["19,71975 TERRACE BAY NEWS ON GOLF CLUB /5 GOLF VE SELECTED ertainly is ime of year nking of Golf, he I975 Golf would simply emind all hat a number Js have al- 1 held to for ans for the Son . 5 your execu- card of Dir- * the season: = Pat Spadoni eron Burgess = Jim Hara - Clarence Buck Chairman - - Jerry Dupas hairman - ent ~ Rolly Sinotte Chairman - lton man - Howard Solly ting is or March. ting, the g budget wn up, plans or the Golf arly June aintenance oe decided vill hope- 7e the lition of The execu- to provide ort in the News to abreast ities and the year twilights, esent time, are being vage 10... PAGE 9 How many energy leaks ~ arethere in your home? At one drop per second. a dripping hot water tap can waste about 175 gallons of hot water each month. The electricity required to heat that water would keep a 60-watt bulb burning continuously. Poor insulation...a faulty heating system. use of appliances. . all cause energy leaks in This canincrease the cost of running a home-- Canada's precious energy resources. It makes good sense to use electricity and all forms of energy wisely. And that includes stopping those energy leaks. inefficient the home. and waste your hydro