p! SEPTEMBER 4, I975 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I9 "POWER FOR THE PEOPLE" The Liberal candidate in Lake Nipigon Rid- ing announced that a Liberal government will practice "power for the people". Michael Power was speaking in reference to the efforts of unorganized communities to get government recognition and assistance. Mr. Power stated, "The desire of unorganiz- ed areas to control their own destiny and make their own decisions will receive priority consideration by a Liberal government." An analysis of Bill 102, the Northern Communities Act which died on the order paper, has been undertaken by the Unorganized Communities Con- ference Committee. It finds the Bill lacking. For example, the proposed incorporated Commun- ity Councils will have power to levy taxes and to contract with the Province for grants. How -ever, they will have no planning authority to control their own development, no appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board, and no grants available for half of the functions they are responsible for. "It's like trying to bail a leaky boat with a spoon. How can you be effective?" said Mr. Power. A Liberal government, the candidate went on to say, will strip senior levels of government of many powers and return them to local levels. "The North is growing up. We know our needs. We can solve our problems, and we can learn from our mistakes." Service functions of the Community Councils would include provisions for water supply and sewage disposal, garbage collection and dis- posal, road construction and maintenance, and fire protection. However, Bill I02 put capital-cost undertaking out of their reach. r OTTAWA and Small Business ar Our fat civil service By KENNETH McDONALD A senior civil servant was quoted recently as saying: "If you want re- sults, you deal with us. To produce results you need to see the key planners and you have to see them early enough to push for changes in policy before it is politi- cally embarrassing to make them." ° XX The federal civil service has jumped from 200,000 employees in 1964 to this year's 330,000. Those of us who remember 1946 didn't know how lucky we were then. Canada's population was 12.5 million (just over half today's numbers) but somehow we managed with 31,000 federal civil servants -- and that was at the end of a world war! way of containing inflation. So the senior ones will get up to $6,000 added to salaries" that range from $25,000 to $60,000, which puts them in the top two per cent of Canadian tax- payers. The Canadian Federat- tion of Independent Business gets repeated complaints from members about the quality of labour. "You have to hire 10 if you want to keep 5." One of the reasons is that years of permissiveness and the free junch philosophy have misled younger Cana- dians into thinking there's no need for them to work. Over-generous unemploy- ment insurance benefits and the widespread use of grants --- OFY, LIP, etc. -- have reinforced the de- lusion. continued page 23ii.s sisivie ee CUSTOM FLOORCOVERING INSTALLATION Wall--to--wall Carpets Cushion Floor Vinyl Corlon Ceramic Tile Vacuum Cleaners Sales and Service CALL AFTERNOONS OR ALL DAY SATURDAYS PHONE 229=0447 MARATHON, ONT. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CALL JIM FOR: ® @ 0 CLEANERS SERVICE NEW MACHINE BAGS AND FILTERS CALL: AFTERNOONS or ALL DAY SATURDAYS CLIP AND SAVE ELEXTROLUX SUPPLIES 229. 044] MARATHON