JULY 3I, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE IS SCHREIBER RECREATION NEWS TENNIS: Once again we're having problems with sup - ervision of the courts. Betty Ann is off on holidays soon and we need someone to hold the key. There is an honorarium involved. Anyone over fourteen who'd be interested please con- tact the Recreation Office. SWIMMING: The weather has been kind to the swimming programme so far. The instructors are pleased with the progress of their students. The Adult classes are doing especially well. WILDERNESS ADVENTURE : Lots of exciting expeditions have filled the days of the Wilderness Adventurers. In- struction days at White Sand Lake have been interspersed with trips to various local points of interest. The students also did a clean-up of Schreiker Beach and brought home a fantastic number of beautiful rocks along with the garbage. Please don't take anything out to the beach unless you are going to carry it back with you. Leave only footprints .... PLAYGROUND SPORTS PROGRAMME-OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH : Lots of participation in this programme. The activities are varied according to the num -ber of students in the class. The morning group goes to the beach twice a week because it is a small group. Games, art and crafts, story-telling, films and free play make up the programme. Since the participants are only aged 5-9, few organized sports are taught. The Staff are looking forward to working with older kids in August. Soccer, basketball lacrosse, volleyball, Arts and Crafts and out- door activities will all be included. SUMMER '74 MUSIC: The programme is underway with lots of people participating. So many in fact, that the classes have had to be divided. The majority of the participants are learn- ing guitar. Murray is off on holidays for a few days but those who have registered "will be phoned before the next lesson. WOMEN'S FITNESS: Instructors Deb Smith, Janet Lengyel, Pam Winters and Judy Lengyel are still having trouble filling the programme. Aren't any women in Schreiber interested in getting fit? They've shifted the emphasis to volleyball on Monday and Thursday nights, Yoga on Tuesday and Friday and badminton on Wednesday evening. They have another project as well. They have formulated a questionnaire which they will be bringing around to all the women in Schreiber. Please welcome them and answer their questions. The information they get from the women of Schreiber will be important in planning future programmes. RUG HOOKING: Arrangements are being made at the moment between Confederation College and Mary-Fay Green to offer a rug-hooking course in Schreiber this winter. There will be classes for beginners as well as for those who have already received some .instruction from Mrs. Green. Classes will begin in September. Anyone who is interested in learning this craft are asked to contact the Recreation Office 824- 2325 and register. NORTH SHORE YOUTH SUMMER CAMP: Thanks to a Youth-in-Action grant and a contribution from the Schreiber, Terrace Bay, Marathon and Manitouwadge Recreation Committ- ees there will be a Youth Summer Camp begin- ning August 2nd. The camp is for boys aged IO to I4. It is located at Canoe Lake, nine miles east of Terrace Bay. There will be two senior studen- ts as counsellors. Each camp session of five days duration will have ten young campers in attendance. We plan to offer instruction in the use of camp equipment, back packing, preparation of meals on the trail, emergency First Aid, iden --tification of edible wild plants and their preparation as emergency food. Proper use of canoes and water safety will be emphasized before the two day canoe trip which winds up the week's events. Map reading and compass work will give the boys a greater feeling of security for outdoor living. 'The campers will bring with them personal belongings, a sleeping bag, any fishing equip- ment and cameras that they wish to use. Transportation to and from the camp will be the responsibility of the campers. The first camp is Aug. 5-9; the second Aug. I2-16; the third Aug. I9-23. If you are interested in attending the camp, registration froms are available at the Recreation Office 824-2325. WHITE SAND BEACH: Schreiber Recreation Committee was able this summer to find a little money to pay the swim staff to supervise the beach at White sand. We hope that this will make the beach safer and more enjoyable for everyone. continued page I7