PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 4, 1975 TERRACE BAY SOCIAL SPECTRUM A surprise bridal shower for Nancy Lapenskie was held at the home of Mrs. Luigina Costa. On arriving the bride~elect was presented with an orchid corsage and then seated in a gaily decorated chair with a spring bonnet theme that had ribbons trailing around to the floor. Diane Rennette sister of the bride-elect was co- hostess for the shower and assisted Nancy in opening the gifts. A guest book was circulated. A buffet style lunch with a wide variety of cold cuts and sand- wiches, dainty squares and fruit punch was s served at the close of the evening. Mary and Peter Vanderkam had three frignds of Carolyn's from Thunder Bay for the weeke Nf Carolyn met the three young people Andy Pritchard, Mary Pritchard and Margaret Temple when the Hosanna Singers of the Community Church, Terrace Bay went up for the Music Festival. The three visitors attended the Community Church service and afterwards renewed acquaintances with Mrs. McKague and other choir members. This turned info an impromptu sing song around the piano at the Church. Many of the congre- gation lingered on to listen to the selection of beau- tiful songs that the teenagers sang together. A wine and cheese bridal shower party was held at the home of Audrey Smith. It was a come and go party and over 40 people attended for Lorraine Pay- ette (nee Dobush). When Lorraine arrived she was presented with a corsage of pink carnations by Audrey . The room was decorated with a pink and white theme, with big paper bells hanging over a gaily decorated chair in which the bride was seated. Isle Smith and Liz Dobush assisted Lorraine in RED DOG INNS Terrace Bay ... 825-3286 Marathen .....- 229-1213 Red lake ...... 727-2858 Fort Frances .. 274-7721 Thunder Bay (Alpine) aie wiviece 577-6426 RESERVATION CENTRE (807) 577-6426 TELEX 073-4360 111 opening the gifts. Alyson Payette circulated the guest book. Co-hostesses for the shower were Mesdames Lorraine Desaulniers, May Caldwell and Betty Randa. MINI CONFERENCE : The Board of Governors of the McCausland Hos- pital hosted a "Mini Conference" on Saturday, May 31st at the Terrace Bay High School . Mr. Guy Robinson, Director of Personal and Industrial Relations of the McKellar Hospital, Thun- der Bay, was guest speaker. His theme, "Present Day Negotiations", stimulated a lively question and answer session. Out=of-town participants were = Mr. D. Hallett, Hospital Administrator from Manitouwadge; Bessie Newman, Hospital Administrator, Geraldton; Lesley Forsyth, Director of Nursing and Alex Daneff, Board: Member, Geraldton. Members present from the Board of Governors, McCausland Hospital were Rena McAdam, Chairman; Jan McEwan, Shirley Mikus, Dorothy Rummery, Margaret Puttock, Bill Houston, Bruce Tilkury, Shawn Kirkpatrick, Roland Wills, Bernie McCracken and Jerry Nagorski, McCausland Hospital Administrator. Plans are being made for another "Mini Conferer~=" in September or October. A Buffet Luncheon was served by the Ladies Aux= iliary of the McCausland Hospital. ~- Public Relations, McCausland Hospital Know how to care for your boat. Make sure the huil is sound and you have an anchor and a paddie on board at all times. Prenez soin de votre embarca- tion. Assurez-vous que la coque est solide et qu'il y a toujours une ancre et une pagaie a bord. Township of Schreiber OFFICE OF CLERK-TREASURER PUBLIC NOTICE Re: SIDEWALK RESTORATION Numerous instances of vandalism have occurred where sidewalks are being restored. Any person found damaging public property or committing acts of vandalism will be required to make restitution and will be dealt with under the law as set out in By-Law 328.