi- tional "whites only" rules. Keeping sportswear white can be tricky. There are so many fabrics and blends on the mar- ket, and each needing special handling. * Always check the garment label for care instruc- tions and fabric content and for white garments there are some simple rules. Cottons should be washed in the hottest available water using a good detergent. If per- spiration stains or odors are noticeable, presoak first in a cool solution of Borateem- Plus. You may need to rub the . stained areas gently to remove perspiration "tidemarks". Some tough stains may be from deo- dorants, which can permanent- ly mark the fabric. In many cases, these are almost im- possible to remove. Cotton and polyester blends are also popular for sports-, wear. Use warm water to wash blends, most of which are per- manent press and can be ma- chine washed and dried. Avoid using chlorine bleach as it can yellow polyester resins used for permanent press finishes. In- stead, choose one of the new bleach substitutes such as Borateem-Plus, which is added with the detergent. It is important that the washer not be overloaded. It simply cannot do as good a job of getting clothes clean unless they have room to move freely in the basket. An overloaded washer or too little. detergent are the most common causes of dingy laundry. Synthetics and synthetic blends are all best washed in warm water to which the rec- ommended amount of bleach substitute has been added. A paste of this product rubbed in and allowed to stand for 10 minutes would remove body oil. Grease marks should be treated with an oily pre-soak product. A last warning: don't wash synthetics, especially nylon, with. colored laundry. The color transfers easily, and you want your whites to above all, stay white. For a free leaflet on laundry, or if you have a washday prob- lem, write to: The Washday Advice Bureau, 151 Bloor Street West, Ste. 1100, Toron- to, Ontario MSS 1S8. \ CANACA SCHREIBER, ONTARIO FHONE 824-Z6c€ M. CEBRARIO & SONS LTD. HARDWARE, PAINTS, BUILDING SUPPLIES, SUNWORTHY PAPERS 312 MANITOBA STREET, SCHREIBER, ONTARIO PHONE 824-2183 In Canada it? Tilden Featuring Chevrolets TILDEN Rent-a-car SPADONIBROS. LTD. SCHREIBER -- TERRACE BAY CALL LARRY AT 824-2304 4