PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 4, I975 IN THE NEWS THIS WEEK 25 YEARS AGO - JUNE 1, 1950 A woodlot has been opened up in an area about 2 of a mile east of the mill by a road which follows a westerly route from a point on Highway 17 just north of the overpass. This ares has been set aside as an area for the procurement of fire weod by the residents of Terrace Bay. Johnny Schriti of Pulp Conversion is the kind of ea fellow who even mekes his leisure time revenue predusing. Johnny, chewed the tips off a dozen pencils and almost memorized a dictionary to complete a toughie that he found in the Farm= erg' Advocate. ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 18 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 2i-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO Juiv 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO " Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 your week ahead or or av. ois However it wasn't in vain as he won himself Forecast Period: June 8 to June 14 A member of the opposite sex wants to play games. Remember the old saying: The difference between the spider and fly is .. .patience. You're going to get your way this week. Cosmic cycles enhance you with a highly persuasive per- sonality. one time they called it "'animal magnetism." There's a heavy work load coming your way. You won't recognize it at first, but the additional responsibility will be sugar coated as a "challenge!" You'il think in terms of terminating a project. Ac- cording to your chart, every ounce of effort, in the face of "hopelessness," will pay off in tons of rewards. Most members of your sign will be drawn toward a light and frivolous mood. It's alright to romp and frolic, providing ypu stay in bounds. An associate or a new acquaintance will be reflecting your very own mood. In other words, yow'll be looking into a "mirror" of your own, disposition and personality. Whether it's affairs of the heart or any other type of competition--you'll hold an edge on the 'pack. In other words, you'll be up physically, mentally and emotionally. Someone will, finally, admit that they need your help. Don't get the wrong idea, it won't be a per- sonal victory. You in turn will need this "someone" as an ally. Stellar patterns focus on a friend's marriage. Be on the lookout for a chain of subtle events that migh complicate your own affairs of the heart. Hoist your sails, there's positive financial winds blowing your way. So, schedule more time for your job, task or project. Also, put more effort into long term plans. The issue, this week, will be: Can you handle out- side pressures...without disturbing the tranquility at your home base? There's a slight chance that a financial emergency will arise. Many members under your sign will undergo a radical change in their life style. Incidentally, this "change" will prove to be beneficial, in the long haul. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send the day, month, year and place of birth, plus $1.00 for postage and handling to Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. O. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. second prize and a cool $1600.00, Nice work, John The Ontario Provincial Police office requests that all drivers observe the STOP sign that is located at the junction of Long lae Company's private road and Highwey No. 17. It is reported that quite a few pecple disregard this sign entirely and drivers are warned that any Tuture offences will be dealt with according to the law, 20 YEARS AGO - JUNE 2, 1955. Friday, June 3rd is the day === 4:00 p.m. is the time --- the place is just outside the mill entranse, weather per- mitting, or in the Pulp Storage building otherwise. Everybody in town is weloome to come and see Terrace Bay get "THE GOAT". Representatives will be on hand from Kapuskasing to make the presentation and a suitable circus-type pen has been designed and constructed for transporting the animal. Well-informed youth of today can have a tremendous impact on what Cansdiens think in the next few years, The Terrace Bay Bay Kiwanis Club has therefore selected Paul Marcella to at- tend the United Nations University Seminar for High School Students of Manitobe and Northwestern Ontario, to be held in Winnipeg, July 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. STORK CLUB: Congratulations this week go to Mr. and Mrs. Themes Relph on the birth of a son on May 30th, and Dr, and Mrs. David Acal on the birth of & son on May 30th, and Mr. 4 and Mrs. Sam Chicoine on the birth of a son on May 30th. A Mother and Deughter Banguet was held in the Hotel Terrace last Saturday evening, A toast tc the Mothers ws very nicely given by Cuide Joan Hopper to which Mrs. Hopper responded, Awards presented were: Mary Elizsbeth Pedder - 2nd year, Service Star and 2nd class Badge. Service Stars = Sandre Solly, Janet Wells, Donne Brearley, Joan Hopper, : Rosemary long, Helen Dennis, Susan MoCauslend, Sandre locking, Diane Fontaine, and Rhea LeClair, 15 YEARS AGO - JUNE 2, 1960 STORK CLUB; Born to Mr. and Mrs, S. Korchuk of Schreiber, o son on May 27th. Born to Mr. and Mrs, A. Huard of Schrei- 'ber, a daughter on May 29th. The wedding of Alise Grover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fe Grover of Séhreiber and Glenn Holmes, son of Mr. K.S. Holmes and the laste Mrs, Holmes, Schreiber, tock place in a quiet double-ring ceremony on Saturdsy, Msy 21st at 8:00 pems in the Terrace Bay Community Church with Reve A.F. lavender officiating. . Weekend Specials: Round Steak - Red & Blue label - : 794/1b. Imported Tomatoes 14 oz tube = 2/¢. Robin Hood Ceke Mixes - Banana, Cherry, Orengs - 20 oz. 3/$1.00. : Vinoent Kenney left Sunday evening for Monireal where | he will join the staff of the Dominion Rubber Cempeny in their | Development Department. Vincent has been visiting his par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Ray Kenney for the past threes weeks since completing his studies at Assumpiion University, Windsor, Omt. Doris Moussesu has been visiting for the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Mousseau. Doris will graduate next month from St. Joseph's Hospital, Port Arthur. 10 YEARS AGO - JUNE 3, 1965 last Sunday sew the termination of this year's first golf tournament, sponsored by Carlings. The winners were - Low Net - Dave Whalen, 2nd low net - Rev, Muldrew, 3rd low net - Don Hencher, low Gross - Frank Secheski, 2nd low gross - Len Swerhun, 3rd low gress - A, Berndtsson. The 1964-65 Bowling season had its finmle Seturdiy evening when 120 Terrace Bay bowlers snd guest attended the wind-up banquet and dance in the Moose Hall, In the ladies Five Pin League Evelyn Boutilier walked off with the entire list and continued her winning weys on into the Mixed five pin league to take the ladies hi-average, ladies hi-single - Pauline Moon, Men's hi-single - Ted Stachiw, Ladies hi-triple = Dot Coupal, MenSs hi-triple - Clarence Buck. In the ladies ten pin league - High average - Phil Kelty, Men's High Average - Tony Costa. Special award to Bonnie MoKay for the most - improved bowler in the ten pin leageue. ! continued Page Scececccescecce