VOL. I8 NO. 33 AUGUST 20, I975 20¢ PER COPY O.P.P. TO ENFORCE CHILD WELFARE ACT If you are a parent this release may be important to you. Effective immediately the provision of the Child Welfare Act, (R.S.O. chapter 64, I970) will be enforced by members of the Ontario Provincial Police in Schreiber. Sec. 43(3) states: No boy or girl under sixteen years of age shall loiter in any pub- lic place between the hours of I0:00 o'clock in the afternoon and 6 o'clock in the morning of the following day or be in a place of pub~- lic resort or entertainment during such .hours unless accompanied by his or her parent or an adult appointed by the parent to accompany the boy or. girl. 3 Should your child be found loitering in a public place the officer may warn the child and advise them to go home or he may take the child home or to a place of safety. The key word in this legislation is "loit- ering" and does not apply to a child who is merely going home from the home of a friend. If your child babysits it might be to your advantage to see that they are brought home by their employer. The enforcement of this act is necessary because of increased vandalism in the business section and disturbances around private resi- dences. Also a number of ten and eleven year olds have been observed by patrolling units between ,3 o'clock and 4 o'clock in the morn- ing. It should be kept in mind that the Child Welfare Act is a Provincial Statute and not a Municipal By-Law therefore the time the sir- en rings only means you have one hour to be going home. Any enguiries should be referred to the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment at 824-2333. TERRACE BAY COUNCIL QUOTES 4 The regular meeting of Terrace Bay Town Council was held on Thursday, August I4th at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers. : Reeve Roy Bray and Councillors Brassard, Hale and Kennedy were present. Correspondence included - From Proctor and Redfern Group re consulting service available for the proposed development in Terrace Bay. A copy of a letter to Kimberly-Clark for the Ministry of Environment re sewage work approvals was read. Reed, Shaw, Stenhouse re renewal of insur- ance policy. : A copy of a letter of resignation effec- tive August 29th from G. Pope submitted to Police Chief D. Barnett was read to Council. Mr. Pope's resignation was accepted with regret. On recommendation of Chief Barnett Con- stable G. Aulenback was promoted to a first class constable effective August Ist. Chief Barnett also requested to seek app- lications for a police officer. Council will also advertise for this position. Accounts passed for payment were: Township $73,961.97; Hydro $15,150.42; Library: $I,220. 40; Recreation $2I,294.25. Signs stating no riding of bicycles or vehi¢les on sidewalks at the plaza and recre- ation centre will be placed accordingly and "partial fencing of the recreation centre lawn will be done. All councillors showed a great concern for the high vandalism rate in town. This was discussed at length with suggestions of enfor -cing the curfew and a meeting with the pol- ice department brought forth. A resolution to adopt the housing policy was passed.