* PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS \ SEPTEMBER 10, 1975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 7, 1950 Advice has been received that approval hes been given for the construction of a new modern hospital to be erected in the Townsite. The new structure will be located just south of the Junction of Kenogami Road and Cartier Ave,, Just east of the hotel, The new building when completed, will be ultre modern in every respect and will accommodate in excess of 20 beds, No effort will be spared to make this new building a rsal oredit to this attractive little Community of ours. The desi- gn is now completes and it is expected that construction will start early next spring. Inspector and Mra, P.T. Hake of Port Arthur announce the engagement of their daughter, lois Grace, to Charles S. (Chu- ck) Haviland of Terrace Ray. your week ahead sv os. AW. DAMIS Forecast Period: September 14 to September 20 ARIES Mar. 21-Apr..19 Those little expenditures are throwing your budget off balance. Skip a "bargain." this week. Tighten up on your purse strings. TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 Something peculiar is' going on, to put it mildly. It seems as though an event that takes place at a distance--will affect your mate or similar alliance. GEMINI May 21-June 20 You've heard this before: The more light in your eyes, the blinder you become. So. review your relationship with the opposite sex. You're in for a surprise. MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 Your chart warns against speculative transac- tions. Furthermore. it's not wise-to either loan or borrow money. You might review your check book. and keep the balance in mind. There's not much to tell that you don't already know. Because of your own pride--you'll fnd yourself engaged in an unproductive 'cat and mouse' game. LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Strange happenings and temptations might en- courage you to risk areas that are unfamiliar. Don't be lured by a promise of exciting and new experiences. LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Sorry! But. this week. you happen to be one of those people who want to tell the truth--at someone else's expense. There are things that should not be discussed. SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 There's a possibility that persons in authority will be in your environment. this week. Some changes will be made. and there's nothing you can do about it. SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 This happens to be one of those cosmic cycles when you'll enjoy hard work. Why? Well. you are going to see some tangible and pleasing results. CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 18 A series of subtle events that culminate into a jolting experience. certainly won't make you thewnost pleasant person to be near. Anyway. you'll come out of it a little wiser. According to your chart. most members of your sign will undergo a mysterious experi- ence. Which. incidentally. will never be explained. Don't worry about it! AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 You'll be in a tight spot. Nonetheless. you'll come up with some answers that will amaze. even you. Trapping you. this week, is not possible. . PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 20 YEARS ACO - SEPTEMBER 8, 1955 Manager Ray Belliveauts Shift #4, the underdogs of the finals, on Tuesday night olimaxed a major upset of the our=- rent softball season with their third successful win in humiliating Manager. Al Zisgelmanta Pennant Winners Shift #3 in a best of five series. Stork Club: Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Edmunds on the birth of a daughter on September lth, Miss Janet Johnston of Regina, Sask., is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H, Marsh for a few days. Mrs. George Turner and Ralph left Tuesday for their home in Kentville, Nova Scotia following a visit in Terrace Bay with her son Ken Turner and family, Mrs, Jean Whalen and daughter Susan, along with Mrs, C. Whalen of Port Arthur were weekend guests of Jean's sister, Mr3g, Glenna MacDonald and family. Miss Kitty Coughlin of Port Arthur visited with her sister, Mrs, Mary Clare Kennedy last weekend. Dr, and Mrs, McCausland spent the past weekend visiting Mrg, MoCausland!s brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. E.J. Brady and family in Kgpuskazing. We ars pleased to see Dorelle and John Wade with children Scott, Nancy and Shirley home again following their year spent in Appleton, Wisconsin while John was working at Neenah. Yvonne and Paul Rochon with Lillian and Ras Belliveau enjoyed an extensive motor trip together which took them to Quebeo City, Digby, Nova Scotia and Natick, Massachusettes visiting with relatives and friends. Stella rnd Ted Brown with Donne, Joanne and Teddy returned home Saturday from a motor trip to North Ray taking Stella's cousin Mrs. Ann Berrigen and children home. Then a visit in Kirkland lake with Ted's sister, Mrs, R. Cayen and Stella's cousin Dora 'alom, in Mathewson they visited ancther sister of Ted's, Mrs. Esther Nicholson and in Kapuskasirg with Ted's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W.W. Brown, then awhile at Remi lake with another sister, Mrs. H, Girardin. 15 YEARS AGO - SEPTEMBER 8, 1960 Stork Club: Born to Mr, and Mrs. Ray Belliveau of Terrace [i | Bay, a daughter, on September Lith, Weekend 3pecials: Baby Beef Liver - per 1b, 39¢. Onions ~ 3 1b cello pkg. - 29¢. Bread ~ 24 oz, loaf = 197. On Saturday, August 27th, Stan Hodgkiss and Sid Naylor left Terrace Bay for Gravenhurst, Ontario. Sten Hodgkiss consented to send a revort back to this pepaer sn the trip from Terrace Bey to Sudbury, Following is that report: Left Terrace Bay at 9:30 a.m, Saturday, August 27%¢h, arrived White River Business section 11:15 a.m. Arrived lst barrier 11:50 acm, which is threes miles out of White River, Theres were thirty cars lined up when we arrived thers. They let us through at exactly 12 noun and the car lineup didn?t pre=- sent ary problem as we soon were spread out. There wers 16 U.S.A, oars and two from Manitoba in the first 30, Second Barrier at Mileage 16C from Terrace Bay but no delay hers. The road is very good. The few short stretches that are now being paved are gravelled and well graded, Wawa is not directly on the new road sc we did not see it but the turning off point is 169 miles from Terrace Bay. At Agawa Park, 224 miles from Terrace Bay, the old section of road starts. This is fair - but as you reach Batchawana Bay the road is only ralr - some construction and rest of road is old - potholes and bumps. Arrived at Soo - 4:00 PeMms, so with half hour lost at Whitc River, running time was six hours for 316 miles to downtown Soo. There are only a couple of isolated gas stations from White River on but starting at Batchawana Bay there are several, Arrived at Sudbury 9:00 p.m., after stopping for a meal at the Soc for one hour. There are a number of good motels all along the road between the Sco and Sudbury « Mes. Alice Farrow walked off with the Wills Nursery Trophy Saturday, August 27th at the Sixth Annual Flower and Veget- able Show sponsored by the Terrace Bay Horticultural Society. Cooking Clover Farm - White Sliced continued page Sesescosccccosscecs ee fh ------ ag