PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS AUGUST 27, I975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - AUGUST - 24, 1950 Deve McDonald tells this one about the little girl that he offered to give a lift home to. Tt seems that Dave stop- ped on the Mi1l road to pick up this little girl who wes your week ahead sr or. aw. ons Forecast Period: August 31 to September 6 ARIES Mentally, you might be "fuzzy." Stellar pat- Mar. 21-Apr. 19 terns are not too favorable for decision . making. Also, there's the possibility of being error prone. Relax and put a major project aside. - TAURUS Shape up, Taurus! You're becoming too in- Apr. 20-May 20 volved with long term plans. Want to know the truth? You're, simply, looking for an excuse to put urgent tasks aside. GEMINI This week finds you in a set of circumstanc- May 21-June 20 es requiring help from a "not too friendly" source. It's advisabl le to show your most personable traits. MOONCHILD You could be heading toward a week of finan- June 21-July 22 cial mischief. Although you are not a patron of : «get rich schemes," a tempting proposition, in one form or another, is possible. LEO It would be wise to adjust your thoughts of the July 23-Aug. 22 future. . .to the wants of your mate gf similar alliance. Beneath a veneer of being content --trouble is brewing. VIRGO In your chart, there's no reason for you to have Aug. 23-Sept. 22 problems, other than those you might create. Things look favorable in most departments of your life. Again, take advantage. LIBRA There's a special name for someone who Sept. 23-Oct. 22 welcomes problems. The name or term, however, doesn't fit you. You'll accept a new hardship as a sort of challenge. SCORPIO For those under your sign, so inclined: There's Qct. 23-Nov. 21 a choice of becoming physically attracted to a member of the opposite...or displace the relationship with a platonic friendship. SAGITTARIUS Your hangup for a luxury might backfire. Nov. 22-Deec. 21 There's a possibility that you'll receive a gift, g of sorts. Make sure there's no strings at- tached. CAPRICORN A secret alliance is functioning behind the Dec. 22-Jan. 19 scene. How do you fit into the scheme of things ? Hanky panky will affect your job, task or project. AQUARIUS A long distant communication, by phone or Jan. 20-Feb. 18 mail, is being neglected by many members of your sign. Actually, your ination is blocking a series of pleasant events. PISCES You may be somewhat of a cross patch, this Feh. 19-Mar. 20 week. First, you'll become enthusiastic about the future. ..then, you'll take a nostalgic trip down memory lane. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send the day, month, year and place of birth, plus $1.00 for postage and handling to Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. O. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. merrily tripping her way home from the swimming pool. When _ he offered to give her a lift home to the Townsite she pro- mptly replied that "She didn't live in the Townsite, she lived on KENOGAMI ROAD", STORK CLUB: Since last Wednesday the population of Ter- race Bay has increased by six. Congratulations to the fol= lowing couples; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hemry, on August 16th, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowley, on Mugust 16th, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kowalik, on August 17th, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Storvold, on August 16th, a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson, on August 18th, a boy. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Burnell, on August 19th, a girl.. On Wednesday, August 16th., Rita Paquette and Joe Cavan- augh were united in marriage in St. Martin's Church. 20 YEARS AGO - AUGUST 25, 1955 STORK CLUB: Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs, William MacKenzie on the birth of a son on August 21st. Miss Ann Omufreychuk of Thorold South, Ontario visited Ywith Stella Brown for a few days jast week, and Stella's brother, Dan Bezenar of Edmonton arrived on Monday for a visit with Stella and Ann Bezenar. Mrs. Betty Anderson entertained in honour of her son 'Mr, and Mrs. J. Pattison of Winnipeg are presently visite ing their son, Allan Pattison and their daughter-in-law, Ivy Pattison. Mr, and Mrs. Eddie DeRozea and family of Fort William were guests of Gladys and Bill Kujbida last weekend. 15 YEARS AG - AUGUST 25, 1960 STORK CLUB: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Te Pelto of Terrace Bay, a son, on August 19th. Weekend Specials: Veal Chops - 79¢/1b. Prime Rib Roast Beef - 59¢/1b. Cigarettes - All Popular Brands - $3.09 otne Javex Deal - Buy one bottle of "Gay" Liquid detergent, get 1 bottle of Javex 16 oz. = FREE- 79¢ deal. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Palmer and children Bobby and Billy of Noranda, Que, were the guests of Mrs. Palmer's mother Mrs. Also visiting Mrs. DtArcy was her son Earl of Toronto. was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Mildred D'Arcy and Judy. Dr. J.R. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon with their children Debbie, Greg, Rod, Cam and Jon of Minneapolis spent a few days visiting his brothers, Alex and Pont and their families. Schreiber girls who have completed their High School train ing and will leave shortly for other fields of training are Ora-Mas Harness to enter McKellar Hospital School of Nursing, Dorma Slater to St. Josephs Hospital School of Nurses, Port Arthur; Dianne Slater and Glorie Dewn Cordon will enter Teachers College, Fort William; Judy Olsen and Judi Christie to enter a Business College in Toronto. : 10 YEARS AGO - AUGUST 26, 1965 Miss Diane Paulsen of Terrace Bay again reaped the benefits of her endeavours when Mr. John Ferrier, Manager of the Kim- berly-Clark Pulp and Paper Mill here announced that she will receive the company's $2,000 University Scholarship. Jim Bryson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson, who has been accepted in the Royal Canadian Navy has gone to Corn- wallis, N.S. for basic training. Winners in the Eleventh Annual Flower and Vegetable Show are: Mrs. Ray Kenney who received the New Exhibitorfe Award and Eaton's Trophy, Mr. John Ferrier who received the Neil Duncan Award for best single gladiola and the aggregate for gladiclas and Mr. Albert Farrow, grand aggregate winner who received the Wills Nursery Trophy. STORK CLUB: Born to Mre and Mrs. Cele of Schreiber, on August 21st, a son. Commisso eontimued Page Descecsccccccccae