PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 28, 1976 AUXILIARY TO MCCAUSLAND HOSPITAL MEETING Cont'd Tuck Shop Convenor, Marg Gander gave her annual report. Ninety-nine articles have been knitted and crocheted. A special thanks to all the contributers. : A Committee was set up to paint and redec- orate the childrens ward and establishing the cost of new drapes for the hospital rooms. Donna Gorham read the annual secretary re- port which 'was accepted. Nel Stewart conducted the installation of new officers which are as follows: President - Beth Macadam; First Vice President - Norma Crockford; son; Recording Secretary - Rolande Lanteigne; Corresponding Secretary - Christine Handy; Treasurer -- Helen Croll. LOWER SPEED LIMITS Effective Monday, February 2, Ontario drivers will be expected to obey lowered speed limits on all freeways and King's Highways, Minister of Transportation and Communications, Jamés Snow announced. A new regulation reduced the speed limits on provincial freeways from 70 mph to 60 mph and on the King's Highway system from 60 and 55 mph to 50 mph for all vehicles. The only exceptions are freeways now signed at 60 mph which will remain the same; Highway 17 from the Manitoba boundary to the Quebec boundary and Highway 11 between North Bay and Rainy River, which will be reduced to 55 mph. Signs will be changed by MTC district per- sonnel by applying the new speed conversion overlay, 21 inches by 14 inches, over existing signs on February 2, weather permitting. While the regulation for the lower speed limits becomes effective February 1 - a Sunday - sign changeovers will begin Monday, February 2. Mr. Snow noted that "the old posted limits will be legal until they are replaced with the new overlays." Ontario Provincial Police will enforce the regulation lowering the speed limits "as part of their normal enforcement procedures," said Roland Devereux, assistant commissioner of the Traffic Division. '"We will continue to apply enforcement in areas of high collision experience primarily, in an effort to reduce the severity ratio of accidents," he said. L.A. TO LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE-held their meet- ing January 20th. Sr. Regent, Alma Hart chaired the meeting, followed by lunch served by B. Williams. Next meeting - Feb. 3rd. Second Vice President - Flora Bry- = TERRACE BAY BANTAM ALL-STARS CLOSE FOUR GAME SERIES WITH SCHREIBER 4-0 In a weekend round-up for the North Shore Bantam - Terrace Bay/Schreiber series, the Terrace Bay All-Stars proved victorious once again over the Schreiber Bantams both in Sat- urdays game and Sunday afternoon games. « Saturday's game ended in an 11-5 Terrace Bay win, with goals being scored for the winn- ing team by: Mike Moher (5 goals), Tom Weaver (3 goals) and Aaron Walsh (3 goals). Schreiber scorers were: B. Hiller (1 goal), S. Anderson (2 goals), J. Anderson (1 goal) and D. Mills (1 goal). Sunday's "game. resulted in a 7-4 score for Terrace Bay with their goals being scored by: Ray Bouchard (1 goal), Mike Moher (4 goals), and Tom Weaver (2 goals). Schreiber's scorers were: B. Hiller (2 goals), D. Mills (1 goal) and L. Comeau (1 goal). Tom Armstrong and his coaching staff wish 'to express their thanks to the local supporters for their attendance and enthusiasm at these games. They feel their winning streak of © games, at this point, is based not only on the hard work, positional play, backchecking and forechecking, etc. of the players but contrib~- uted greatly by the support of the local fans. LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK presents FERCY & THF TCARDROPS'" in concert and dance, playing .your favourite hits of the 50's and 60's 8 = J1 p.m. Wednesday, February 4th at Terrace Bay Campus Tickets: $2.50 in advance, $3.00 at the door fivai lable from: Waghorn' s & Cebrario's in Terrace Bay © The Bay & Spadoni's in Schreiber ALSO from Danielle Bougie and Diane Coupal WITH YOUR SUPPORT WE WILL SUCCEED IN PRO- DUCING LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH SCHOOL'S FIRST YEARBOOK. ms oh IP TT EE To Se, apa re